
西班牙攝影師Mar Sáez用鏡頭訴說人類形形色色卻又出奇一致的不安、孤獨、和愛。她以心理學、當代攝影、和記者的視角剖析人性。Sáez說:「一張好照片不一定需要驚人美麗,但一定要能夠通過紀錄某一時刻抓住觀眾情感並深深打動他們的內心深處。」

f22攝影空間注重於宣傳和展示攝影藝術、現代藝術家,和創意設計。由本地設計事務所LAAB精心打造的室內充滿經典攝影元素:以黑漆覆蓋的黃銅門和樓梯隨使用時間而逐漸像舊Leica相機一樣露出金黃本色;入口的旋轉門隨天花板快門的伸縮而控制室內明暗。Sáez作為一位通過攝影創作的藝術家,在充滿設計感的兩層樓中,展出其兩個作品系列:To the Travellers和Vera y Victoria。


西班牙攝影師Mar Sáez

西班牙攝影師Mar Sáez

Sáez的家在西班牙城市Murcia,在搬去馬德里後缺乏歸屬感。由於經常需要在兩座城市間來回,她便開始與旅途中的同路人交流攀談。網絡軟件連接旅途上同路的陌生人,令他們可以分享交通工具、分享空間、甚至分享一小部分自己的人生。在作品集To the Travellers中,Sáez通過鏡頭給觀眾呈現她所發現的,這些陌生人與我們相同的人生體驗與情感。在作品中,我們跟隨Sáez的視角觀察這些陌生人。她在4小時的車程裡與這些陌生人談論任何事。Sáez的神態、語言、鏡頭,都直接影響所呈現給觀眾的內容。她是向我們講述這些陌生人微小而又閃亮的故事的旁白。「我發現我與他們有許多相同之處,在某種程度上充滿意義又令人驚訝。」Sáez說,「所以這系列作品向旅行者,和心中有情感波動的人們致敬。」


Vera y Victoria則是與前者全然不同的作品。如果說To The Travellers中無數次4小時的談話讓我們得以一窺不同皮囊下人性的共同點,那麼Vera y Victoria則讓我們在3年時間中感受「愛」所代表的深刻情感和強大包容。「最初我想要專注於紀錄跨性別活動家Vera的生活,但在會面中她帶來了Victoria。Vera和Victoria是雙主角,所以這系列作品便演變成了兩人的生活紀錄。」 Sáez解釋道。



VERA Y VICTORIA. Vera confessed to Victoria that she was transexual the day they kissed for the first time. It was in a park. It did not change anything. For the four years that they were together, they loved each other as they had never loved anyone before. For that part of their lives, Vera and Victoria were no longer two people, they merged into one. They built a home together filled with dreams and future projects. Indifferent to the prejudice of others, they surrendered to love and passion. "Vera and Victoria" is a visual diary shot between 2012 and 2016 in which Mar Sáez has portrayed the intimate universe of Vera and Victoria. A universe in which new facets of a relationship as intense as theirs come to the surface. No better or worse than anyone else.

VERA Y VICTORIA. Vera confessed to Victoria that she was transexual the day they kissed for the first time. It was in a park. It did not change anything. For the four years that they were together, they loved each other as they had never loved anyone before. For that part of their lives, Vera and Victoria were no longer two people, they merged into one. They built a home together filled with dreams and future projects. Indifferent to the prejudice of others, they surrendered to love and passion. "Vera and Victoria" is a visual diary shot between 2012 and 2016 in which Mar Sáez has portrayed the intimate universe of Vera and Victoria. A universe in which new facets of a relationship as intense as theirs come to the surface. No better or worse than anyone else.


Vera y Victoria的作品介紹中寫到:「在兩人第一次接吻的那天,在公園中,Vera向Victoria坦白自己是變性人,一切都沒有改變。」長達三年跟拍的一系列照片顯示出兩人真誠而熱烈的感情。愛就是愛,無關身份性別,Vera和Victoria之間的相處和對於愛的表達與任何旁觀者都一樣,付出情感之多似乎已經要溢出冷靜的照片界線,打動觀眾並叫人深思「愛」的意義。


Sáez的拍攝題材情感豐富,攝影風格不加後期修飾,凸顯這些原始又厚重的人文元素。「藝術家是將技藝和論述題材合為一體的人。」Sáez說,「任何攝影都可以實現技術上的完美,但我深入研究影像背後的概念。在拍攝前,我會做大量調研,研究我的主題,是否有人嘗試過相關題材,在不同領域中的參考又有哪些… 所以,是的,我將我的作品稱為『藝術』。」


Mar Sáez個人展覽將於2019年 9 月 11 日至 11 月 23 日下午 2 時至晚上 7 時在f22攝影空間展出。

VERA Y VICTORIA. Vera confessed to Victoria that she was transexual the day they kissed for the first time. It was in a park. It did not change anything. For the four years that they were together, they loved each other as they had never loved anyone before. For that part of their lives, Vera and Victoria were no longer two people, they merged into one. They built a home together filled with dreams and future projects. Indifferent to the prejudice of others, they surrendered to love and passion. "Vera and Victoria" is a visual diary shot between 2012 and 2016 in which Mar Sáez has portrayed the intimate universe of Vera and Victoria. A universe in which new facets of a relationship as intense as theirs come to the surface. No better or worse than anyone else.

VERA Y VICTORIA. Vera confessed to Victoria that she was transexual the day they kissed for the first time. It was in a park. It did not change anything. For the four years that they were together, they loved each other as they had never loved anyone before. For that part of their lives, Vera and Victoria were no longer two people, they merged into one. They built a home together filled with dreams and future projects. Indifferent to the prejudice of others, they surrendered to love and passion. "Vera and Victoria" is a visual diary shot between 2012 and 2016 in which Mar Sáez has portrayed the intimate universe of Vera and Victoria. A universe in which new facets of a relationship as intense as theirs come to the surface. No better or worse than anyone else.