

巴黎凱旋門大變身 (Photo by Courtesy of Getty Images)

巴黎凱旋門大變身 (Photo by Courtesy of Getty Images)


以布包裹的巴黎凱旋門 (Photo Courtesy of Getty Images)

以布包裹的巴黎凱旋門 (Photo Courtesy of Getty Images)


凱旋門是巴黎地標,穿梭於這個城巿當中經常是擦身而過。(Photo Courtesy of Getty Images)

凱旋門是巴黎地標,穿梭於這個城巿當中經常是擦身而過。(Photo Courtesy of Getty Images)




Christo在1935年生於保加利亞,以將公共建築包裹的藝術而聞名,1960年代,他來到巴黎,並在拿破崙建造的凱旋門附近居住,之後一直想將這個法國最具代表性地標之一包裹。他生前的作品有紐約Central Park的 “The Gate”和將德國國會大廈包裹。不過,去年5月離世的他,留下了包裹凱旋門的設計草圖,卻未能圓夢。

Christo 和Jeanne Claude 的作品"The Gates" ,當年在紐約Central Park 開幕(Photo courtesy of WireImage)

Christo 和Jeanne Claude 的作品"The Gates" ,當年在紐約Central Park 開幕(Photo courtesy of WireImage)

Christo 於1976的作品 (Photo courtesy of Getty Images)

Christo 於1976的作品 (Photo courtesy of Getty Images)

今次包裹凱旋門的計劃則由Christo的妻子Jeanne-Claude和其侄子Vladimir Javacheff一手策劃,並得到Pompidou Center(龐畢度中心)和法國政府的支持下完成,成全了Christo 的遺願。


PARIS, FRANCE - SEPTEMBER 07: General view of the interior arches wrapped during the assembly of the 'Arc de Triomphe' wrapping as part of an art installation by artist Christo on September 7, 2021 in Paris, France. The monumental installation will wrap the landmark Parisian monument under a 25,000 square meters silver and blue fabric. "L' Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped" project by late artist Christo and Jeanne-Claude will be on view from September 18 to October 03, 2021. Bulgarian-born US artist Christo died in May 2020. (Photo by Chesnot/Getty Images)

PARIS, FRANCE - SEPTEMBER 07: General view of the interior arches wrapped during the assembly of the 'Arc de Triomphe' wrapping as part of an art installation by artist Christo on September 7, 2021 in Paris, France. The monumental installation will wrap the landmark Parisian monument under a 25,000 square meters silver and blue fabric. "L' Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped" project by late artist Christo and Jeanne-Claude will be on view from September 18 to October 03, 2021. Bulgarian-born US artist Christo died in May 2020. (Photo by Chesnot/Getty Images)



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