世界將一直記得一位有紫羅蘭色雙眸的女人,她被稱為「世界頭號美人」,拿過兩次奧斯卡影后,她對珠寶與華服的喜愛讓她時刻都雍容華貴。2011年病逝後,Elizabeth Taylor的故事終於將拍攝為傳記電影。




(Original Caption) 1956-Actress Elizabeth Taylor is shown seated, wearing a wedding gown-like dress and a pretty tiara. (Photo by George Rinhart/Corbis via Getty Images)

(Original Caption) 1956-Actress Elizabeth Taylor is shown seated, wearing a wedding gown-like dress and a pretty tiara. (Photo by George Rinhart/Corbis via Getty Images)

她的攝人的美貌足以能讓她名垂青史,然而她卻積極從影,自10歲那年童星出道,長達60年的演藝生涯中拍過不下五十部作品,兩次拿下奧斯卡影后(1960年的《青樓艷妓》(Butterfield 8)和1966年的《靈慾春宵》)。其中要數1963年的《埃及妖后》最為經典,她對埃及皇后Cleopatra七世的演繹,將其女王氣勢淋漓盡致地展現。在這部史詩大片後,Taylor成為首位拿下100萬美元的片酬的女星,成為當時身價最高的兩位女演員,另外一位是柯德莉夏萍。

Elizabeth Taylor罕見的容貌、妖冶多姿的氣質、性感的身材和精湛的演繹讓她成為了40至60年代閃耀的電影女王,她先後被金球獎、英國電影學院、和美國電影學會頒發終身成就獎。


Actress Elizabeth Taylor (1932 - 2011) stars in the MGM film, 'Cat On A Hot Tin Roof', 1958. (Photo by Archive Photos/Getty Images)

Actress Elizabeth Taylor (1932 - 2011) stars in the MGM film, 'Cat On A Hot Tin Roof', 1958. (Photo by Archive Photos/Getty Images)

在華人地區她被成為「玉婆」,不單是因為她昂貴的珠寶收藏品——《W》曾經評出過一個全球私人珠寶收藏家的排名,前兩位分別是英國伊麗莎白女王和伊朗前王后法拉赫·巴列維, 而第三位就是伊麗莎白·泰勒;還有她備受爭議的私生活。她經歷過八段婚姻,從Hilton酒店創辦人的長子到《埃及妖后》的男主角Richard Burton都拜倒在她的裙下,然而八段婚姻中她兩段是因與有婦之夫有染,在保守的五六十年代,敢愛敢恨的Elizabeth Taylor成為了狗仔隊爭相追捕的對象,隨她的電影事業一起將她的人氣推至顛峰。



Elizabeth Taylor

因此,將具有如此豐富一生的巨星生平搬上銀幕,實具有挑戰性。Elizabeth Taylor的傳記片暫定名稱為《A Special Relationship》,聽起來像是想著重描述她充滿爭議性的私生活?

不然,據Variety報導,該影片將透過Elizabeth Taylor和她的助理Roger Wall的友誼,來敘述她從一位女星成為藝術家、慈善家的歷程。Roger Wall是Elizabeth Taylor一生中多個同性戀好友之一。從1980年代中期開始,她與Roger Wall的友誼日益加深,Taylor成為了在提高艾滋病意識和尋找治療中重要的領導人。她晚年退出影壇積極投身於慈善事業中,一手創立了美國艾滋病研究基金會,亦因慈善事業獲得奧斯卡人道精神獎和受英女王頒發大英帝國勳章。


British-born American actress Elizabeth Taylor (1932 - 2011), with her Oscar for Best Actress in 'Butterfield 8', at the 33rd Academy Awards, Santa Monica, California, 17th April 1961. (Photo by Archive Photos/Getty Images)
UNITED STATES - JANUARY 15: Elizabeth Taylor dressed as Cleopatra without the head wear, in a black Fortuny pleated dress with a plunging neckline and a serpent clasp defining the empire waist. (Photo by Bert Stern/Conde Nast via Getty Images)
(Original Caption) 3/15/1963-Paris, France: Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton attend the benefit premiere of the film "Lawrence of Arabia," here 3/15. The pair co-star in the film "Cleopatra."
Elizabeth Taylor (1932-2011), British actress, wearing a red dress with a white fur stole in a studio portrait, against a white background, circa 1955. (Photo by Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images)
British-born actress Elizabeth Taylor weds Welsh actor Richard Burton (1925 - 1984) in Montreal, Canada, 15th March 1964. (Photo by Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
A portrait of Elizabeth Taylor in the 1950s. (Photo by API/GAMMA/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)
Elizabeth Taylor in Paris, France. (Photo by Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)
British-born American actress Elizabeth Taylor (1932 - 2011), with her Oscar for Best Actress in 'Butterfield 8', at the 33rd Academy Awards, Santa Monica, California, 17th April 1961. (Photo by Archive Photos/Getty Images)
UNITED STATES - JANUARY 15: Elizabeth Taylor dressed as Cleopatra without the head wear, in a black Fortuny pleated dress with a plunging neckline and a serpent clasp defining the empire waist. (Photo by Bert Stern/Conde Nast via Getty Images)
(Original Caption) 3/15/1963-Paris, France: Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton attend the benefit premiere of the film "Lawrence of Arabia," here 3/15. The pair co-star in the film "Cleopatra."
Elizabeth Taylor (1932-2011), British actress, wearing a red dress with a white fur stole in a studio portrait, against a white background, circa 1955. (Photo by Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images)
British-born actress Elizabeth Taylor weds Welsh actor Richard Burton (1925 - 1984) in Montreal, Canada, 15th March 1964. (Photo by Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
A portrait of Elizabeth Taylor in the 1950s. (Photo by API/GAMMA/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)
Elizabeth Taylor in Paris, France. (Photo by Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)
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至於誰能重現「玉婆」的光彩?女主角已經定為曾拿過奧斯卡最佳女配角的英國女演員Rachel Weisz。有著濃眉大眼的Rachel Weisz出道時便被人說過與Elizabeth Taylor神似被稱為「英倫玫瑰」,而且她還是007扮演者Daniel Craig的妻子。其成熟的演技也被製片稱讚她的才華能將傳奇的Elizabeth Taylor呈現。

影片將由奧斯卡金獎影片《The King’s Speech》的Iain Canning和Emile Sherman製片,奧斯卡金獎影片《貧民百萬富翁》Simon Beaufoy編劇,而《Troop Zero》背後雙人組女導演Bert & Bertie執導。

NEW YORK, NY - MAY 04: Rachel Weisz attends the "China: Through The Looking Glass" Costume Institute Benefit Gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 4, 2015 in New York City. (Photo by Larry Busacca/Getty Images)

NEW YORK, NY - MAY 04: Rachel Weisz attends the "China: Through The Looking Glass" Costume Institute Benefit Gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 4, 2015 in New York City. (Photo by Larry Busacca/Getty Images)