Allegory of the river Marne, bronze statue designed by Charles Le Brun and fused by the Keller brothers, 1687-1694, water basin called Parterre d'eau with the palace of Versailles in the background (Unesco World Heritage List, 1979), France, 17th century.

Allegory of the river Marne, bronze statue designed by Charles Le Brun and fused by the Keller brothers, 1687-1694, water basin called Parterre d'eau with the palace of Versailles in the background (Unesco World Heritage List, 1979), France, 17th century.


凡爾賽宮可以說是法國文化的奇蹟,三百年來吸引世界各地的遊客。而且定期邀請不同的當代藝術家合作,例如傑夫·昆斯(Jeff Koons)、安尼施‧卡普爾(Anish Kapoor)、村上隆、Xavier Veilhan等。而且這個太陽王的故居也不斷更新重建,好似The Queen’s Grand Apartment 。

SCHWANGAU, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 22, 2019: A view of the Neuschwanstein Castle in southwest Bavaria, Germany. Sergei Bobylev/TASS (Photo by Sergei BobylevTASS via Getty Images)

SCHWANGAU, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 22, 2019: A view of the Neuschwanstein Castle in southwest Bavaria, Germany. Sergei Bobylev/TASS (Photo by Sergei BobylevTASS via Getty Images)


這座城堡正是啟發了華特迪士尼的睡公主城堡,令到世界各地的旅客夢境成真。新天鵝堡是德國巴伐利亞最著名的景點,位於懸崖邊和哥特式建築為主。城堡是巴伐利亞的路德維希二世(Louis II)下令而建,並由建築師Christian Jank和Eduard Riedel設計,由他們完成國王的夢想。可惜在360個房間中只有14個房間可以依設計完成,其餘的346個房間則因為國王在1886年逝世而未能完成,而路德維希二世只在城堡中住了短短兩年。

Ireland. County Waterford. Lismore. Lismore Castle seen from the castle's Lower Gardens. (Photo by: Hugh Rooney/Eye Ubiquitous/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

Ireland. County Waterford. Lismore. Lismore Castle seen from the castle's Lower Gardens. (Photo by: Hugh Rooney/Eye Ubiquitous/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)


位於愛爾蘭以哥德式建築為主的城堡,而且推有絕美的花園。原本是德文郡公爵的家,由William Atkinson設計,在數年後再由Joseph Paxton加以修飾,增加了不少雕塑。雖然城堡現時是私人城堡,以全包方式出租,但其花園是向公眾開放。

SLOVAKIA - NOVEMBER 10: Bojnice castle, Slovakia, 12th-19th century. (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)

SLOVAKIA - NOVEMBER 10: Bojnice castle, Slovakia, 12th-19th century. (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)


波耶尼切城堡可說是斯洛伐克最美麗的城堡,也是建築師Joseph Hubert其中一個最偉大的作品,結合了哥德和浪漫風格,由Pálffy家族擁有。這個家族同時是著名的收藏家,以城堡為他們的收藏室。好像在走廊牆上掛滿肖像,同時也有一個充滿壁畫的小教堂,以東方風格為主的起居室等。

The medieval Beersel Castle surrounded by a moat, Belgium. (Photo by: Arterra/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

The medieval Beersel Castle surrounded by a moat, Belgium. (Photo by: Arterra/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)


比利時的貝爾塞爾城堡正正集合了中世紀城堡的所有要素,好像是護城河,地牢,吊橋等。這座古老的城堡屬於防禦性堡壘,於1300年至1310年之間建造,以三座高聳的塔樓、池塘和巨型煙囪給人留下了深刻的印象。最後居住者為Guillaume Hemricourt de Grunne伯爵和他的妻子。

(GERMANY OUT) Die ehemalige gotische Königsburg (Photo by Elmar Hartmann/ullstein bild via Getty Images)

(GERMANY OUT) Die ehemalige gotische Königsburg (Photo by Elmar Hartmann/ullstein bild via Getty Images)


貝利韋爾城堡坐落西班牙馬略卡島帕爾馬西北3公里的小山頂上,四周被松樹包圍,亦是地中海哥德式建築的典範。這座城堡是Jacques LeConquérant的夏日住所,可以看到帕爾馬灣的全景。

LITHUANIA - MAY 04: Trakai Castle, Lithuania, 15th century. (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)

LITHUANIA - MAY 04: Trakai Castle, Lithuania, 15th century. (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)


湖泊加綠色的山丘,成為了立陶宛的湖中城堡。這座石頭結構的城堡是14世紀由科斯圖提斯公爵興建,到大約1409年,在科斯圖提斯的兒子維陶塔斯大帝時期,整個工程的主要部分已經完工。可惜再到1430年,維陶塔斯本人逝世於這座城堡內。 冬天時被冰包圍的城堡成為最美的景色。

BADMINTON, ENGLAND: OCTOBER 03. Aerial photograph of the grade 1 listed Badminton House on October 03, 2010. This palladium style country house was the principal seat of the Dukes of Beaufort since the 17th century, It is located 4 miles East of Chipping Sudbury and 9 miles Northwest Chippenham on the edge of the Cotswolds. (Photograph by David Goddard/Getty Images).

BADMINTON, ENGLAND: OCTOBER 03. Aerial photograph of the grade 1 listed Badminton House on October 03, 2010. This palladium style country house was the principal seat of the Dukes of Beaufort since the 17th century, It is located 4 miles East of Chipping Sudbury and 9 miles Northwest Chippenham on the edge of the Cotswolds. (Photograph by David Goddard/Getty Images).

8. Beaufort 城堡

雨果:「它出現在山溝底部森林的拐彎處,這是一個不能忘記的景色 」,當他在1871年到Beaufort Castle時寫下。直到1930年修復以後,把文藝復興時期的風格和中世紀的遺跡融為一體,成為獨特風格。

Oberhofen Castle in the Bernese Oberland, Switzerland. (Photo by: Prisma Bildagentur/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

Oberhofen Castle in the Bernese Oberland, Switzerland. (Photo by: Prisma Bildagentur/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)


位於瑞士伯恩州上霍芬鎮的一座的中世紀城堡,這個浪漫建築歸功於Counts of Pourtalès伯爵,其形狀像一座童話城堡。 雖然城堡是13世紀的遺跡,但自1954年以來也設有一個博物館,專門研究16至19世紀的室內建築。

England, London, Greenwich, Eltham Palace, The Birthplace of Henry VII, I. (Photo by: Prisma Bildagentur/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

England, London, Greenwich, Eltham Palace, The Birthplace of Henry VII, I. (Photo by: Prisma Bildagentur/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)


距離倫敦只有30分鐘車程,是英國皇室的宮殿之一,埃爾特姆宮於1933年由Stephen Courtauld和妻子收購,現在由英國文化遺產協會所有。 大廳以帝舵風格設計為主,用上金色馬賽克,上漆的木門等,內部裝飾被評為裝飾藝術的傑作。
