Billkin Putthipong Assaratanakul and PP Krit Amnuaydechkorn are the rising Thai stars you need to know. The pair first rose to prominence with their captivating performances in the boy’s love coming-of-age series I Told Sunset About You / I Promised You The Moon, moving audiences and capturing the hearts of fans all across Asia. Acting aside, Billkin and PP Krit have also lent their vocal talents to the series’ soundtrack, going on to launch solo careers in music, and for PP Krit, in fashion. Now they’re in town for two consecutive nights with Hong Kong fans at the KITEC Star Hall, marking their first-ever fan meeting in the city. Billkin and PP Krit sit down with Vogue Hong Kong for a chat, where they look back on their experience filming together, reveal their ultimate wardrobe essentials, and share a laugh or two.


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Welcome to Hong Kong! It’s your first ever fan meeting in the city, have you had the chance to explore Hong Kong yet? What are your first impressions?

PP: We just went to have dinner last night in Central, and went walking and shopping around the roads here in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Billkin: We also went to Harbour City, did a little bit of street-shopping around the hotel. It’s amazing you know, the vibe…

PP: The rain.

Billkin: Haha, it’s already stopped! But we actually really enjoy it [here].

You both have great style. Could you describe each of your personal styles? What is one thing in your wardrobe you can’t live without?

PP: For me one thing in my wardrobe I cannot live without is my underwear… Just kidding! It’s the accessories and jewellery. Earrings, rings (I always wear little rings) and bracelets. With my personal style I think I just wear something that shows my feelings, emotions, and the character that I want to present that day or for that event. I don’t have a specific, fixed style. However, I believe that as long as I have confidence, it will shine through in every performance I participate in.


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Billkin: For my style, I think I have many preferences for many types of clothing. So I think my [style] is always changing with the inspirations that I get over time and in different situations. So I don’t know… I think like with PP, [my style] just reflects what I like and what I feel confident wearing. The thing I can’t miss from my wardrobe is a t-shirt because the weather in Thailand is very hot, and Hong Kong is not that cold either. Wearing a t-shirt is just easy.

Do you have any memorable behind-the-scenes stories from filming I Told Sunset About You (2020) and I Promised You The Moon (2021)?

PP: Every moment is filled with memories that I deeply cherish. I never could have imagined reaching this point in my journey and having the opportunity to meet my fans. Each experience is meaningful and is etched into my mind forever. I am unsure if I will ever have the chance to work with someone like Billkin again, creating more of these cherished memories

Photo: IMDb

Photo: IMDb

Billkin: I think shooting I Told Sunset About You and I Promised You The Moon was one of the best moments in my life. I’ve got a lot of good memories, a lot of good experiences with PP, the staff, the team, the feedback from the audience, and the opportunities that came after the film. If ten years passed and I look back to that moment, it will always be a special moment.

What is your favourite thing about working together?

Billkin: Tiredness. Just kidding, haha. His kindness. He always thinks of the people around him; he’s always buying food for the staff, for me. He always takes care of the physical and emotional part of people.

PP: My favourite thing about him…

Billkin: A lot!

PP: Cannot describe. Haha. I think Billkin is a really cute person and he cares a lot about everyone around him. He is responsible and professional.

PP Krit


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You have your own fashion brand “Colors Culture”. What inspired you to start the brand? 

I have a strong passion for styling and vibrant colours. I am eager to incorporate my personal preference into the brand, allowing people to witness the striking nature of the colours that I truly enjoy.

You have released many solo projects in which you explore different fashion concepts. Which has been your favourite look from your solo music videos so far?

My favourite concept is I’ll Do It How You Like It as it marks my debut as a solo singer. I was excited to venture into an extreme concept for the song — something I had never tried before. This experience holds a significant place in my memory as it represents a bold and daring step that I took, making it unforgettable for me.



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You recently released your new song, A Beautiful Ride. What is the song about and what inspired it? 

The song is about comparing life to a journey. When we are born we start our trip and on that trip we meet new people, have new experiences, new surroundings, new ways of transportation. Along the way someone will leave us, someone new will come in. It’s comparing a trip to a life. When we feel good about someone we invite them to join our journey, to please come along for the good and the bad. The thing is, what is more important than the “end of the way” is the “along the way”. I just want to say that we should all experience good and bad memories to know [the significance] of the finish line. 

You have teamed up with numerous Asian artists for some of your latest songs. Are there any Hong Kong artists you would like to collaborate with?

Do you have any suggestions? 

Gareth Tong, Tyson Yoshi…

I’ll be in touch!