雖然 Anne Hathaway 演過無數電影,但原來這是她第一次出席康城影展,其獨有氣質與時尚配搭卻讓人感到驚喜。她主演的歷史電影《世界末日》講及上世紀 80 年代美國政要選舉 Ronald Reagan 為總統的歷史背景下,一段關於友情和忠誠的故事,由 Cate Blanchett 、奧斯卡影帝 Robert de Niro 與不久前為 Loewe 拍攝形象照片的 Anthony Hopkins 一起合演。為了宣傳電影新作,Anne Hathaway  來到康城出席多個活動,以下為你帶來其不同風格的時尚配搭,完全不會輸及她在《穿 Prada 的惡魔》中的造型。

抵達康城機場的 smart casual 造型

NICE, FRANCE - MAY 18: Actress Anne Hathaway is seen arriving ahead of the 75th annual Cannes film festival at Nice Airport on May 18, 2022 in Nice, France. (Photo by Marc Piasecki/GC Images)

NICE, FRANCE - MAY 18: Actress Anne Hathaway is seen arriving ahead of the 75th annual Cannes film festival at Nice Airport on May 18, 2022 in Nice, France. (Photo by Marc Piasecki/GC Images)

抵達康城機場的 Anne Hathaway 穿上 Louis Vuitton 白色連繫金色鏈子的簡約 T 恤配搭黑色西裝,同時戴上 BVLGARI Serpenti 系列手袋和黑色太陽眼鏡,散發隨性時尚氣息,絕對是最佳的名人機場造型之一。

以簡約高貴形象出席 《世界末日》首映禮 

CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 19: Anne Hathaway attends the screening of "Armageddon Time" during the 75th annual Cannes film festival at Palais des Festivals on May 19, 2022 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Daniele Venturelli/WireImage)

CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 19: Anne Hathaway attends the screening of "Armageddon Time" during the 75th annual Cannes film festival at Palais des Festivals on May 19, 2022 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Daniele Venturelli/WireImage)

CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 19: Anne Hathaway attends the screening of "Armageddon Time" during the 75th annual Cannes Film Festival at Palais des Festivals on May 19, 2022 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Lionel Hahn/Getty Images)

CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 19: Anne Hathaway attends the screening of "Armageddon Time" during the 75th annual Cannes Film Festival at Palais des Festivals on May 19, 2022 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Lionel Hahn/Getty Images)

甚麼是 less is more? 看看 Anne Hathaway  就知道了!她在《世界末日》首映禮紅地毯上以 Giorgio Armani Privé 白色crop top 配搭長擺裙子、 BVLGARI  Mediterranean Reverie 特別版項鏈和 Santoni 高跟鞋造型示人,不以性感或誇張配搭為焦點,反而散發高貴大方的時尚氣息,造型師 Erin Walsh 可說是應記一功。


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CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 20: Anne Hathaway attends the photocall for "Armageddon Time" during the 75th annual Cannes film festival at Palais des Festivals on May 20, 2022 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Lionel Hahn/Getty Images)

CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 20: Anne Hathaway attends the photocall for "Armageddon Time" during the 75th annual Cannes film festival at Palais des Festivals on May 20, 2022 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Lionel Hahn/Getty Images)

CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 20: Anne Hathaway attends the photocall for "Armageddon Time" during the 75th annual Cannes film festival at Palais des Festivals on May 20, 2022 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Lionel Hahn/Getty Images)

CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 20: Anne Hathaway attends the photocall for "Armageddon Time" during the 75th annual Cannes film festival at Palais des Festivals on May 20, 2022 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Lionel Hahn/Getty Images)

當出席 《世界末日》記者會的時候, Anne Hathaway 穿上了 Gucci 低胸連身迷你裙與 BVLGARI 高級珠寶,具有玩味的實驗性質同時,不失時尚感。


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CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 19: Anne Hathaway is seen during the 75th annual Cannes film festival on May 19, 2022 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Jacopo Raule/GC Images)

CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 19: Anne Hathaway is seen during the 75th annual Cannes film festival on May 19, 2022 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Jacopo Raule/GC Images)

CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 19: Anne Hathaway is seen at the Martinez Hotel during the 75th annual Cannes film festival on May 19, 2022 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Arnold Jerocki/GC Images)

CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 19: Anne Hathaway is seen at the Martinez Hotel during the 75th annual Cannes film festival on May 19, 2022 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Arnold Jerocki/GC Images)

在康城影展舉行期間,大街小巷盡是狗仔孩,Anne Hathaway 完全沒有半點鬆懈,步出  Martinez Hotel 時展示 Schiaparelli 七彩珠片而成的花卉套裝,相當搶眼之餘,盡顯活力。

CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 20: Anne Hathawa is seen during the 75th annual Cannes film festival at on May 20, 2022 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Jacopo Raule/GC Images)

CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 20: Anne Hathawa is seen during the 75th annual Cannes film festival at on May 20, 2022 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Jacopo Raule/GC Images)

CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 20: Anne Hathaway and Adam Shulman are seen at Hotel Martinez during the 75th annual Cannes film festival at on May 20, 2022 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Jacopo Raule/GC Images)

CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 20: Anne Hathaway and Adam Shulman are seen at Hotel Martinez during the 75th annual Cannes film festival at on May 20, 2022 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Jacopo Raule/GC Images)

另外,Anne Hathaway  在康城的公開場合展示各式各樣的造型,例如以 Louis Vuitton one piece 短裙配搭 BVLGARI 手袋;與演員兼珠寶設計師的老公 Adam Shulman 外出身穿白色外套與淺藍色九分牛仔褲,特別知性。


NICE, FRANCE - MAY 21: Actress Anne Hathaway is seen departing the 75th annual Cannes film festival at Nice Airport on May 21, 2022 in Nice, France. (Photo by Marc Piasecki/GC Images)

NICE, FRANCE - MAY 21: Actress Anne Hathaway is seen departing the 75th annual Cannes film festival at Nice Airport on May 21, 2022 in Nice, France. (Photo by Marc Piasecki/GC Images)

NICE, FRANCE - MAY 21: Actress Anne Hathaway and Adam Shulman are seen departing the 75th annual Cannes film festival at Nice Airport on May 21, 2022 in Nice, France. (Photo by Marc Piasecki/GC Images)

NICE, FRANCE - MAY 21: Actress Anne Hathaway and Adam Shulman are seen departing the 75th annual Cannes film festival at Nice Airport on May 21, 2022 in Nice, France. (Photo by Marc Piasecki/GC Images)

白恤衫配搭牛仔褲永遠是不會出錯的簡約造型,離開康城機場的 Anne Hathaway 特別戴上夏日風情十足的草帽與配搭 BVGLARI 手袋,為首次出席康城影展帶來最完美的時尚之旅。