It started with a message on Instagram back in May 2021. I was in the midst of my level 4 hypnotherapy course when I first heard about a new mental health concept, called mindish. They were looking for therapists to join the platform. I wasn’t qualified, but it certainly piqued my curiosity. I told them to get back to me when they launch. 

During this time, I had already begun my journey into mental health. I was in between careers and unsure of what I was looking for, or what my passion even was. I signed up for all sorts of courses and am now Level 2 Reiki certified, a Neuro Linguistic Programming Certified Practitioner and have also added 100 more hours to my YTT (Yoga Teacher Training), bringing it up to 300 hours. But I was still looking for answers and searching for my life’s purpose. A hypnotherapy session exploring past lives made me realise that I wanted to make it my life’s mission to help people – although I wasn’t sure if that necessarily meant becoming an actual therapist.

I was pretty active on social media last year, sharing my learnings from my course throughout. Many reached out to me with questions about the course – some even asked me to hypnotise them.  People seemed to be more forthcoming about their struggles because the truth is, everyone is going through something, especially with what’s going on in the world these days. Anxiety is one of the more prevalent symptoms that people have started experiencing more frequently.

Antonia Da Cruz at mindish

Antonia Da Cruz at mindish

It wasn’t until early August when, by pure coincidence, mindish came up in a conversation, and that they were hiring. So I messaged the Founder Hasanal Lythgoe-Zafrullah directly, and went for an interview. I immediately fell in love with the concept. I completely resonated with what they were doing and I knew I wanted to be a part of it.

Simply put, I would have benefitted from mindish two years ago had it been around. It would have made my life so much easier. I shopped around for a therapist (this is the first problem – because the onus is on the consumer to identify what they need and then find the right service), for someone to talk to, for someone who “got me” but instead I got therapists who never followed up after sessions and a career coach who told me, verbatim, that he couldn’t help me because I was looking for temporary stop gap solutions in my life, to make income; whilst I avoid the real issues in my life and to go and heal my traumas first. Case in point.

Finding the right therapist is like trying on a shoe that fits. That’s what mindish does, by providing you with a Personal Growth Manager (PGM), a highly qualified mental health trained expert, who will have an initial consultation with you and assess which therapist or coach would be the best fit, based off your personality and other essential criteria. Your PGM is like your new best friend. They’re someone who checks in with you every week to see how you’re doing, but also someone who will map out goals and an action plan of growth with you. We’re big on outcomes at mindish, and we want to help you get the results you want! On top of your hours of therapy & coaching, a membership at mindish also gives access to unlimited daily meditation practices and intimate events including bookclub, storytelling sessions, workshops and classes – all of which aid healing and growth. So you can look at us sort of like a personal trainer and gym for your mind. 

One of the meditation practices available at mindish, involving sound bowls, gongs and tuning forks
A resting area at mindish
Entrance to the grounding room at mindish
A resting area at mindish
A consultation room at mindish
One of the meditation practices available at mindish, involving sound bowls, gongs and tuning forks
A resting area at mindish
Entrance to the grounding room at mindish
A resting area at mindish
A consultation room at mindish
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Everyone is so focused on physical health but less emphasis is placed on mental health. Why is that? Mental health is also health. How do you have one without the other? And if you can sustain an optimum level of happiness and growth over the long run, why wouldn’t you?

If you’re looking to begin work on yourself, then I highly recommend trying therapy. Let’s all be the best versions of ourselves that we can be. It would certainly make the world a better place.