西班牙攝影師Mar Sáez用鏡頭訴說人類形形色色卻又出奇一致的不安、孤獨、
Vera y Victoria則是與前者全然不同的作品。如果說To The Travellers中無數次4小時的談話讓我們得以一窺不同皮

VERA Y VICTORIA. Vera confessed to Victoria that she was transexual the day they kissed for the first time. It was in a park. It did not change anything. For the four years that they were together, they loved each other as they had never loved anyone before. For that part of their lives, Vera and Victoria were no longer two people, they merged into one. They built a home together filled with dreams and future projects. Indifferent to the prejudice of others, they surrendered to love and passion. "Vera and Victoria" is a visual diary shot between 2012 and 2016 in which Mar Sáez has portrayed the intimate universe of Vera and Victoria. A universe in which new facets of a relationship as intense as theirs come to the surface. No better or worse than anyone else.
Vera y Victoria的作品介紹中寫到:「在兩人第一次接吻的那天,
Mar Sáez個人展覽將於2019年 9 月 11 日至 11 月 23 日下午 2 時至晚上 7 時在f22攝影空間展出。

VERA Y VICTORIA. Vera confessed to Victoria that she was transexual the day they kissed for the first time. It was in a park. It did not change anything. For the four years that they were together, they loved each other as they had never loved anyone before. For that part of their lives, Vera and Victoria were no longer two people, they merged into one. They built a home together filled with dreams and future projects. Indifferent to the prejudice of others, they surrendered to love and passion. "Vera and Victoria" is a visual diary shot between 2012 and 2016 in which Mar Sáez has portrayed the intimate universe of Vera and Victoria. A universe in which new facets of a relationship as intense as theirs come to the surface. No better or worse than anyone else.
Sunni Zhang