為了繼續履行Gucci對維持、保護和促進文化和藝術遺產的承諾,創意總監Alessandro Michele 選擇了意大利普利亞地區的Castel del Monte 城堡作為時裝展舞台,同時支援這座歷史悠久的遺址建築物進行改進項目。

這座Castel del Monte 城堡以其獨特的幾何設計聞名於世,自1996年起納入世界遺產名錄,由意大利文化部轄下掌管普利亞博物館群的區域部門管理。創作天才Frederick II of Hohenstaufen,亦是西西里、德國、意大利的國王,曾在1220年起成為神聖羅馬帝國皇帝,1225年起成為耶路撒冷國王,更是科學和藝術的推重者,因此在1240年左右下令興建Castel Del Monte城堡。城堡矗立在安德里亞 (Andria) 海拔540米的山丘上,如此歎為觀止之境與Alessandro Michele 對歷史名勝的迷戀一拍即合,畢竟在獨特的幾何建築設計下,糅合北歐、伊斯蘭和古典主義的建築元素,象徵地中海不同民族、文化、文明和宗教的交匯點。

Italy. Apulia. Andria. Castel del Monte. (Photo by: Valletta Vittorio/AGF/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Italy. Apulia. Andria. Castel del Monte indoor. (Photo by: Valletta Vittorio/AGF/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
BARI, ITALY - JANUARY 22: An aerial view of Castel del Monte on January 22, 2021 in Bari, Italy.The castle was built directly on a rocky bank, in some places cropping out, and is well known for its octagonal shape. Eight octagonal towers are inserted on each of the eight corners. The wall curtains, built in the local calcareous stone, are marked by a string-course moulding. Eight windows with one light open on the lower floor, seven mullioned windows and only one three mullioned window, facing the city of Andria, on the upper one. The octagonal shaped, courtyard is characterized, as the whole building, by the chromatic contrast between the colours of the utilized materials: coral crushed stone, limestone and marbles. The slab representing a parade of knights and a fragment of an anthropomorphous figure are the only remains of the sculptures once making a fine show there. (Photo by Donato Fasano/Getty Images)
Castel del Monte. Puglia. Italy. Europe. (Photo by: Giulio Andreini/UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
BARI, ITALY - JANUARY 22: An aerial view of Castel del Monte on January 22, 2021 in Bari, Italy.The castle was built directly on a rocky bank, in some places cropping out, and is well known for its octagonal shape. Eight octagonal towers are inserted on each of the eight corners. The wall curtains, built in the local calcareous stone, are marked by a string-course moulding. Eight windows with one light open on the lower floor, seven mullioned windows and only one three mullioned window, facing the city of Andria, on the upper one. The octagonal shaped, courtyard is characterized, as the whole building, by the chromatic contrast between the colours of the utilized materials: coral crushed stone, limestone and marbles. The slab representing a parade of knights and a fragment of an anthropomorphous figure are the only remains of the sculptures once making a fine show there. (Photo by Donato Fasano/Getty Images)
Italy. Apulia. Andria. Castel del Monte. (Photo by: Valletta Vittorio/AGF/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Italy. Apulia. Andria. Castel del Monte indoor. (Photo by: Valletta Vittorio/AGF/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
BARI, ITALY - JANUARY 22: An aerial view of Castel del Monte on January 22, 2021 in Bari, Italy.The castle was built directly on a rocky bank, in some places cropping out, and is well known for its octagonal shape. Eight octagonal towers are inserted on each of the eight corners. The wall curtains, built in the local calcareous stone, are marked by a string-course moulding. Eight windows with one light open on the lower floor, seven mullioned windows and only one three mullioned window, facing the city of Andria, on the upper one. The octagonal shaped, courtyard is characterized, as the whole building, by the chromatic contrast between the colours of the utilized materials: coral crushed stone, limestone and marbles. The slab representing a parade of knights and a fragment of an anthropomorphous figure are the only remains of the sculptures once making a fine show there. (Photo by Donato Fasano/Getty Images)
Castel del Monte. Puglia. Italy. Europe. (Photo by: Giulio Andreini/UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
BARI, ITALY - JANUARY 22: An aerial view of Castel del Monte on January 22, 2021 in Bari, Italy.The castle was built directly on a rocky bank, in some places cropping out, and is well known for its octagonal shape. Eight octagonal towers are inserted on each of the eight corners. The wall curtains, built in the local calcareous stone, are marked by a string-course moulding. Eight windows with one light open on the lower floor, seven mullioned windows and only one three mullioned window, facing the city of Andria, on the upper one. The octagonal shaped, courtyard is characterized, as the whole building, by the chromatic contrast between the colours of the utilized materials: coral crushed stone, limestone and marbles. The slab representing a parade of knights and a fragment of an anthropomorphous figure are the only remains of the sculptures once making a fine show there. (Photo by Donato Fasano/Getty Images)
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過去數個時裝系列完全放棄傳統的時裝周、季節性系列,反而如2020年7月發布的Epilogue;11月展示了 “Ouverture of Something That Never Ended “男女裝系列,並邀請了導演Gus Van Sant合作開發了一部迷你劇。去年4月,Alessandro Michele 舉辦了”Aria“慶祝品牌的百年慶典,同時更推出空前絕後與 Balenciaga聯乘的黑客項目。隨後,11月在洛杉磯舉行了Love Parade系列,向荷里活和電影世界致敬。

Alessandro Michele 在大流行之前,已經為Gucci當時度假系列選址獨特的地點,例如1981年被列為聯合國教科文組織世界遺產的Alyscamps羅馬墓園 Arles,作為2019年度假系列舞台。除此之外,Gucci 天橋也曾在紐約Dia Art Foundation、倫敦的 Westminster Abbey 教堂迴廊、佛羅倫薩的 Palazzo Pitti’s Palatina Gallery 和羅馬的 Capitoline Museums。不知道今季還會看到跨界聯乘設計嗎?

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