After his controversial turn in House of Gucci, Jared Leto is confirmed for another fashion-centric role, signing on to play Karl Lagerfeld in the first biopic of the late Chanel designer – a project endorsed by the Karl Lagerfeld brand. While the Oscar winner and his partner Emma Ludbrook will produce the movie through their company Paradox, three of Lagerfeld’s confidantes will advise on the film: Karl Lagerfeld executives Paolo Righi and Caroline Lebar as well as the designer’s former personal assistant, Sébastien Jondeau.
The nature of the plot is inevitably being kept under wraps for now, but Leto and co did share that it will trace “key relationships in Karl Lagerfeld’s life, told through an unpredictable lens, much like the man himself”. “There are a multitude of relationships to explore,” Leto told WWD. “Karl had a career that spanned 50-plus years so both personally and professionally he was close to a number of people. I can say we are going to home in on key relationships that convey different parts of his life.”
The news follows the recent announcement that the 2023 Met Gala would be inspired by the Costume Institute’s forthcoming spring exhibition, Karl Lagerfeld: A Line Of Beauty. While there will naturally be plenty of Chanel pieces sourced by curator Andrew Bolton for the blockbuster, A Line Of Beauty will also touch on the creative director’s work for Balmain, Patou, Chloé and Fendi in addition to his eponymous brand. Over in London, meanwhile? The V&A is gearing up to launch a show dedicated to the life and creations of Gabrielle Chanel, opening 16 September.
Hayley MaitlandCredit
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