When life allows you to meet Dr Deepak Chopra face-to-face at the renowned RAKxa Integrative Wellness in Bangkok, I simply couldn’t turn it down! Dr Deepak Chopra is a well-known author, speaker, and alternative medicine advocate. He is recognised for his teachings on mind-body healing, spirituality, and holistic wellness. Chopra has written numerous books on these topics and has gained a significant following worldwide. His work often combines elements of Eastern philosophy with Western science to promote holistic health and personal growth. I had the opportunity to attend the Deepak Chopra Life & Soul Retreat at RAKxa’s Thai property located on a conservation island just outside of the city itself.

RAKxa is a state-of-the-art, luxurious medical and wellness destination based on a beautiful conservation island surrounded by the Chao Phraya River in Bangkok. Its unique approach to wellness addresses the guests’ body, mind, and lifestyle to help them design their journey to achieve wholeness. RAKxa’s Integrative approach consists of diagnostics to help guests define their health goals, which are then achieved through personalised solutions that involve an unrivalled selection of both medical science and complementary holistic treatments.

At the new Deepak Chopra Life and Soul Retreat with RAKxa in Thailand, they combine the latest cutting-edge medical diagnostics and treatments with ancient healing wisdom and teachings. But having said that it’s a very collaborative approach in the sense that they will tailor your treatments to whatever your concerns are both mentally and physically. At RAKxa they offer the latest cutting-edge biomarkers for assessing health and biological fitness along with practical ways to regulate mind, body, and spirit as a unified process. And with this, we explore well-documented scientific techniques for healing. “It is our belief that a joyful energetic body, loving compassionate heart, quiet creative mind, and lightness of being along with a self-regulating biology optimized for homeostasis are the ideal landscape for longevity and healthspan. This is the true example of integrative wellbeing at its best,” says Dr Deepak Chopra.

RAKxa Lakeside Villas at dusk

RAKxa Lakeside Villas at dusk

Traditional Thai interior lobby

Traditional Thai interior lobby

Interviewing Dr. Deepak Chopra, discussing topics such as longevity

Interviewing Dr. Deepak Chopra, discussing topics such as longevity

To say it was a life-changing experience mentally emotionally and physically is an understatement. There was a profound inner healing that I am eternally grateful for through all the incredible treatments and experiences. These life-changing practices improve your health span, including advanced spiritual meditation techniques, personally tailored cutting-edge diagnostics, and bespoke treatment plans provided by RAKxa and Dr Chopra and leading scientific breakthroughs in longevity.

Wearing Taller Marmo kaftan on the RAKxa walkways out to the private lake

Wearing Taller Marmo kaftan on the RAKxa walkways out to the private lake

I landed at 6 am from London and with the resort only 40 minutes away from the airport, you can start your immersive journey the moment you step foot at the tranquil and secluded location. I was shown to my beautiful lakeside villa and then went straight to my wellness and health consultation with the doctor, who took blood tests and gave me a full medical assessment. To acclimatise to the jet lag, they suggested a session in the hyperbaric chamber — claustrophobia wasn’t even an option, I fell straight to sleep for the duration of the 60-minute treatment! It was then time for a Marma Ayurvedic healing massage. Marmas are the energy points that run through the body — this ancient therapy assists in the healthy flow of energy through the body’s pathways. An antioxidant IV drop was then advised to boost energy and clear brain fog.
Testing out the red cord suspension exercise which optimises neuromuscular control

Testing out the red cord suspension exercise which optimises neuromuscular control

Having an IV drip at the RAKxa wellness centre

Having an IV drip at the RAKxa wellness centre

The next morning I received all my results. A whole treatment plan was designed uniquely for me which included some incredible treatments I had never experienced, including the amazing traditional Ya Pao detoxification which includes a herbal burning on the abdomen. Chakra balancing and crystal healing were also suggested to rebalance energies within the body and clear out stagnant blocks that may be causing an imbalance. Acupuncture, moxibustion and cupping were also advised to promote self-healing.
Experiencing the marma healing ayuerverdic massage

Experiencing the marma healing ayuerverdic massage

The next three days were designed to focus on the life lessons taught by Dr Deepak Chopra. We began with a welcoming ceremony where we were each presented with a white string around our wrist — a symbol to establish a teacher-student bond. The ceremony was beautiful. Important components of this were bananas: overcoming obstacles; popped rice: flourishing knowledge; 9 joss sticks: prosperity; 3 candles: students’ willingness to learn from teachers; 32 Thai baht in money: symbolic fee offered to teachers; tobacco: teachers’ acceptance of negativities in place of their students; and lastly, everlasting bloom Flowers: symbol of resilience. We started each morning with sunrise meditation and closed the evening with sunset meditation each guided by Dr Deepak. A truly heart-opening powerful and energetic experience I will never forget.
Kate Moss’ newly launched COSMOSS incense sticks

Kate Moss’ newly launched COSMOSS incense sticks

Kate Moss reading everyone their personal intention from her book "love letters"

Kate Moss reading everyone their personal intention from her book "love letters"

On our final day, we were treated to a COSMOSS workshop where founder Kate Moss herself led healing readings from her very own “LOVE LETTERS” A set of 150 affirmations promising to brighten and enlighten whilst embracing the power of meditation. It’s a collection of words on love and wisdom from names such as Shakespeare, Gandhi, Rumi and of course Dr Deepak Chopra. I, myself, have integrated these words of wisdom and spirituality into my daily morning routine to motivate and inspire. You just flick and stop where your heart feels it and allow that to be your affirmation of the day. “The right affirmation will choose you, they seem to give you what you need to hear at that moment” Kate says. She then said, “I hope people share them with their loved ones, spreading positivity.” It was a very personal moment with the ever-graceful Kate Moss and very touching to have experienced that moment with her. It was very poignant as she read mine out loud to me it read “You are not behind, it’s not too late. You’re exactly where you are meant to be. Everything is unfolding. Don’t judge yourself about how long something is taking to happen. Be patient. Your time is coming. Just be thankful you made it this far.” She also exclusively launched her new incense sticks, “sacred mist”. They bring calm and peace and boost your mood. The luxurious incense sticks release a calming and uplifting light smoke for a transformative soul-soothing effect to restore calm energy to your surroundings, soul and self. I also incorporate this ritual now as part of my daily wellness and spiritual practice to help clear the mind and reinvigorate the senses.
With Kate Moss

With Kate Moss

Kneeling in prayer at the monk closing ceremony

Kneeling in prayer at the monk closing ceremony

The final day was marked by a traditional Thai Monk ceremony where we each gave offerings. “Taak Baat” offered the monks items to use in the temple and monastery. These are often dried foods and personal items to remove bad karma. The idea behind the ceremony is to gain happiness in your present life, prosperity, good luck, success in your job and responsibilities. It is also intended to help us see the truth about life. There is also the contented feeling that this merit will have good effects on your next life. The chanting in Balinese and Sanskrit language was mesmerising as we each had a moment to reflect on each of our lives, be present and show our gratitude.

These seven days have brought about an immense transformation mentally, emotionally physically and spiritually. The memories will live in my heart forever.