Miss Americana 久違開唱!美國流行天后 Taylor Swift 去年推出第10張專輯《Midnights》,繼而憑藉音樂微電影《All Too Well》橫掃各大獎項。如今更乘勝追擊,以睽違五年的演唱會《The Eras Tour》與全世界樂迷再相見。
演唱會將從美國開始,目前已經公佈從明年3月至8月、為期6個月的美國巡迴演唱會日程。首兩場於上週末在美國亞利桑那州拉開帷幕,舉辦城市Glendale當晚更暫改名為Swift City以歡迎她的到來。據悉 Taylor Swift在首開唱當晚三個小時的時間內,共計帶來44首歌曲。

GLENDALE, ARIZONA - MARCH 17: Editorial use only and no commercial use at any time. No use on publication covers is permitted after August 9, 2023. Taylor Swift performs onstage for the opening night of "Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour" at State Farm Stadium on March 17, 2023 in Swift City, ERAzona (Glendale, Arizona). The city of Glendale, Arizona was ceremonially renamed to Swift City for March 17-18 in honor of The Eras Tour. (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management)
第一晚 Taylor Swift 接連換上數套造型。一雙由Christian Louboutin訂製的閃亮長靴成開場造型焦點,服裝分別來自 Roberto Cavalli 、Nicole + Felicia、Alberta Ferretti等,多數都是為了演唱會特別訂製,與美輪美奐的舞台效果相得益彰。

GLENDALE, ARIZONA - MARCH 17: Editorial use only and no commercial use at any time. No use on publication covers is permitted after August 9, 2023. Taylor Swift performs onstage for the opening night of "Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour" at State Farm Stadium on March 17, 2023 in Swift City, ERAzona (Glendale, Arizona). The city of Glendale, Arizona was ceremonially renamed to Swift City for March 17-18 in honor of The Eras Tour. (Photo by John Shearer/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management)
Taylor 將演唱會命名為 The Eras Tour,正是因為「這次演唱會將穿越過去與現在,回顧我以往音樂生涯中的每一個『時代』。」而隨之公布的演唱會主題海報,更是分別以不同顏色呈現Taylor Swift歷代專輯的經典造型,而歷年 Taylor 發布的熱門單曲,如回歸初心的《Love Story》、之前從未在演唱會表演的《Cruel Summer》、將氣氛推至高潮的《Ready For It…》等等,都在演唱會中現場表演,為觀眾帶來一場橫跨十個時代的聽覺和視覺盛宴。
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Cathy Huang