昨晚英國國王查爾斯三世在白金漢宮舉辦國宴,歡迎遠道而來的南韓總統尹錫悅夫妻。除了身着優雅造型登場的Blackpink四名成員,身為東道主之一的Kate Middleton亦以一身星光熠熠的行頭亮相,並配戴着一件極為罕見而珍貴的珠寶——Strathmore玫瑰皇冠。

Strathmore玫瑰皇冠是伊利沙伯皇太后的父親Lord Strathmore在她嫁給約克公爵之前贈予她的結婚禮物。這頂鑽石皇冠是以野玫瑰花環的型態為靈感,最初是從倫敦珠寶商Catchpole & Williams買來的。其優雅型態具有多種配戴方式,即可以戴在額頭上,也可以戴在頭髮上,或拆卸成五個獨立的胸針。Sir Hugh Roberts所著《The Queen’s Diamonds》中曾形容其為「反映了19世紀中期以來流行的自然主義風格。」

LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 21: Catherine, Princess of Wales and Choo Kyung-ho Deputy Prime Minister of South Korea followed by Princess Anne, Princess Royal and guests attend the State Banquet at Buckingham Palace with guests on November 21, 2023 in London, England. King Charles is hosting Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol and his wife Kim Keon Hee on a state visit from November 21-23. It is the second incoming state visit hosted by the King during his reign. (Photo by Yui Mok-WPA Pool/Getty Images)

LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 21: Catherine, Princess of Wales and Choo Kyung-ho Deputy Prime Minister of South Korea followed by Princess Anne, Princess Royal and guests attend the State Banquet at Buckingham Palace with guests on November 21, 2023 in London, England. King Charles is hosting Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol and his wife Kim Keon Hee on a state visit from November 21-23. It is the second incoming state visit hosted by the King during his reign. (Photo by Yui Mok-WPA Pool/Getty Images)

伊利沙伯皇太后在2002年逝世之後,她的女兒伊利沙伯二世繼承了這頂皇冠。不知不覺,這頂皇冠在皇家的保險庫中沉睡了數十年——據悉自1930年代之後,就再無王室成員配戴過這頂皇冠。有傳言說是因為它已經太過破損或脆弱,以至於無法再次配戴,直到Kate Middleton為其賦予新生。

此外,Kate Middle還身穿來自Jenny Packham的白色連身裙,裙擺處飾有金色細節。她的胸前佩戴着家族勳章以及維多利亞十字勳章(Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order),這正是伊利沙伯二世女王在2019年授予她的,以表彰她的貢獻。一雙白色晚禮服手套為造型再添氣場,亦展現出未來女王的風姿。
