Known for their roles in Vice Versa and their recent collaboration Last Twilight, Thai actors Jimmy Potiwihok and Sea Tawinan have captivated global audiences, topping trend charts and becoming Asia’s favourite acting duo. In an interview for Vogue Hong Kong’s latest “My Fab 5” video series, the pair share their top five favourite movies and their reasons behind each pick.

Notting Hill (1999)

Sea: My first favourite movie is Notting Hill. This movie is a romantic drama, and I personally like to watch drama films. 

Which scene in the film stood out to you the most?

Sea: The scene that stood out to me the most was the scene at the bookstore, when the heroine says: “I’m just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.” 

One Day (2011)

Sea: Another top movie of mine is One Day.

Can you use three words to describe how you felt after watching the movie?

Sea: Very very sad. 

Titanic (1997)

Jimmy: One of my favourite movies is Titanic. I’m sure everyone is familiar with this movie, and I enjoy it very much. It is one of the greatest romantic classics and I admire the acting and the cinematography of the movie. No matter how many times I rewatch it, I never think that it is outdated. 

Which scene in the film stood out to you the most?

Jimmy: There are many scenes in the film that are memorable. Jack’s first scene is one that I often refer back to. When Jack plays poker and wins a ticket for the ship, it is a scene that perfectly establishes the character’s personality. When I was filming Last Twilight, I used this scene as inspiration for my own acting when interpreting and developing Mhok’s demeanour and mental state. 

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

Jimmy: My second movie is The Wolf of Wall Street. Firstly, I really admire Leonardo Dicaprio. His acting skills are incredible and every scene is performed very well. I especially like watching him explore a character’s internal feelings through his acting. 

Can you use three words to describe how you felt after watching the movie?

Jimmy: Rich, rich, rich!

Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Jimmy: Another movie I enjoyed watching is Avengers: Endgame. My favourite scene is the snapping of the fingers. 

Who is your favourite actor or character in the movie?

Jimmy: Robert Downey Jr. is a god of acting. I personally think he was born to play Iron Man, so that everyone can witness what the true Iron Man should look like. I’ve watched his movies since I was a child, so watching his death in Avengers: Endgame as an adult was an unforgettable experience. 

Would you want to collaborate with Robert Downey Jr. one day?

Jimmy: What? Robert? If I could then of course I would! (laughs)

Video Editor: Wilson Kwok
Executive Producer: Michelle Wong
Producer: Hillary Huang
Translators: Filterthai, Snail
Coordination: Mama Yiu
Agency: Pln B Ltd

Translation by Sophia Zhang