Billie Eilish在2024巴黎奧運會閉幕禮上,於「洛杉磯12分鐘」環節帶來清爽的音樂演出。以洛杉磯Venice Beach為背景,Billie Eilish表演了大熱單曲《BIRDS OF A FEATHER》,與Snoop Dogg、Red Hot Chili Peppers和Dr. Dre等藝術家組成精彩絕倫的表演陣容。

UNSPECIFIED: (EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE) In this image released on August 11, (L-R) Snoop Dogg, Billie Eilish, and Dr. Dre appear at the LA28 Olympic Games Handover Celebration. (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for LA28)

UNSPECIFIED: (EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE) In this image released on August 11, (L-R) Snoop Dogg, Billie Eilish, and Dr. Dre appear at the LA28 Olympic Games Handover Celebration. (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for LA28)

作為出生於洛杉磯的歌手,Billie Eilish在此次交接儀式上的精彩亮相,無疑為2028年洛杉磯奧運會的預熱揭開了序幕。Billie Eilish身穿Polo Ralph Lauren訂製系列的白色上衣和卡其色工裝褲,佩戴藍色Cap帽,與她的哥哥兼創意合作夥伴FINNEAS一起在俯瞰大海的平台上進行音樂表演。

UNSPECIFIED: (EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE) In this image released on August 11, (L-R) FINNEAS and Billie Eilish perform at the LA28 Olympic Games Handover Celebration. (Photo by Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for LA28)

UNSPECIFIED: (EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE) In this image released on August 11, (L-R) FINNEAS and Billie Eilish perform at the LA28 Olympic Games Handover Celebration. (Photo by Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for LA28)

UNSPECIFIED: (EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE) In this image released on August 11, (L-R) FINNEAS and Billie Eilish perform at the LA28 Olympic Games Handover Celebration. (Photo by Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for LA28)

UNSPECIFIED: (EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE) In this image released on August 11, (L-R) FINNEAS and Billie Eilish perform at the LA28 Olympic Games Handover Celebration. (Photo by Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for LA28)

UNSPECIFIED: (EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE) In this image released on August 11, Billie Eilish performs at the LA28 Olympic Games Handover Celebration. (Photo by Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for LA28)

UNSPECIFIED: (EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE) In this image released on August 11, Billie Eilish performs at the LA28 Olympic Games Handover Celebration. (Photo by Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for LA28)

Billie Eilish今年5月剛剛發行了第三張錄音室專輯《HIT ME HARD AND SOFT》,而她在閉幕禮上所演繹的《BIRDS OF A FEATHER》正是其先行曲,一經推出便引起轟動,橫掃各大音樂排行榜。

在這首由Billie Eilish與FINNEAS共同創作的作品中,Billie Eilish將敘事視角聚焦於超越生命的「Love Energy」,對人際聯繫的深切渴望也是對這首歌曲更深層的意藴。「Love Energy」在奧運這個追逐與和平並存的競技場上化為愛的聖火,與全世界共同傳遞,為這個全球矚目的體育盛事增添了一抹詩意與溫度。


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在Billie Eilish表演之後,Red Hot Chili Peppers、Snoop Dogg、 Dr. Dre等音樂人以搖滾、流行、Hip-Hop等不同音樂風格,詮釋了這座融匯多元文化的城市——洛杉磯。

UNSPECIFIED: (EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE) In this image released on August 11, (L-R) Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg perform at the LA28 Olympic Games Handover Celebration. (Photo by Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for LA28)

UNSPECIFIED: (EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE) In this image released on August 11, (L-R) Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg perform at the LA28 Olympic Games Handover Celebration. (Photo by Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for LA28)