戴安娜王妃雖然在1997年香消玉殞,卻直至今日仍活在人們的記憶之中。不論其天真秀麗的面容,永不過時的造型,還是一心向善、向人民的品質,始終受到人們敬愛。來到今年,戴安娜王妃逝世25週年之際,HBO 推出戴安娜王妃紀錄片《The Princess》,引人從歷史鏡頭中探索這位一生被鎂光燈追逐的王妃。紀錄片將於8月13日晚上8點在HBO首播。

《The Princess》由 Ed Perkins 執導,以時間順序將所有與戴安娜王妃有關的媒體鏡頭拼湊起來,敘述二十多年來戴安娜王妃在鎂光燈下的王室生活。其中包括其與查爾斯王子的感情、婚禮、兩位王子的出生、世紀離婚等當時人們津津樂道的軼事。


LONDON, ENGLAND - JULY 29: Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and Diana, Princess of Wales, wearing a wedding dress designed by David and Elizabeth Emanuel and the Spencer family Tiara, ride in an open carriage, from St. Paul's Cathedral to Buckingham Palace, following their wedding on July 29, 1981 in London, England. (Photo by Anwar Hussein/WireImage)

LONDON, ENGLAND - JULY 29: Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and Diana, Princess of Wales, wearing a wedding dress designed by David and Elizabeth Emanuel and the Spencer family Tiara, ride in an open carriage, from St. Paul's Cathedral to Buckingham Palace, following their wedding on July 29, 1981 in London, England. (Photo by Anwar Hussein/WireImage)

Prince Charles and Diana, Princess of Wales (1961 - 1997) on the royal yacht 'Britannia' with their sons William and Harry during a visit to Venice, Italy, April 1985. (Photo by Jayne Fincher/Princess Diana Archive/Getty Images)

Prince Charles and Diana, Princess of Wales (1961 - 1997) on the royal yacht 'Britannia' with their sons William and Harry during a visit to Venice, Italy, April 1985. (Photo by Jayne Fincher/Princess Diana Archive/Getty Images)

此外,各種各樣影射英國王室生活的作品,如即將迎來第5季的Netflix史詩式英國皇家劇集《王冠 The Crown》,由 Kristen Stewart 傾情演繹的傳記電影《Spencer》等,也曾以戲劇手法還原王妃在世時的萬種風情。早前HBO也推出過2017年紀錄片《Diana, Our Mother: Her Life and Legacy》;同年另一部紀錄片《Diana: In Her Own Words》則呈現戴安娜王妃接受Andrew Morton採訪時的音檔。最令人痛心疾首的BBC紀錄片《Diana: 7 Days That Shook The World》,記錄了從她在1997離世後,英國王室幾乎失去民心的紀錄… 在逝世25週年之際,就讓我們從這些來自過去的影像資料,細細傾聽戴妃的內心世界。

Princess Diana, wearing a Gina Frattini gown and the Spencer family tiara, attending the farewell state banquet to mark the end of her official visit to New Zealand, April 1983. (Photo by Jayne Fincher/Getty Images)

Princess Diana, wearing a Gina Frattini gown and the Spencer family tiara, attending the farewell state banquet to mark the end of her official visit to New Zealand, April 1983. (Photo by Jayne Fincher/Getty Images)