今次Grand Prize 以及 Public Prize 的得主為來自芬蘭的新銳設計師 Jenny Hytönen,其名為Untitled的中性風格系列融合了兩種極致:一方面是針織連身裙、手工刺繡水晶的極度精緻,另一方面是利用回收材料製成的BDSM/80年代風格服裝,鑲有大量螺絲、螺母以及螺栓。這位25歲的設計師之後告訴VOGUE,她用了足足兩週、每天12小時的時間手工製作這條水晶刺繡裙子。「我坐在我的編織機前,有時是看著 the Kardashians,有時會出去遛狗。」她亦為法裔比利時設計師Olivier Theyskens製作針織品,今次也是直接從巴黎來到Hyères,「對於一個內向的人來說,我還需要時間接受這些。但是我一直都想看看自己可以走到哪裡。」

今次她不僅會獲得Première Vision和Chanel提供的20,000歐元資助,更將有機會使用高質量的天然材料製作膠囊系列,由具有環保意識的奢侈成衣品牌ICICLE提供,以及為Galeries Lafayette百貨公司製作膠囊系列。

A look from Jenny Hytönen.
Photo; Arnel Ian Dela Gente / Courtesy of the Hyères International Festival for Fashion Photography and Accessories
A look from Jenny Hytönen.
Photo; Arnel Ian Dela Gente / Courtesy of the Hyères International Festival for Fashion Photography and Accessories
A look from Jenny Hytönen.
Photo; Arnel Ian Dela Gente / Courtesy of the Hyères International Festival for Fashion Photography and Accessories
A look from Jenny Hytönen.
Photo; Arnel Ian Dela Gente / Courtesy of the Hyères International Festival for Fashion Photography and Accessories
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今次獲得19M Métiers d’Art Prize的則是來自德國的Valentin Lessner,其系列「Resurrection」重新定義了傳統。設計師借鑑自己祖輩的縫紉智慧,採用來自70年代的面料,比如舊汽車篷布或用Ateliers Montex提供的類似雪人的馬海毛裝飾古董褲,從而獲得了19M Métiers d’Art Prize 和Mercedes-Benz Eco-Reponsible 獎項。


A look from Valentin Lessner.
Photo: Arnel Ian Dela Gente / Courtesy of the Hyères International Festival for Fashion Photography and Accessories
A look from Valentin Lessner.
Photo: Arnel Ian Dela Gente / Courtesy of the Hyères International Festival for Fashion Photography and Accessories
A look from Valentin Lessner.
Photo: Arnel Ian Dela Gente / Courtesy of the Hyères International Festival for Fashion Photography and Accessories
A look from Valentin Lessner.
Photo: Arnel Ian Dela Gente / Courtesy of the Hyères International Festival for Fashion Photography and Accessories
A look from Valentin Lessner.
Photo: Arnel Ian Dela Gente / Courtesy of the Hyères International Festival for Fashion Photography and Accessories
A look from Valentin Lessner.
Photo: Arnel Ian Dela Gente / Courtesy of the Hyères International Festival for Fashion Photography and Accessories
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為支持循環性,藝術節全新揭示一項由L’Atelier des Matières贊助的10,000歐元資助,L’Atelier des Matières為Chanel的衛星,專門收集和重新評估未使用或未售出的材料和服裝,並為它們提供新的生命。

芬蘭設計師Sini Saavala將如此理念踐行於自己名為「Unwearable」的系列當中。系列採用90%的回收材料,如帶有汗水的棉質貼身衣和帶有時代痕蹟的復古內衣,「從無法穿戴的東西中創造出強大的東西」,如此理念幫助她首次將L’Atelier des Matières獎收入囊中。

A look from Sini Saavala.
Photo: Arnel Ian Dela Gente / Courtesy of the Hyères International Festival for Fashion Photography and Accessories

A look from Sini Saavala.

Photo: Arnel Ian Dela Gente / Courtesy of the Hyères International Festival for Fashion Photography and Accessories