是次名為「Cyberwhistle」的哨子,售價為 $50 美金,而這款外型特殊的哨子更是以即將推出的 Tesla Cybertruck 車款外型為靈感設計,材質以不銹鋼打造。

13 August 2021, Brandenburg, Grünheide: Elon Musk, Tesla CEO, stands in the foundry of the Tesla Gigafactory during a press event. The first vehicles are scheduled to roll off the production line in Grünheide near Berlin from the end of 2021. The US company plans to build around 500,000 units of the compact Model 3 and Model Y series here each year. Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa-Zentralbild/ZB (Photo by Patrick Pleul/picture alliance via Getty Images)

13 August 2021, Brandenburg, Grünheide: Elon Musk, Tesla CEO, stands in the foundry of the Tesla Gigafactory during a press event. The first vehicles are scheduled to roll off the production line in Grünheide near Berlin from the end of 2021. The US company plans to build around 500,000 units of the compact Model 3 and Model Y series here each year. Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa-Zentralbild/ZB (Photo by Patrick Pleul/picture alliance via Getty Images)

Photo courtesy of Tesla

Photo courtesy of Tesla

而 Elon Musk 則在 Twitter 上號召粉絲在 Tesla 車內吹這個哨子,並回應了向 Apple 日前推出的「擦拭布」產品,直言:「不要買愚蠢的蘋果布」,呼籲人們不要浪費金錢購買擦拭布,改買 Cyberwhistle。果然不出所料,產品火速售罄,也可見這位首富的號召力及魅力。