由於新冠疫情的影響下,很多人亦在家中自我隔離,工作模式亦演變成home office,所以加強鍛煉對身體或是心理相當有益。不少跟運動有關的Instagram帳戶成為家中鍛煉的重要素材,即使留在家內亦可以做運動。

社交媒體出現不少巨星舉辦免費的直播音樂會,Lizzo亦於網上進行冥想來幫助大家舒緩對疫情焦慮而不安的情緒。而瑜伽大師Jessamyn Stanley和Danielle Peazer等人也於網上提供大量鍛煉片段,希望可以在這段社交隔離的期間為大家提供幫助。

Pilate愛好者:Lottie Murphy


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A little a day goes a long way ? *apply to all things in life

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這位前舞者在2012年決定接受一連串的訓練,從而成為普拉提教練,當她進入健身界後得到大量的支持者。如果你喜歡做Pilate,可以於Lottie Murphy的片段中尋找靈感,因為她會以簡單而快速的步驟來剪成片段,令人容易跟隨和消化動作,因此於Instagram和YouTube大受歡迎。

全身運動:Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill


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模仿前奧運運動員的動作是相當困難,但Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill卻是一個例外,因為她會以最易接受的動作來確保大家可以跟隨,例如她的健身球運動。但如果在家中沒有如健身球般的運動設備怎算?她的網站亦提供不少創意的代替方法,令你安在家中亦可以做到相同運動。


跑步狂熱者:Adrienne Herbert

在這段不穩定而不安的時期下,要保持活躍是非常困難,所以最好追隨一個可以令你思想放鬆的賬號。Adrienne Herbert是TEDx的講者,而且是FiiT的訓練員和擁有豐富的跑步經驗。所以她於Instagram上提供很多激勵人心的想法,當然還有不少帶氧運動的片段。

舞者:Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer曾經是Katy Perry、Justin Timberlake等明星的舞者,所以她的Instagram分享大量跳舞的專業知識,而她亦創造了#trainlikeadancer的標籤,提供家用健身貼士,當中包括針對手臂和臀部的運動。

對有孩子或準備懷孕:Rosie Stockley

Rosie Stockley在女兒Charlotte出世後,成為了一名專業舞蹈家和健身教練,特別針對產前產後的鍛練。她在2017年開始健身教練的道路,除此之外,Mamawell創辦人亦為家長提供每日可以在家做的運動技巧,做運動之餘同時增加親子互動時光。

瑜伽愛好者:Jessamyn Stanley

導師、作家兼瑜伽大師Jessamyn Stanley擁有大量的Instagram追隨者,主要是由於她”Yoga For All Bodies”的宗旨,展示出她愛自己身體的積極態度。由2012年開始,Jessamyn Stanley一直展示出易學的瑜伽姿勢和成為大家的心靈慰藉。

新手或受傷的人:Amanda Bisk


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GYM WORKOUT ?? I was able to take my Mum to our new studio today! ?? Mum saw the studio when we first got the keys…she also doesn’t have Instagram so no sneak peaks of the progress we’ve made over the last few weeks either! It is VERY different to when she was here last! ? so she was really surprised! ‘Woooooaaaaahhhhh oooo la la’ was her reaction ? haha Now a little story about mum: Looking at me, you would probably think I came from really sporty parents…well, Mum in particular never did sport because she was raised in a pretty poor household..4 brothers, 1 sister, her Mum and Dad and not a whole lot of money for food let alone structured exercise. After everything I have learnt being a PT, coach & exercise professional, I have always tried to be active with mum as much as I can. That’s why I’m so excited to finally have this place to be able to train her with all sorts of functional equipment to keep her strong & fit as she gets older ? This was her first EVER gym session, and she was an absolute weapon! ?? I am so proud of her for not blinking an eyelid at any exercise I gave her today (we even had a swing on the high bar!) ? She is a true example of tackling new things head on with no self consciousness or hesitation. She had a great laugh at herself when making mistakes, listened to feedback & made corrections so well, and was just open to give anything a go ?? Love you Mum! She has always been up to try anything in life (usually without fear and anxiety) and never feels bad for herself if things don’t go her way…she is my biggest inspiration! ? ?? WORKOUT (Each set of exercises works a similar muscle group: mum with the easier alternative ??☺️) ??Tabata Workout (20sec ON | 10sec REST…repeat the same exercise 8 times for a total of 4min, then move to the next exercise) ▪️KETTLEBELL SWING ??????FIT BALL WALL SQUAT ▪️JUMP ASSISTED PULL UPS ??????TRX ROW ▪️CLEAN+PRESS BURPEES ??????MED BALL SLAM . This is a great workout to do with a parent, grand parent, son, daughter or anyone who might be a different level of fitness to you ☺️ Enjoy! ?? #gymworkout #beginnerworkout #freshbodyfitmind ab♥️x

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澳洲人和前撐竿跳高運動員的Amanda Bisk,她專為新人和傷者提供練習片段,而且有很多教你如何釋放內啡肽的貼士,從中得到幸福感和快樂,充滿正能量。




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