My final chapter in the four-part LifeHub series wraps with all the things I need to consider and upkeep in order to maintain the incredibly balanced system I’ve worked so hard with them to achieve.
While I will keep going back to LifeHub for maintenance and continue to see my other healthcare providers, I will take into account the diagnostics I’ve received from the various tests over the last six months and do my best (that’s all I can do) to adhere to the doctor’s orders.
The main points of my lifestyle strategies include:
Chronobiology (timing) – I am (apparently) an early bird so my body responds well to fitness and food early in the day. I need to make more of an effort to fuel my body with good sources of animal protein, carbohydrates, and antioxidant-rich foods.
Embryology – My adrenal glands and musculoskeletal tissues are well developed so I respond well to bursts of challenging movements. Balancing, hand-eye coordination, sequencing different moves, etc. The workout I do daily, Family Form Method, is all of these things, combining endurance, challenging sequences and mind-body connection.
Oxidative stress and Inflammation – I am genetically prone to both oxidative stress and inflammation. My body used to have difficulties detoxing but with the addition of high antioxidants and an earlier bedtime, my most recent blood work showed a normal rate of detox! I know some of you are laughing at me because you know how much I enjoy alcohol and food, but I didn’t change my diet or habits (besides sleep) during these tests and tweaks. I’ve also discovered the power of scheduled rest days. I used to just go and go and go until my body physically couldn’t go any longer, and now I take Sundays off. Completely. No work, no workouts. Maybe some Sunday’s Whisky!
After writing the last three articles, I realised that it’s hard to give general advice about health. It’s an incredibly personal journey and truly an investment of time, money (insurance can help), and energy to prioritise your health. I will say that sweating 5-6 times per week is a game changer. There is no vitamin, supplement, or medicine that can pro-age you like exercise can. It’s also key to know what stage of life your body is in as you get older. Our hormones, as women, influence everything that happens in – and to – our bodies. From weight gain to hair growth, mood swings and changes in menstruation, knowing and monitoring your hormone levels can truly act as a road map. So many things feel like they’re out of your control but with the right guidance and commitment, living your version of the best, healthiest, independent life is attainable.
Lindsay Jang