1 她拒絕了威斯敏斯特公爵的求婚

據報導,Coco Chanel 曾與第二任威斯敏斯特公爵 Hugh Grosvenor 有過十年戀情,在此期間公爵提議與設計師結婚。 Chanel 拒絕了,後來更說:「有很多Duchesses,但只有一個Coco Chanel。」因而更有傳倫敦Westminster City 燈柱上的標誌與Coco Chanel的CC logo有關,但卻被當局否認了。

有傳倫敦Westminster City 燈柱上的標誌與Coco Chanel的CC logo有關,但卻被當局否認了。

有傳倫敦Westminster City 燈柱上的標誌與Coco Chanel的CC logo有關,但卻被當局否認了。

2 Chanel最喜歡的花是山茶花。

山茶花已經成為香奈兒品牌最具標誌性的象徵之一,在服裝和配飾以至化妝品中佔據重要地位。 Chanel 曾言她的早餐是吃一朵山茶花,可見她對此花的鍾愛。在Karl Lagerfeld最後一季成衣系列,山茶花髮飾仍然成為大家的焦點,令Chanel的象徵永恆留傳。

UNSPECIFIED : Gabrielle Chasnel called Coco Chanel (1883-1971), french fashion designer, here before 1914 (Photo by Apic/Getty Images)

UNSPECIFIED : Gabrielle Chasnel called Coco Chanel (1883-1971), french fashion designer, here before 1914 (Photo by Apic/Getty Images)

3 Chanel不喜歡迷你裙。

香奈兒曾將迷你裙稱為“an exhibition of meat”(肉展覽),聲稱她認定這種造型不雅。相反,她是穿著褲子女性的支持者,甚至因此在第二次世界大戰期間被維希政權逮捕。Coco Chanel 說明褲子是女性的實用選擇。:「女孩很好,整天在沙灘上滾來滾去都很好,在沙灘上,很容易穿上一條褲子。」

10th March 1931: Portrait of French fashion designer Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel (1883 - 1971) posing in her suite at the Hotel Pierre during her first visit to New York City. She wears a white silk jacket and pants with pearls. (Photo by New York Times Co./Getty Images)

10th March 1931: Portrait of French fashion designer Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel (1883 - 1971) posing in her suite at the Hotel Pierre during her first visit to New York City. She wears a white silk jacket and pants with pearls. (Photo by New York Times Co./Getty Images)

4 Chanel的職業生涯開始於帽匠。


FRANCE - CIRCA 1959: Coco Chanel in Paris, France in 1959 - Miss Coco Chanel. Coco Chanel's appartment, Cambon street. (Photo by KAMMERMAN/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)

FRANCE - CIRCA 1959: Coco Chanel in Paris, France in 1959 - Miss Coco Chanel. Coco Chanel's appartment, Cambon street. (Photo by KAMMERMAN/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)

5 Chanel經常發表個人意見,引起熱話

香奈兒在對別人的評論中毫不掩飾,不是一個收起自己思緒的人。譬如Chanel曾說,法國性感女星Brigitte Bardot是 “money mad” (拜金的)而且「太豐滿」了,言下意是……香奈兒也批評時尚編輯,聲稱一位不知名的編輯有「猴子的臉」和「下水道的嘴」,並說另一位編輯是「我見過的最自命不凡的女人」。這點跟Karl Lagerfeld語不驚人誓不休的特點是他們又一一脈相承之處。

courtesy of Chanel

courtesy of Chanel

6 Chanel拒絕替皇室設計服裝


On right, Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965) accompanied by his son Randolph (1911 - 1968) and Coco Chanel (1883 - 1971) at a meet of the Duke of Westminster's boar hounds, the 'Mimizan Hunt' near Dampierre, northern France. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

On right, Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965) accompanied by his son Randolph (1911 - 1968) and Coco Chanel (1883 - 1971) at a meet of the Duke of Westminster's boar hounds, the 'Mimizan Hunt' near Dampierre, northern France. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

7  雖然Chanel有很多段感情關係,但她從未結婚

香奈兒唯一比她的時尚更有名的可能是她的傳奇愛情故事。 她與Pablo Picasso、威斯敏斯特公爵、Arthur ” Boy ” Capel 、俄羅斯沙皇的孫子以及俄國作曲家 Igor Stravinsky等風流人物都有過親密關係。 當Stravinsky於1920年重新編寫他著名的樂曲《春之祭》,與巴黎芭蕾舞團一起進行新的舞台演出時,香奈兒就是主要的贊助人之一。

UNSPECIFIED - APRIL 01: Coco Chanel and her lover Arthur " Boy " Capel (mustache) with Constent Say on the beach in Saint Jean de Luz in 1917 (Photo by Apic/Getty Images)

UNSPECIFIED - APRIL 01: Coco Chanel and her lover Arthur " Boy " Capel (mustache) with Constent Say on the beach in Saint Jean de Luz in 1917 (Photo by Apic/Getty Images)

8 與Chanel長眠的是她最愛的香奈兒套裝

根據香奈兒自己的要求,Coco Chanel設計師被埋在她最喜歡的經典套裝,一件米色和白色的tweed套裝,裝飾著設計師的標誌性金色鈕扣和編織物。

French fashion designer Coco Chanel (C) is congratulated by French principal dancer Jacques Chazot (R) after presenting her Spring-Summer collection in Paris 30 January 1958. (Photo credit should read STF/AFP/Getty Images)

French fashion designer Coco Chanel (C) is congratulated by French principal dancer Jacques Chazot (R) after presenting her Spring-Summer collection in Paris 30 January 1958. (Photo credit should read STF/AFP/Getty Images)