8月初在Netflix平台上架後,《睡魔 The Sandman》隨即成為熱話,最近還破億蟬聯全球劇集排行榜第一位!《睡魔》因揉合了神話、奇幻、驚悚、歷史及文學元素,早在30年前推出而風靡全球,甚為詩意的內容及宇宙觀,更被評為DC漫畫中「最不可能改編成影集」的神作。因此,今次翻拍成影集更是受盡漫畫迷的期待。

《睡魔 The Sandman》內容

改編自知名作家 Neil Gaiman 的同名漫畫,主角「Sandman」是七大無盡使者之一的「夢(Dream)」,或稱為 Morpheus,亦是 DC 漫畫的著名角色。故事從他被人類囚禁,逃脫後搜尋散落在人間的法器,尋回他被剝奪的一切等,並一路帶大家探索創新的「夢」之世界觀,以及其他幾位無盡使者,並修正過往的錯誤以及帶出一系列哲理性反思。例如關於希望、死亡、友情、謊言等的世界,以及反覆被提及——關於夢的作用。8月5日在Netflix首播,共10集,並在8月19日突襲釋出第11集獨立特別篇,名為「千夢之貓/卡利奧佩」。


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Their dreams inspired them. Their dreams kept them alive. But if you rob them of their dreams, if you take away their hope, then, yes, this is the truth of mankind.

Dream (The Sandman)

千里挑一的主角 Tom Sturridge 

帶領着整個影集的Tom Sturridge,不僅在第一集便全裸展現纖瘦姿態,更透過憂鬱低沈的演技,將大家帶入「無境使者夢」的世界,成為本作一大焦點。其實他在試鏡中,還打敗了 1,500 名演員,才成功得到「夢 Morpheus」這個角色!


這位36歲英國男星初審演戲世家,父親為導演Charles Sturridge,母親為演員Phoebe Nicholls,其妹妹Matilda Sturridge 亦是一位演員,自小被演戲薰陶長大。


Tom Sturridge 可謂戲路深廣,曾經演出過《縱情天后》、《心智相投》和《海盜電波》;還憑2013年百老匯劇場《孤兒們》以及2020年《Sea Wall/A Life》的演出,兩度入圍東尼獎最佳戲劇男主角獎


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摯友為 Robert Pattinson 成就「英國男神雙人組合」

Tom Sturridge 憂鬱的風格可謂與他的好朋友不相伯仲,而這位好友便是現任蝙蝠俠Robert Pattinson!兩人從 13 歲時就結識,還曾經短暫地住在一起,並一起踏入演藝圈,有著特殊的反向思維試鏡表演手法,海認識雙方家人及女朋友,亦經常私下相聚,關係之好令其影迷紛紛稱呼他們為「英國男神雙人組合」!

BEVERLY HILLS, CA - FEBRUARY 22: (L-R) Actors Tom Sturridge, Sienna Miller and Robert Pattinson attend the 2015 Vanity Fair Oscar Party hosted by Graydon Carter at the Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts on February 22, 2015 in Beverly Hills, California. (Photo by David Livingston/Getty Images)

BEVERLY HILLS, CA - FEBRUARY 22: (L-R) Actors Tom Sturridge, Sienna Miller and Robert Pattinson attend the 2015 Vanity Fair Oscar Party hosted by Graydon Carter at the Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts on February 22, 2015 in Beverly Hills, California. (Photo by David Livingston/Getty Images)

LONDON, ENGLAND - FEBRUARY 19: Robert Pattinson (L) and Tom Sturridge attend the LOVE x Miu Miu Women's Tales dinner hosted by Katie Grand and Elle Fanning at Loulou's on February 19, 2018 in London, England. (Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for Miu Miu)

LONDON, ENGLAND - FEBRUARY 19: Robert Pattinson (L) and Tom Sturridge attend the LOVE x Miu Miu Women's Tales dinner hosted by Katie Grand and Elle Fanning at Loulou's on February 19, 2018 in London, England. (Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for Miu Miu)