(Original Caption) Lady Diana As A Toddler. Photo shows: Diana with toy pram. (Photo by © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)

(Original Caption) Lady Diana As A Toddler. Photo shows: Diana with toy pram. (Photo by © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)

Lady Diana 幼兒時代:Diana Frances Spencer是 John Spencer、 Viscount Althorp伉儷最年幼的女兒

Lady Diana Spencer (1961 - 1997) later the wife of Prince Charles, 1969. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)

Lady Diana Spencer (1961 - 1997) later the wife of Prince Charles, 1969. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)

1971: Lady Diana Spencer (1961 - 1997), later the wife of Prince Charles, during a summer holiday in Itchenor, West Sussex. (Photo by Central Press/Getty Images)

1971: Lady Diana Spencer (1961 - 1997), later the wife of Prince Charles, during a summer holiday in Itchenor, West Sussex. (Photo by Central Press/Getty Images)

1967年,Diana 父母婚姻因她母親不忠而離婚,Diana 及她的姊弟的撫養權歸她父親所有。後來, John Spencer 把戴安娜的姐姐們送到寄宿學校,並聘請保母來照顧Diana及她弟弟。自此以後,長女為母的 Diana 照顧弟弟。

Family album picture of Lady Diana Spencer with Souffle, a Shetland pony, at her mother's home in Scotland during the summer of 1974. (Photo by PA Images via Getty Images)

Family album picture of Lady Diana Spencer with Souffle, a Shetland pony, at her mother's home in Scotland during the summer of 1974. (Photo by PA Images via Getty Images)

Diana 9歲時在不情願的情況下被送到私立女校 Riddlesworth Hall。但她很快便適應學校的生活並在廣結良朋。雖在校內受歡迎,但Diana 的成績並不突出。那時Diana 夢想成為一位舞蹈家,但由此1.79米的身高太高不利她成為一位舞蹈家,可是高瘦的身形卻令她可以演繹時裝,成為全球時尚icon。

(Original Caption) London: When Lady Diana walks through fashionable Kensington, neighborhood kids skip after her chanting: "Prince Charles' girlfriend".

(Original Caption) London: When Lady Diana walks through fashionable Kensington, neighborhood kids skip after her chanting: "Prince Charles' girlfriend".

The Prince and Princess of Wales return to Buckingham Palace by carriage after their wedding, 29th July 1981. She wears a wedding dress by David and Elizabeth Emmanuel and the Spencer family tiara. (Photo by Princess Diana Archive/Getty Images)

The Prince and Princess of Wales return to Buckingham Palace by carriage after their wedding, 29th July 1981. She wears a wedding dress by David and Elizabeth Emmanuel and the Spencer family tiara. (Photo by Princess Diana Archive/Getty Images)

1977年,Diana 和王儲 Charles 於一個派對中認識,之前王子曾與 Diana 的姐姐Elizabeth 交往過。但 Charles 見過 Diana 後似乎更鍾情於妹妹。1980年8月,經過數次約會和在郊區度假一星期後,王子向Diana求婚,令對方成為全世界最多人羨慕的女子。1981年2月24日,白金漢宮宣佈Diana女爵將會嫁給王儲 Charles,並於聖保羅座堂舉行大婚,David and Elizabeth Emanuel為她設計她婚紗,成為世紀焦點。

Princess Diana and Prince Charles dance at a formal event. (Photo by © Pool Photograph/Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images)

Princess Diana and Prince Charles dance at a formal event. (Photo by © Pool Photograph/Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images)

WINDSOR, UNITED KINGDOM - JUNE 06: Princess Diana At Polo, Just Two Weeks Before The Birth Of Her First Child, Prince William. Wearing A Maternity Dress Designed By Fashion Designer Catherine Walker She Is Walking With Sarah Ferguson. (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)

WINDSOR, UNITED KINGDOM - JUNE 06: Princess Diana At Polo, Just Two Weeks Before The Birth Of Her First Child, Prince William. Wearing A Maternity Dress Designed By Fashion Designer Catherine Walker She Is Walking With Sarah Ferguson. (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)

LONDON - JUNE 22: New born Prince William with Diana, Princess of Wales and Prince Charles leave St. Mary's hospital on June 22, 1982 in Paddington, London, England,. He was born in the Lindo Wing of the hospital on June 21. (Photo by David Levenson/Getty Images)

LONDON - JUNE 22: New born Prince William with Diana, Princess of Wales and Prince Charles leave St. Mary's hospital on June 22, 1982 in Paddington, London, England,. He was born in the Lindo Wing of the hospital on June 21. (Photo by David Levenson/Getty Images)

1982年6月21日,Diana 於晚上21時03分在倫敦聖瑪麗醫院生下王子 William。1984年9月15日,她在倫敦聖瑪麗醫院生下第二個孩子王子 Harry。在人前,Diana雖然表現幸福,但其實已經患上產後抑鬱,更曾4次自殺未遂,原因是Camilla已介入她的婚姻。

LONDON - MAY 7: (FILE PHOTO) Princess Diana, Princess of Wales with her sons Prince William and Prince Harry attend the Heads of State VE Remembrance Service in Hyde Park on May 7, 1995 in London, England. (Photo by Anwar Hussein/Getty Images)

LONDON - MAY 7: (FILE PHOTO) Princess Diana, Princess of Wales with her sons Prince William and Prince Harry attend the Heads of State VE Remembrance Service in Hyde Park on May 7, 1995 in London, England. (Photo by Anwar Hussein/Getty Images)

SOUTH KOREA - NOVEMBER 03: Prince Charles And Princess Diana On Their Last Official Trip Together - A Visit To The Republic Of Korea (south Korea).they Are Attending A Presidential Banquet At The Blue House In Seoul (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)

SOUTH KOREA - NOVEMBER 03: Prince Charles And Princess Diana On Their Last Official Trip Together - A Visit To The Republic Of Korea (south Korea).they Are Attending A Presidential Banquet At The Blue House In Seoul (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)

儘管 Diana與王儲Charles 早已貌合神離,但她仍然義無反顧地愛着他。 她去世一年多前,1996年7月13日Diana和Charles的離婚協議刊登在在多份報紙頭版,令人惋惜,除了英國還包括當時的殖民地香港。

WASHINGTON, DC - SEPTEMBER 24: Princess Diana of Wales (L), Washington Post owner Katheryn Graham, Vogue Magazine editor Anna Wintour, designer Ralph Lauren, and Georgetown University President Leo J. O'Donovan (R) work the receiving line during a multi-million dollar fundraising event for the Nina Hyde Center for Breast Cancer Research late 24 September in Washington, DC. The benefit is named after Hyde who was the Washington Post's fashion editor who died of breast cancer. (Photo credit should read POOL/AFP/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC - SEPTEMBER 24: Princess Diana of Wales (L), Washington Post owner Katheryn Graham, Vogue Magazine editor Anna Wintour, designer Ralph Lauren, and Georgetown University President Leo J. O'Donovan (R) work the receiving line during a multi-million dollar fundraising event for the Nina Hyde Center for Breast Cancer Research late 24 September in Washington, DC. The benefit is named after Hyde who was the Washington Post's fashion editor who died of breast cancer. (Photo credit should read POOL/AFP/Getty Images)

真正令Diana 王妃成為世界級icon的,除了她的皇室生活之外,更重要是她有無私大愛,曾多次造訪非洲安哥拉、波士尼亞等戰亂地區,不顧危險走進地雷區探訪,探望了因誤中地雷而受傷的人民。在世人對愛滋病還抱有不少誤解歧視之時,Diana在美國抱起一位患有愛滋病的小童,盡現她的慈善心腸,喚起大眾對受苦難民的關懷。即便在離婚後,Diana售出79件禮服,籌得共325萬美元善款。

LUANDA, ANGOLA - JANUARY 14: Diana, Princess Of Wales, With Children Injured By Mines At Neves Bendinha Orthopaedic Workshop In Luanda, Angola. (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)

LUANDA, ANGOLA - JANUARY 14: Diana, Princess Of Wales, With Children Injured By Mines At Neves Bendinha Orthopaedic Workshop In Luanda, Angola. (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)

ANGOLA - JANUARY 05: Diana, Princess of Wales wearing protective body armour and a visor visits a landmine minefield being cleared by the charity Halo in Huambo, Angola (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)

ANGOLA - JANUARY 05: Diana, Princess of Wales wearing protective body armour and a visor visits a landmine minefield being cleared by the charity Halo in Huambo, Angola (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)

1996年8月28日 Charles和Diana正式離婚,Diana 王妃獲准保留 Princess of Wales 頭銜,但移除殿下的尊稱。1997年,戴安娜王妃與埃及富家子、Harrod’s 百貨公司太子爺 Dodi Fayed 在紐約度假時認識,二人關係因英國狗仔隊偷拍而曝光。Fayed 贈送豪華遊艇予Diana和William 、Harry 兩位王子。但對於英皇室而言,這樣反叛的行為就令英女王十分頭痛。

FRANCE - UNDATED: Princess Diana, Princess of Wales poses in a bikini whilst on holiday in the South of France. (Photo by Anwar Hussein/WireImage)

FRANCE - UNDATED: Princess Diana, Princess of Wales poses in a bikini whilst on holiday in the South of France. (Photo by Anwar Hussein/WireImage)

Diana, Princess of Wales and Dodi Fayed (both partially visible in back seat), bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones (front, left) and driver Henri Paul, in their Mercedes-Benz S280, shortly before the fatal crash which killed Diana, Fayed and Paul, Paris, 31st August 1997. Jacques Langevin's photo was presented as part of the evidence at the Scott Baker Inquest into the crash, in which the jury found that Diana and Dodi had been unlawfully killed because of the reckless driving of Henri Paul and the pursuing paparazzi. (Photo by Jacques Langevin/scottbaker-inquests.gov.uk via Getty Images)

Diana, Princess of Wales and Dodi Fayed (both partially visible in back seat), bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones (front, left) and driver Henri Paul, in their Mercedes-Benz S280, shortly before the fatal crash which killed Diana, Fayed and Paul, Paris, 31st August 1997. Jacques Langevin's photo was presented as part of the evidence at the Scott Baker Inquest into the crash, in which the jury found that Diana and Dodi had been unlawfully killed because of the reckless driving of Henri Paul and the pursuing paparazzi. (Photo by Jacques Langevin/scottbaker-inquests.gov.uk via Getty Images)

1997年8月30日晚上,Diana和Dodi Fayed 在巴黎阿爾瑪橋隧道中遇上狗仔隊追蹤,失控越過行車線撞向燈柱和石牆後爆炸,兩人在車禍中死亡,震驚全球。調查報告指車禍是原因是肇事司機酒後駕駛引致, Fayed 的父親指稱車禍是一場由是英國軍情六處受到伊利沙伯二世女皇和菲臘親王而製造的政治陰謀,謀殺Diana和Dodi 。


The funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales at Westminster Abbey, London. 6th September 1997. (Photo by Mike Maloney/Mirrorpix/Getty Images)

The funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales at Westminster Abbey, London. 6th September 1997. (Photo by Mike Maloney/Mirrorpix/Getty Images)