跟 Emma Chamberlain 在一起,感覺像和相識多年的老朋友聊天。她確實就是這樣的存在—她的「朋友」遍布全球,光是 YouTube 頻道就擁有超過 1200 萬追蹤者。她在影片敢於展現最真實的自己,率真個性表露無遺,而現實生活中的她與網上形象如出一轍。在拍攝現場,她和工作人員打成一片,並全身心投入每個鏡頭,那股熱情特別有感染力。

From top: LOVE rings in yellow gold with diamonds, LOVE necklace in yellow gold, Panthère de Cartier watch in yellow gold with diamonds and Juste un Clou bracelet in yellow gold with diamonds, all Cartier. Bodysuit, Andreas Kronthaler for Vivienne Westwood.

From top: LOVE rings in yellow gold with diamonds, LOVE necklace in yellow gold, Panthère de Cartier watch in yellow gold with diamonds and Juste un Clou bracelet in yellow gold with diamonds, all Cartier. Bodysuit, Andreas Kronthaler for Vivienne Westwood.

Emma 的創作生涯始於 16 歲,那時她會拍攝一些日常 vlog,有時甚至會在午休時拍攝、歷史課上剪輯。她的影片標題往往出人意料,比如“iliterallylostmycar”或“funfettiisextremelyfun”,配上一些直白的梗圖式剪輯風格,展現出少見的真實感,隨即在 YouTube 圈子裏引起轟動。在這個人人追求完美形象、精心塑造人設的社交媒體時代,Emma 不僅僅改變了遊戲規則,更開創了一種 全新的自我表達方式。來到 2025 年,Emma 已經成為 Miu Miu、Louis Vuitton 和 Lancôme 等品牌的代言人,四度主持時尚界盛事 Met Gala,還和 Levi’s、Warby Parker 等品牌推出了多個聯名系列,人們對她的喜愛有增無減。

Tops, briefs, skirt, necklace, gloves, socks and shoes, all Miu Miu.

Tops, briefs, skirt, necklace, gloves, socks and shoes, all Miu Miu.

VOGUE HK:你最打動人的一些時刻,往往來自於在內容中展現了脆弱一面。如此赤誠以對的過程中,你是否曾感到不安?又是如何拿捏分享與保留的分寸?

因此,我確實比以前更懂得設定界線。每一天、每個情境、每個想訴說的故事都是新的,所以我會謹慎評估我與他人分享的事情。但整體而言,我仍然保持開放的態度。我每周主持兩次 Podcast 節目,並暢所欲言。事實上,我現在於 Podcast 上談論的個人生活比以往更多,依然保持着真摯的態度。我覺得這大概就是我的使命,所以無論如何,我都會繼續這麼做下去。

Top, shirt, briefs and shoes, all Miu Miu.

Top, shirt, briefs and shoes, all Miu Miu.

VOGUE HK:從創作者到創業家,你在經營咖啡品牌的過程中,學到了甚麼寶貴的經驗?


Jacket, shirt, briefs, skirt, chain belt, socks and shoes, all Miu Miu.

Jacket, shirt, briefs, skirt, chain belt, socks and shoes, all Miu Miu.

VOGUE HK:談談你最重要的 self-care 習慣吧?

Juste un Clou ring and bracelet in white gold with diamonds, LOVE bracelet in white gold, small model, LOVE bracelet in white gold with diamonds, small model and LOVE earring in white gold with diamonds, all Cartier. Top, Prada.

Juste un Clou ring and bracelet in white gold with diamonds, LOVE bracelet in white gold, small model, LOVE bracelet in white gold with diamonds, small model and LOVE earring in white gold with diamonds, all Cartier. Top, Prada.

VOGUE HK:當心情低落時,你會如何讓自己重新振作?

Shirt, pants, tie and shoes, all Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello.

Shirt, pants, tie and shoes, all Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello.

Top and sweater, all Miu Miu.

Top and sweater, all Miu Miu.

Shirt, skirt and belt, all McQueen.

Shirt, skirt and belt, all McQueen.

VOGUE HK:對於正在學習自愛的人,你會給甚麼建議?


LOVE necklace in white gold with diamonds, Panthère de Cartier watch in steel with diamonds, LOVE bracelet in white gold, medium model, LOVE bracelet in white gold, small model, LOVE bracelet in white gold with diamonds, small model and Trinity ring in white gold and ceramic with diamonds, all Cartier. Top, Prada.

LOVE necklace in white gold with diamonds, Panthère de Cartier watch in steel with diamonds, LOVE bracelet in white gold, medium model, LOVE bracelet in white gold, small model, LOVE bracelet in white gold with diamonds, small model and Trinity ring in white gold and ceramic with diamonds, all Cartier. Top, Prada.

VOGUE HK:你最喜歡自己哪一點?

LOVE necklace in white gold with diamonds, Panthère de Cartier watch in steel with diamonds, LOVE bracelet in white gold, medium model, LOVE bracelet in white gold, small model, LOVE bracelet in white gold with diamonds, small model and Trinity ring in white gold and ceramic with diamonds, all Cartier. Top and skirt, all Prada.

LOVE necklace in white gold with diamonds, Panthère de Cartier watch in steel with diamonds, LOVE bracelet in white gold, medium model, LOVE bracelet in white gold, small model, LOVE bracelet in white gold with diamonds, small model and Trinity ring in white gold and ceramic with diamonds, all Cartier. Top and skirt, all Prada.

VOGUE HK:你在時尚、Podcast、創業等各個領域都有涉獵。接下來想要探索新領域嗎?有甚麼讓你感到興奮的新計劃嗎?
EMMA:其實沒有,而這也是我刻意不為之。這幾年我一直專注於時尚方面,過程既好玩又刺激,每一刻我都很享受,但確實投入了大量時間和精力。我曾經設計過 Levi’s 的服裝系列,也做過 Warby Parker 的眼鏡系列。雖然手上還有一些設計項目在進行,不過那都是很久之後的事,大概要等到明年了。我很喜歡參加時裝周,學習時尚知識並 投入其中。但現在我漸漸領悟到,儘管我真的很熱愛時尚,是我的熱情所在,但在新的一年我想回到最初的起點——單純地陪伴我的觀眾,我覺得這才是最重要的事。

在這一行很容易迷失方向,比如「我從來沒創作音樂,但現在出名了,那我去出張專輯吧!或者我去試鏡節目,並不是因為自己適合,純粹是因為我紅了。」我不想因為這種原因而做選擇。雖然我也試過去試鏡電影和電視節目,但那是因為我覺得自己適合某個角色,而且對它很有興趣。雖然到現在都沒能接到任何角色,但只要覺得順其自然,我就願意去嘗試。目前我更熱衷於為 YouTube 頻道找到可持續發展的模式,同時繼續改進我的 Podcast。這更像是一次回歸自我的一年,是我追求的目標。

Photography: Emmie America @Saint Luke Artists
Art and Creative Direction: Jason Duzansky
Fashion Direction: Danyul Brown @The Only Agency
Creative Producer: Marina Fairfax
Senior Style Editor: Foxla Chiu
Makeup Artist: Lilly Keys @A-Frame Agency
Hair Stylist: Sami Knight @A-Frame Agency
Manicurist: Yoko Sakakura @A-Frame Agency
Set Designer: Stefania Lucchesi @Saint Luke Artists
Digital Technician: Jeremy Aquino
AC: Ruben Plascencia
Fashion Assistant: Nik Van Dalen
Hair Assistant: Joey Grajeda @A-Frame Agency
Retouching: Yelena Popova
Producer: Yusuf Yağcı @Yyprod
Production Manager: Aslı Akal @Yyprod
Production Assistants: Daniel Solomon & Molly A Pop
Post Production Producer: All Good Productions
Illustrator: Justin Teodoro
Location: Dust Studios LA
Backdrop: Schmidli Backdrops
Cover Jewellery: Cartier
Cover Wardrobe: Miu Miu