

Chan Ka Kiu, Back & Forth & Back, 2023. Single channel video, 7’00” (still). ©Chan Ka Kiu, Courtesy DE SARTHE.

Chan Ka Kiu, Back & Forth & Back, 2023. Single channel video, 7’00” (still). ©Chan Ka Kiu, Courtesy DE SARTHE.

Chan Ka Kiu, Back & Forth & Back, 2023. Single channel video, 7’00” (still). ©Chan Ka Kiu, Courtesy DE SARTHE.

Chan Ka Kiu, Back & Forth & Back, 2023. Single channel video, 7’00” (still). ©Chan Ka Kiu, Courtesy DE SARTHE.



Installation views, “Searing Pain”, Aranya Art Center, September 4, 2022 - February 5, 2023 Photography: Sun Shi. © Tao Hui

Installation views, “Searing Pain”, Aranya Art Center, September 4, 2022 - February 5, 2023 Photography: Sun Shi. © Tao Hui

Tao Hui The Night of Peacemaking , 2022 Singel channel HD video, color, sound Dimensions variable 22 min 18 sec Supported and produced by Aranya Art Center Image courtesy the artist, Kiang Malingue (Hong Kong), and Esther Schipper (Berlin l Paris l Seoul).

Tao Hui The Night of Peacemaking , 2022 Singel channel HD video, color, sound Dimensions variable 22 min 18 sec Supported and produced by Aranya Art Center Image courtesy the artist, Kiang Malingue (Hong Kong), and Esther Schipper (Berlin l Paris l Seoul).


香港藝術家黃炳擅長通過活潑、詭奇的動畫世界影像,以富有趣味、繽紛的方式展開對個人情感、政治時弊的探討。2021 年的作品《唔好意思遲咗覆》,則從個人故事與日記延伸聯想,以單頻動畫錄像的方式,深入探索城市居民的渴望與焦慮。

Wong Ping Sorry for the late reply, 2021 Single channel video animation, colour, with sound 15 min Image courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue.

Wong Ping Sorry for the late reply, 2021 Single channel video animation, colour, with sound 15 min Image courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue.

Wong Ping Sorry for the late reply, 2021 Single channel video animation, colour, with sound 15 min Image courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue.

Wong Ping Sorry for the late reply, 2021 Single channel video animation, colour, with sound 15 min Image courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue.

Sprüth Magers——《Sex》Anne Imhof

由德國藝術家 Anne Imhof 於 2021 年創作的《Sex》是她首間以影片為主的作品。作品採用了她在 2019 年 3 月於倫敦 Tate Modern 所展出同名表演中第一章節的影片,並以此為基礎並加入充滿藝術家個性的黑暗視覺語言。Anne Imhof 的未婚妻兼繆思女神是著名藝術家 Eliza Douglas,兩人經常合作創作。

Eliza Douglas in Sex, 2021 (video still) HD film, color, with sound 193 min © Anne Imhof Courtesy of the artist, Sprüth Magers and Galerie Buchholz

Eliza Douglas in Sex, 2021 (video still) HD film, color, with sound 193 min © Anne Imhof Courtesy of the artist, Sprüth Magers and Galerie Buchholz

Josh Johnson and Enad Marouf in Sex, 2021 (video still) HD film, color, with sound 193 min © Anne Imhof Courtesy of the artist, Sprüth Magers and Galerie Buchholz

Josh Johnson and Enad Marouf in Sex, 2021 (video still) HD film, color, with sound 193 min © Anne Imhof Courtesy of the artist, Sprüth Magers and Galerie Buchholz


於 1977 年出生於中國四川樂山的當代藝術家兼導演邱炯炯,於 2021 年創作出 179 分鐘的長篇電影,內容講述一位處於中國 20 世紀動盪時期的川劇醜角「丘福」,受到社會影響的他與戲班經歷人生起伏跌宕,最終他終於在死後被接往地府,喝下孟婆湯,忘卻世間一切喜樂煩憂。