Emma Stone自從與丈夫Dave McCary誕下女兒後一直保持低調,但近日這對夫婦以完美別緻的極簡主義造型現身一個籃球比賽約會之夜,Emma向我們展示更多她的風格。

Dave McCary, Emma Stone, and Michael B. Jordan attend the Lakers-Knicks game at Madison Square Garden on January 31, 2023. Elsa/Getty Images

Dave McCary, Emma Stone, and Michael B. Jordan attend the Lakers-Knicks game at Madison Square Garden on January 31, 2023. Elsa/Getty Images

在最近紐約人和洛杉磯湖人隊的籃球比賽中,這位奧斯卡得主和她的導演丈夫穿著低調的中性風格服裝坐在場邊。 (場邊的前排觀眾席向來是製造熱話的地方,例如第二天比賽有Pete Davidson與Jon Stewart和Hasan Minhaj;前一天Selena Gomez和Michael B. Jordan也在巴克萊球場觀眾席,這次MBJ還和Emma坐在一起!) McCary 用灰色毛衣搭配黑色褲子和運動鞋,而Emma Stone穿上休閒褲和瑪麗珍平底鞋,用一件簡潔俐落的白色牛仔外套配搭一件黑色透視緊身衣,並以金色首飾作點綴,完成這個帶女性氣質的中性風格造型。如果你去過布魯克林,就會知道這其實是那些超級成功人士的製服:基本款,但要花上一千美元。

Nathaniel S. Butler/Getty Images

Nathaniel S. Butler/Getty Images


Emma Stone in SoHo on January 12, 2023. Raymond Hall

Emma Stone in SoHo on January 12, 2023. Raymond Hall

而此前,Emma Stone在10月份Louis Vuitton時裝騷上與Alicia Vikander打造出合襯造型,非常亮眼。

Alicia Vikander, Nicolas Ghesquière, and Emma Stone attend the Academy Museum Gala at Academy Museum of Motion Pictures on October 15, 2022, in Los Angeles. Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

Alicia Vikander, Nicolas Ghesquière, and Emma Stone attend the Academy Museum Gala at Academy Museum of Motion Pictures on October 15, 2022, in Los Angeles. Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

去年夏天,Emma Stone與好友Jennifer Lawrence共進晚餐時同樣穿著低調,兩個人在紐約市吃了一些四川菜,當天Emma Stone穿著全黑的衣服,戴著項鍊。讓人不禁好奇她平常會在哪裡購物?Everlane? Rachel Comey?還是The Row,不是嗎?
