Opposites Attract 

Would you say that the luckiest romance is when you like someone and they like you back? If you’ve found someone you click with, every simple moment is as much a treasured memory as any earth-shattering declaration of love. At least that’s the case for Starr Chen and Stars Xu. The former is a renowned rapper and music producer whose impressive CV boasts top-charting tracks like Join Tsai’s “Play” and Mirror’s “ASAP” and “Reflection”. Even Blackpink’s Coachella Festival track is a brainchild of his genius. The latter is the founder of No Limits Fun, as well as a stylist and model whose bubbly personality and trend-setting style has earned her the following of music legend Rihanna. It may seem that they share a similar personality, but in reality one loves to joke around and the other is rational. Yet is is how they complement each other that they create the most fortunate pair. 

Love Finds A Way

You would think that the story of their encounter resembles the plot of a dramatic script, but it unfurled as a journey of introspection within themselves. Stars shared that Chenn had been purchasing from her brand and said adoringly, “He said he fell in love at first sight, but I thought he was not my type. But since I prefer unconventional charm and care more about one’s inner beauty, I must admit that his inner self is captivatingly radiant.” On what attracted her to him, Stars openly said that her husband always looks at the bigger picture, doesn’t gossip and happily lets her play dress-up on him. “His long-time friends all think he’s weird, but as someone who has witnessed all sorts of peculiarities since a young age, I particularly treasure this unique beauty and accept it boundlessly”. One willingly compromises, while the other graciously accommodates—a gratifying approach to their relationship. “Although, musically speaking, still not my type…” chuckles Stars Xu.

The two piece together in seamless synchronicity- not just in personality, but also in name. On this coincidence, Starr Chen shared that he naively tattooed the Chinese character “star” on the bottom of his foot in high school, revealing, “So people who don’t know me now ask me if I tattooed my wife’s name on my body, damn!” Life together seems to be filled with countless miniscule events, yet they make up the energy fuelling them forward in their simple and loving romance. 

Marriage Takes Two

Even though they are independent entities, it takes two to tango to make the dance last. Be it in work or family, they always work together in synergy. As a stylist and fashion icon in her own right, Stars Xu has styled her husband at numerous events in recent years. “Starrs Chen harbours the cliche dream of being named one of best looking on the red carpet, while my ideas are more off the wall. Fuse them together, and we achieve balance. At the end of the day, he’s still the embodiment of the Asia Freak mindset. Even rapper Dizzy Dizzo said he’s more like a diva than a queen!”. 

As for whether his wife and son bring him creative inspiration, his son’s recent favourite game Minecraft immediately jumps to mind. “I’ve been thinking about how to create a ‘square shaped’ song,” Chen shares, “My wife’s been busy lately, and hasn’t had time to seriously listen to my music.” Indeed, marriage is a ‘multiplayer game’. Only those who can complement each other make it to the finish line. 


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Starr Chen and Stars Xu are both forces to be reckoned with in fashion and style, and each possess their own set of life philosophies. When it comes to their ways of life and raising children, they’ve faced their own share of difficulties. “I treat Starr Chen as my oldest son and my son as my youngest son. Changing your perspective can change you into a more contented wife,” Stars Xu says. If things escalate, then apologise immediately, establish boundaries and refrain from allowing one’s emotions take over. 

Starr Chen jokingly raises an example, saying, “My son has his own bed but loves to sleep with us. I find it too packed, so I always ask him to sleep in his own bed instead. But they gang up and tout that my bed is bigger. Tell me, how can I win an argument against the two of them?” From their life philosophies to stories from home, it’s not hard to tell that the key to their lasting love is a shared belief of ‘family first’. 

Translated by Karrie Lam