BTS Jin於6月上旬完成兵役,便馬不停蹄地出席各大活動,不僅在早前成為Fred的全球品牌大使,而他更是最新成為巴黎羅浮宮的首棒火炬手,再次書寫歷史。7月14日正值法國大革命紀念日,Jin以一身白色運動裝造型,並佩戴Fred force 10 gobeyond 手鏈現身,再度展現「Worldwide  Handsome」的實力,2024巴黎奧運會火炬傳遞活動在法國巴黎羅浮宮附近舉行,現場吸引大批ARMY前來一睹偶像風采。粉絲們舉著韓語手寫的標語,為這位萬眾矚目的巨星應援。


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PARIS, FRANCE - JULY 14: Fans of BTS line up as Kim Seok-jin, a member of South Korean band BTS (not pictured) prepares to carry the Olympic Torch on July 14, 2024 in at Louvre Museum in Paris, France. The Olympic Flame arrived in Paris on July 14 to be integrated into the Bastille Day celebrations. This includes the traditional grand military parade on the Champs-Élysées, which is featuring the Olympic Torch as part of its route. The torch is planned to be carried through iconic locations in Paris, such as La Place de La Concorde, Notre Dame, Bataclan, Bastille, Assemblée Nationale, and the Musée Carnavalet. Additionally, the Eiffel Tower is hosting a special fireworks display, celebrating both Bastille Day and the upcoming Olympics with a theme centered around "Liberty." (Photo by Maja Hitij/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE - JULY 14: Fans of BTS line up as Kim Seok-jin, a member of South Korean band BTS (not pictured) prepares to carry the Olympic Torch on July 14, 2024 in Paris, France. The Olympic Flame arrived in Paris on July 14 to be integrated into the Bastille Day celebrations. This includes the traditional grand military parade on the Champs-Élysées, which is featuring the Olympic Torch as part of its route. The torch is planned to be carried through iconic locations in Paris, such as La Place de La Concorde, Notre Dame, Bataclan, Bastille, Assemblée Nationale, and the Musée Carnavalet. Additionally, the Eiffel Tower is hosting a special fireworks display, celebrating both Bastille Day and the upcoming Olympics with a theme centered around "Liberty." (Photo by Maja Hitij/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE - JULY 14: Fans of BTS line up as Kim Seok-jin, a member of South Korean band BTS (not pictured) prepares to carry the Olympic Torch on July 14, 2024 in Paris, France. The Olympic Flame arrived in Paris on July 14 to be integrated into the Bastille Day celebrations. This includes the traditional grand military parade on the Champs-Élysées, which is featuring the Olympic Torch as part of its route. The torch is planned to be carried through iconic locations in Paris, such as La Place de La Concorde, Notre Dame, Bataclan, Bastille, Assemblée Nationale, and the Musée Carnavalet. Additionally, the Eiffel Tower is hosting a special fireworks display, celebrating both Bastille Day and the upcoming Olympics with a theme centered around "Liberty." (Photo by Maja Hitij/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE - JULY 14: Fans of BTS line up as Kim Seok-jin, a member of South Korean band BTS (not pictured) prepares to carry the Olympic Torch on July 14, 2024 in at Louvre Museum in Paris, France. The Olympic Flame arrived in Paris on July 14 to be integrated into the Bastille Day celebrations. This includes the traditional grand military parade on the Champs-Élysées, which is featuring the Olympic Torch as part of its route. The torch is planned to be carried through iconic locations in Paris, such as La Place de La Concorde, Notre Dame, Bataclan, Bastille, Assemblée Nationale, and the Musée Carnavalet. Additionally, the Eiffel Tower is hosting a special fireworks display, celebrating both Bastille Day and the upcoming Olympics with a theme centered around "Liberty." (Photo by Maja Hitij/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE - JULY 14: Fans of BTS line up as Kim Seok-jin, a member of South Korean band BTS (not pictured) prepares to carry the Olympic Torch on July 14, 2024 in Paris, France. The Olympic Flame arrived in Paris on July 14 to be integrated into the Bastille Day celebrations. This includes the traditional grand military parade on the Champs-Élysées, which is featuring the Olympic Torch as part of its route. The torch is planned to be carried through iconic locations in Paris, such as La Place de La Concorde, Notre Dame, Bataclan, Bastille, Assemblée Nationale, and the Musée Carnavalet. Additionally, the Eiffel Tower is hosting a special fireworks display, celebrating both Bastille Day and the upcoming Olympics with a theme centered around "Liberty." (Photo by Maja Hitij/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE - JULY 14: Fans of BTS line up as Kim Seok-jin, a member of South Korean band BTS (not pictured) prepares to carry the Olympic Torch on July 14, 2024 in Paris, France. The Olympic Flame arrived in Paris on July 14 to be integrated into the Bastille Day celebrations. This includes the traditional grand military parade on the Champs-Élysées, which is featuring the Olympic Torch as part of its route. The torch is planned to be carried through iconic locations in Paris, such as La Place de La Concorde, Notre Dame, Bataclan, Bastille, Assemblée Nationale, and the Musée Carnavalet. Additionally, the Eiffel Tower is hosting a special fireworks display, celebrating both Bastille Day and the upcoming Olympics with a theme centered around "Liberty." (Photo by Maja Hitij/Getty Images)
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在跑步前,主辦方更是播放了Jin的熱門歌曲《Super Tuna》,讓在場觀眾大吃一驚,令火炬傳遞的氛圍更加愉悅起來。晚上8點左右,當Jin從博物館的火炬傳遞中心出現時,人群爆發出歡呼聲,高呼他的名字,Jin帶著害羞的微笑,向粉絲揮手致意,感謝他們的愛和支持。


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Jin 在完成火炬傳遞後透過經紀公司說道:「能夠參加今天的火炬傳遞,我感到非常榮幸。我真誠地感謝 ARMY 和所有讓我能夠傳遞火炬的粉絲,」此外,他還表示:「希望今年8月舉行的第17屆巴黎殘奧會也能受到更多的關注。」

Kim Seok-Jin, singer of the Korean group BTS takes the Olympic torch relay on Rivoli street in Paris, France on July 14, 2024. The flame s route through the capital includes historic, cultural, popular and sporting sites, major monuments and simply the places where Parisians live. (Photo by Victoria Valdivia / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP) (Photo by VICTORIA VALDIVIA/Hans Lucas/AFP via Getty Images)
Kim Seok-Jin, singer of the Korean group BTS takes the Olympic torch relay on Rivoli street in Paris, France on July 14, 2024. The flame s route through the capital includes historic, cultural, popular and sporting sites, major monuments and simply the places where Parisians live. (Photo by Victoria Valdivia / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP) (Photo by VICTORIA VALDIVIA/Hans Lucas/AFP via Getty Images)
Kim Seok-Jin, singer of the Korean group BTS takes the Olympic torch relay on Rivoli street in Paris, France on July 14, 2024. The flame s route through the capital includes historic, cultural, popular and sporting sites, major monuments and simply the places where Parisians live. (Photo by Victoria Valdivia / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP) (Photo by VICTORIA VALDIVIA/Hans Lucas/AFP via Getty Images)
Kim Seok-Jin, singer of the Korean group BTS waits the Olympic torch relay on Rivoli street in Paris, France on July 14, 2024. The flame s route through the capital includes historic, cultural, popular and sporting sites, major monuments and simply the places where Parisians live. (Photo by Victoria Valdivia / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP) (Photo by VICTORIA VALDIVIA/Hans Lucas/AFP via Getty Images)
Kim Seok-Jin, singer of the Korean group BTS takes the Olympic torch relay on Rivoli street in Paris, France on July 14, 2024. The flame s route through the capital includes historic, cultural, popular and sporting sites, major monuments and simply the places where Parisians live. (Photo by Victoria Valdivia / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP) (Photo by VICTORIA VALDIVIA/Hans Lucas/AFP via Getty Images)
Kim Seok-Jin, singer of the Korean group BTS takes the Olympic torch relay on Rivoli street in Paris, France on July 14, 2024. The flame s route through the capital includes historic, cultural, popular and sporting sites, major monuments and simply the places where Parisians live. (Photo by Victoria Valdivia / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP) (Photo by VICTORIA VALDIVIA/Hans Lucas/AFP via Getty Images)
Kim Seok-Jin, singer of the Korean group BTS takes the Olympic torch relay on Rivoli street in Paris, France on July 14, 2024. The flame s route through the capital includes historic, cultural, popular and sporting sites, major monuments and simply the places where Parisians live. (Photo by Victoria Valdivia / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP) (Photo by VICTORIA VALDIVIA/Hans Lucas/AFP via Getty Images)
Kim Seok-Jin, singer of the Korean group BTS waits the Olympic torch relay on Rivoli street in Paris, France on July 14, 2024. The flame s route through the capital includes historic, cultural, popular and sporting sites, major monuments and simply the places where Parisians live. (Photo by Victoria Valdivia / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP) (Photo by VICTORIA VALDIVIA/Hans Lucas/AFP via Getty Images)
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