多少人因為《The Devil wears Prada》開始對時裝界的內幕感興趣?最近,萬眾矚目的音樂劇版本《The Devil wears Prada》宣佈兩位主角已經完成選角,分別由百老匯The Tony Awards 得獎主 Beth Leavel 擔任Miranda Priestly,和由 Taylor Iman Jones 飾演Andy Sachs。音樂則由 Elton John 負責。這些重量級明星的參與更是保證了音樂劇的質素,將在2021年7月於芝加哥開演。

Beth Leavel attends the 73rd Annual Tony Awards at Radio City Music Hall
(Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for Tony Awards Productions)

Beth Leavel attends the 73rd Annual Tony Awards at Radio City Music Hall

(Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for Tony Awards Productions)




Elton John
(Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images)

Elton John

(Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images)

難以忘記的,當然是電影裡面,當年Meryl streep 飾演的 Miranda Priestly 有不少金句,不知又會出現在音樂劇上嗎? 以下一起來回顧這些難以在腦中抹去的 Miranda Priestly 伶俐台詞。

“Is there some reason that my coffee isn’t here? Has she died or something?”

“Oh, don’t be absurd. Everyone wants to be us. ”

“Okay. Can you spell Gabbana?”

“Please bore someone else with your questions.”

“By all means, move at a glacial pace. You know how that thrills me.”

“Florals? For Spring? Groundbreaking.”

“Details of your incompetence do not interest me.”