Wakesurfing and wakeboarding have grown increasingly popular in recent years, with many a Hongkonger opting to spend their weekends and holidays catching some waves out on the water. However, the water sports may seem daunting to those that have yet to try them out. To  answer your questions and quell any uncertainties you may have, we’ve put together a comprehensive introduction and guide to wakesurfing and wakeboarding in Hong Kong. 

What is the difference between wakeboarding and wakesurfing?

Often affected and limited by the weather, standard surfing can often be uneventful if the weather does not comply. However, this is not an issue for wakesurfers as boats create waves for each surfer, allowing the activity to carry on regardless of the weather.

Wakesurfing has a lot of similarities to wakeboarding, with a few key differences to keep in mind. In both sports, your body is pulled up by tension from a rope, but wakesurfers can let go of the rope when they feel stable enough to control the board. After letting go of the rope, wakesurfers use their balance to control the speed and direction of the board – advanced surfers can even do thrilling tricks on the waves! 

 A wakeboard is slightly different in its appearance as it has a shoe attachment, much like a snowboard. However, similar to wakesurfing, it is not affected by external environmental factors. Wakeboarding also uses waves created by speedboats to surf on, requiring a large amount of physical strength. However, because you can’t let go of the rope, wakeboarders aren’t able to do as many tricks on the board.

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下水禮 | 容祖兒九月專欄 從來不屬於xgame,身體早已奉獻給工作,為了玩樂弄到受傷定,必會非常內疚。看過太多朋友樂極生悲頭破血流十字韌帶撕裂打石膏菠蘿蓋粉碎,要做手術甚至臥牀休養多月,真的是聽到都怕。所以生性頑皮的我,多年都和滑水滑雪滑板保持距離。 但凡事沒有絕對,人愈大愈想除去心中的一切規範。眼見今年夏天人人wakesurf,男的女的肥的瘦的靈活的笨拙的,無一不被此吸引,確實好奇為何這玩意會人氣爆燈。碰巧今年我特別想多點為人生帶來新體驗,一直心癢癢,朋友得知一直游說,說這活動超正。上得同一條快艇都一條心,認識的不認識的很快有着同一目標,互相鼓勵。碩士班不會取笑BB班渣豆,BB班得到支持便充滿希望不會怕羞。經過不斷失敗再嘗試,飲了無數海水終於成功後,那種由心而發的興奮喝采,真的勵志過bollywood電影。 終於我在7月時進行下水禮,在這兩個月斷斷續續去了三次,雖然大潭、淺水灣對我來說較為就腳,但個人較喜歡差不多要1小時車程的西貢和大埔,海水最乾淨算得上是西貢,而大埔就可以望到慈山寺的觀音娘娘,還有我的舊居馬鞍山,還有很多小魚跳躍,過癮得很。 一般來說我都是早上6點出發,對,是什麼驅使我5點多就爬起身?因為我發現我喜歡脫離地面在海上飄浮的感覺,像能暫時拋開一切的煩惱。生活從來都不容易,能夠找到一個活動有一刻讓自己神經放鬆,我們都非常珍惜,喜歡起水被快艇拋出海浪那一刻。教練說,深呼吸眼看前面,腦筋保持清晰,頭和肩膊兩點呈金三角,幻想頭頂着一本書,右腳踩油左腳煞掣,身體微微左右搖擺,自以為身手靈活,一定很快上手,玩得出神入化。但原來易學難精,身體不夠信心,沒有保持挺直,顧慮太多,不斷向前傾,左右腳又未能和海浪溝通,找到平衡,在滑板上如果右腳太大力很快會撞上快艇;但如果左腳太大力,不能順着浪勢前進,只要有一點做得不夠好,我們都不能滑到水。 想起來這不就是人生嗎。要成功太難,哪怕你以為你已努力,已把每一樣細節都處理得好。這個活動讓我知道,要是想繼續這個遊戲,唯一的做法就是勇氣、信心和堅持,看到問題立刻逐一擊破(有點離題,我就是一個什麼事情都想到人生的一個麻煩友)。而平衡這回事,適用於人生每一個範疇。凡事不能太偏重於某一方,工作上我們要叫自己盡力而為,生活上也不需要給自己背起太多包袱,對事情的真相不用查根問底,有時候學會既來之則安之,不用太樂觀也不要太悲觀,接受自己的不完美,順其自然,絕對是養生之道。說來容易,又有多少人能夠做得到,唯有盡力做吧。 擁有自己的專欄後,我慢慢把新的生活模式注入,每個月規定自己要用幾個晚上靜下來,更加留意身邊有趣的事物,放下手機,細心聆聽內心。當完成一篇JY式風格的文章,題材動詞形容詞助語詞標點符號起承轉合全不經人手,那份滿足感不能言傳。讓大家從我的文字裏看到我的性格,內心深處的那個secret garden,是這個任務最大的目的。 剛剛收到通知,雜誌邀請我繼續完成下半年的專欄。這真是莫大的鼓勵,就像過了試用期,老闆決定繼續和我合作一樣。謝謝《Ming’s》的信任,喜歡我的裸寫。接下來的日子要寫什麼好呢,歡迎大家提供。#mingsjyarticle #事實證明成功需苦幹 Video editing by @kb_kevinboy

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Which one is more suitable for me?

Novices: Wakesurfing is more suitable for you because less physical strength is needed to chase the wave due to the wakesurf boat’s high speed.

Have snowboarded before: If you’re someone who has tried snowboarding  before, it may be easier and quicker for you to catch learn the techniques of wakesurfing, as there is a lot of overlap that can be easily translated over.

However, you can choose the most suitable surfing experience for you based on your hobbies and abilities. 

What are the prices for wakeboarding and wakesurfing?

As the requirements for a boat to wakesurf are relatively low, the rental price is around HK$700 per hour on weekdays and HK$800 per hour on holidays and weekends.

Not only are the requirements for a wakesurf boat higher, but wakesurfing has also recently seen a spike in popularity as a water sport. Wakesurf boats are special inboard speedboats, with the propeller installed in the bottom of the boat to preventing injuries from close-range wakesurfers. Therefore, the cost of a wakesurf boat is higher, priced at around HK$1,000 – 1,200 per hour on weekdays, and HK$1,200 – 1,400 on weekends and holidays.

How long should I rent the boat for?

If  3-4 people rent a boat together, 2 hours should be enough, giving each person 20-40 minutes. Although it may seem like a short period of time, it takes only a minute for a novice to get up and stabilise themselves. Having said this, surfing requires repeated practice and with 8-10 turns per person, everyone will have used a good amount of physical strength by the end of their turn. 

With over 4 people, the waiting time will be relatively long and everyone will have less number of turns, so make sure to take that into account when deciding how long you should rent for. 

How long do I have to schedule in advance? 

As we’ve already entered summer, the more popular wakesurfing or wakeboarding boats need to be reserved well in advance in order to be secured.

On average, booking needs to be made 7 days in advance for weekdays and 30 days in advance for weekends and holidays. Each boat and rental outlet is different so make sure to check clearly for details, times and prices.

Where is the best place to go?

Sai Kung has always been a prime location for water sports, and wakesurfing and wakeboarding are no exception. But at the same time, there are also bays suitable for wakesurfing and wakeboarding  in areas like Tai Po, Tseung Kwan O, Repulse Bay and Tai Tam.

Best wakesurfing schools



