奢侈品牌 Chloé 早前宣佈與聯合國兒童基金會(Unicef)達成為期三年的合作關係,為 Unicef 資助支持女童教育的計劃籌集資金,幫助實現性別平等。其中,Chloé 將出售 T-shirt、項鍊和手鐲等單品,得到的利潤將分配給玻利維亞、塞內加爾和摩洛哥等國家的 Unicef 項目,為當地金融系統提供資金幫助65萬名年輕女孩和婦女得到學業機會。
We are pleased to announce our @UNICEF partnership that assists girls to access higher education and helps them learn to dare. Over three years, as a #GirlsForward initiative, #Chloé will support #UNICEF to enable skills that lead to greater freedom and equal opportunities. pic.twitter.com/YFZ612IWvN
— Chloé (@chloefashion) October 13, 2019