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穿花蝴蝶。 #FOLLOWmi #感激Tomas

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去年,鄭秀文舉行了一連13場的 #FOLLOWMi 世界巡迴演唱會造型,至今仍然教人回味。演唱會前前後後的一片混沌沒有影響她的表現,反之,她在台上更發光發亮以回報進場支持她的觀眾。她的確是本港傳奇,由患上情緒病,到了信教後復出,並長期活躍於樂壇與時裝界。演藝和歌舞了得,因為她有先天的幸運,也有後天的努力。但談到時裝功力,卻是性格與天份使然。今時今日,她有大量品牌支持的資源,但依然拒當品牌衣架穿上當季服飾就了事。這份態度也是讓她更為時尚的原因——與別不同和脫俗,當今世下有誰能做到?


鄭秀文的風格是一種值得研究的議題。這套不對稱的服飾配上不對稱的Giuseppe Zanotti鞋履,若然不是她穿上,而是放入櫥窗,應該會相當過氣。但是她把這套服飾穿得相當幽默且有氣勢。這種魔法,便是明星魅力。

這套wide-shoulder珍珠服裝因嘉賓環節成為了曝光率最高的服飾,出自演唱會服裝之父Thomas Chan,配上熱褲,比例極佳,最喜歡是她配上了dreadlocks髮型。


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把 Heavy metal 帶上紅館。???????? #鐵樹蘭的Sunny也就是suppermomemt的Sunny #poweroflove

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鄭秀文或許是香港最能穿上Versace的女星。為甚麼?因為Versace難穿啊!貼身而且圖騰不謙虛;幸好Sammi Cheng配上了baby bangs讓造型更年輕。

HONG KONG, CHINA - JULY 27: Singer Sammi Cheng performs on the stage during her concert FOLLOWMi world tour at Hong Kong Coliseum on July 27, 2019 in Hong Kong, China. (Photo by Visual China Group via Getty Images/Visual China Group via Getty Images)

HONG KONG, CHINA - JULY 27: Singer Sammi Cheng performs on the stage during her concert FOLLOWMi world tour at Hong Kong Coliseum on July 27, 2019 in Hong Kong, China. (Photo by Visual China Group via Getty Images/Visual China Group via Getty Images)


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眼涙妝。 Zing的設計。 ? #tears #makeup

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HONG KONG, CHINA - JULY 27: Singer Sammi Cheng (L) and rapper Jackson Wang perform on the stage during Sammi Cheng's concert FOLLOWMi world tour at Hong Kong Coliseum on July 27, 2019 in Hong Kong, China. (Photo by Visual China Group via Getty Images/Visual China Group via Getty Images)

HONG KONG, CHINA - JULY 27: Singer Sammi Cheng (L) and rapper Jackson Wang perform on the stage during Sammi Cheng's concert FOLLOWMi world tour at Hong Kong Coliseum on July 27, 2019 in Hong Kong, China. (Photo by Visual China Group via Getty Images/Visual China Group via Getty Images)


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每個人的生命,都彷佛從一張白紙開始………. #FOLLOWmi #透過各種經歷把白紙填満生命色彩

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HONG KONG, CHINA - JULY 27: Singer Sammi Cheng performs on the stage during her concert FOLLOWMi world tour at Hong Kong Coliseum on July 27, 2019 in Hong Kong, China. (Photo by Visual China Group via Getty Images/Visual China Group via Getty Images)

HONG KONG, CHINA - JULY 27: Singer Sammi Cheng performs on the stage during her concert FOLLOWMi world tour at Hong Kong Coliseum on July 27, 2019 in Hong Kong, China. (Photo by Visual China Group via Getty Images/Visual China Group via Getty Images)

HONG KONG, CHINA - JULY 27: Singer Sammi Cheng performs on the stage during her concert FOLLOWMi world tour at Hong Kong Coliseum on July 27, 2019 in Hong Kong, China. (Photo by Visual China Group via Getty Images/Visual China Group via Getty Images)

HONG KONG, CHINA - JULY 27: Singer Sammi Cheng performs on the stage during her concert FOLLOWMi world tour at Hong Kong Coliseum on July 27, 2019 in Hong Kong, China. (Photo by Visual China Group via Getty Images/Visual China Group via Getty Images)