熱愛Wes Anderson的人容易產生對他視覺風格的定型,看到置中對稱的空間佈景、整齊劃一的色彩分佈,即刻會聯想到Wes Anderson電影的場景。因此,即便並非展出自己作品,當你看到這個展覽的格局和展品挑選,已經進入了他的世界。

不難猜到Wes Anderson本人對藝術十分狂熱,他的妻子Juman Malouf更是身兼插畫家、設計師於一身,二人便將自己的視野投射在了這個名為《Il sarcofago di Spitzmaus e altri tesori》(Spitzmaus 的木乃伊和其他寶藏)的展覽中,該展覽早前已於奧地利維也納藝術史博物館展出,今次巡迴至米蘭,展館面積更大且展品更為全面。Vogue為你分析整個展覽必須留意的看點:

MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 18: Patrizio Bertelli, Miuccia Prada, Wes Anderson, Jarvis Cocker, Juman Malouf and Nicole Kidman attend the Private Opening of 'Il Sarcofago di Spitzmaus e altri tesori' exhibition at Fondazione Prada on September 18, 2019 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Fondazione Prada)

MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 18: Patrizio Bertelli, Miuccia Prada, Wes Anderson, Jarvis Cocker, Juman Malouf and Nicole Kidman attend the Private Opening of 'Il Sarcofago di Spitzmaus e altri tesori' exhibition at Fondazione Prada on September 18, 2019 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Fondazione Prada)


眾所週知 Miuccia Prada 與丈夫 Patrizio Bertelli 兩人亦是藝術愛好者,故在二十年前便成立了Fondazine Prada藝術基金會,落戶米蘭及威尼斯,每年幫藝術家舉辦諸多畫展及積極參與推廣電影藝術等。因此在2020春夏米蘭時裝周開幕是,品牌聯乘 Wes Anderson 和 Juman Malouf 舉辦展覽,藝術意義和話題性兩者皆有。

加上在同日舉行了時裝展的Prada,整個展場都充滿了電影的趣味與美學的,其服裝設計的印花和剪裁亦具有Miuccia Prada與Wes Anderson標誌服裝的共同點,再呼應展覽,此舉聯乘恰到好處。

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整個展覽的視覺佈局取材自被視為世界最古博物館的安布拉斯城堡的Lower Castle,參照意大利宮廷設計專為收藏藝術遺產為設計,充滿神秘尋寶的氣氛;加上Wes Anderson的視覺風格,展館通過顏色有明顯的分佈。


538件展品皆由Wes Anderson和 Juman Malouf親手選出,不僅反映二人對兩間博物館的館藏的深刻了解,更揭示計劃中的展品與兩位藝術家的創作世界有意想不到的相近和共鳴之處。以「藏寶室」(Wunderkammer)的模型為靈感,展覽的敘事結構由多組展品形成,從綠色的物品至兒童肖像畫,從微縮模型至鐘錶,從盒子至木製品,從貴族和平民的肖像畫至大自然萬物,亦包括花園以及可作為科學展品或藝

必看展品包括一副公元前四世紀的《鼩鼱棺木》,一具以古埃及木盒安放的鼩鼱木乃伊,亦是展覽名稱的由來;還有來自自然史博物館的《Emerald on a Gilded Copper Pedestal》(1596),為以大小不一的哥倫比亞產祖母綠寶石鑲嵌而成的寶石標本。


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MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 18: Sunmi attends the Private Opening of 'Il Sarcofago di Spitzmaus e altri tesori' exhibition at Fondazione Prada on September 18, 2019 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Fondazione Prada)
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 18: ASAP Rocky and Edward Enninful attend the Private Opening of 'Il Sarcofago di Spitzmaus e altri tesori' exhibition at Fondazione Prada on September 18, 2019 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Fondazione Prada)
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 18: Wes Anderson and Juman Malouf attend the Private Opening of 'Il Sarcofago di Spitzmaus e altri tesori' exhibition at Fondazione Prada on September 18, 2019 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Fondazione Prada)
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 18: Winnie Harlow attends the Private Opening of 'Il Sarcofago di Spitzmaus e altri tesori' exhibition at Fondazione Prada on September 18, 2019 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Fondazione Prada)
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 18: Guan Xiaotong attends the Private Opening of 'Il Sarcofago di Spitzmaus e altri tesori' exhibition at Fondazione Prada on September 18, 2019 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Fondazione Prada)
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 18: Sunmi attends the Private Opening of 'Il Sarcofago di Spitzmaus e altri tesori' exhibition at Fondazione Prada on September 18, 2019 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Fondazione Prada)
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 18: ASAP Rocky and Edward Enninful attend the Private Opening of 'Il Sarcofago di Spitzmaus e altri tesori' exhibition at Fondazione Prada on September 18, 2019 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Fondazione Prada)
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 18: Wes Anderson and Juman Malouf attend the Private Opening of 'Il Sarcofago di Spitzmaus e altri tesori' exhibition at Fondazione Prada on September 18, 2019 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Fondazione Prada)
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 18: Winnie Harlow attends the Private Opening of 'Il Sarcofago di Spitzmaus e altri tesori' exhibition at Fondazione Prada on September 18, 2019 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Fondazione Prada)
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 18: Guan Xiaotong attends the Private Opening of 'Il Sarcofago di Spitzmaus e altri tesori' exhibition at Fondazione Prada on September 18, 2019 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Fondazione Prada)
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展覽在米蘭開幕當日便吸引了大量Prada的座上客前往觀賞,包括Anna Wintour、Nicole Kidman、A$AP Rocky、韓國女星宣美Sunmi等等,都近一步將Prada最新一季服飾放入Wes Anderson的佈景中。

若同為Prada及Wes Anderson的粉絲,到訪米蘭時就千萬不要錯過!

展覽時間: 2019 年 9 月 20 日至 2020 年 1 月 13 日
地點: Fondazione Prada Milan – Largo Isarco 2,20139