It’s never too late to chase after your dreams. Take it from music lover Clara Li, who, after years of focusing on her career and family, decided to embark on a decade-long journey to produce her own album. Born in Hong Kong and raised in Canada, Clara’s new album speaks to her eternal love for music and how her commitment and dedication to her craft has allowed her to finally realise this lifelong dream of hers. 

Photo: Courtesy of Clara Li

Photo: Courtesy of Clara Li

Her perseverance has culminated in her debut hi-fi pop album “If You Could Believe”, which was created in collaboration with Hong Kong producer Andrew Tuason alongside esteemed producer/engineer Niko Bolas and the late Grammy-winning recording engineer Al Schmitt. Weaving together Clara’s dreamy vocals with pop music, the album’s titular track, “If You Could Believe”, traces the singer’s journey of realising her musical calling through song, and is a soulful love letter to those who dare to dream like her. 

Photo: Courtesy of Clara Li

Photo: Courtesy of Clara Li

As the name of her title track suggests, believing in herself and her passions are what led Clara to where she is today. “Amid all the fears and insecurities that hold us back, all we need is to find confidence and conviction to breathe life into the fire within us. Once ignited, that inner fire will grow, and any obstacle will melt away. Only, if you could believe.”