
講述有關占士邦退役後在牙買加過著平靜舒適的日子,卻因為中情局的死黨 Felix Leiter 突如其來的求救信息完全破壞了寧靜的氣氛。本來金盆洗手的占士邦為了營救被綁架的科學家,令自己再次深陷神秘險境,落在神秘黑手主宰的高科技殺局中。

Tom Ford 與服裝設計師 Suttirat Anne Larlab 攜手為占士邦這個角色設計出量身訂造的服裝設計,從晚禮服、西裝、襯衫、休閒服裝、牛仔裝束還有配飾,都在意大利裁縫工作室內進行度身訂製。無論是對用料有獨特的考究,還要配合占士邦角色的大量動作拍攝的需求,特意設計出方便靈活打動的立體剪裁,據說所有細節均為手工縫製,相當用心良苦。

B25_36559_bw_RC2 James Bond (Daniel Craig) in NO TIME TO DIE, an EON Productions and Metro Goldwyn Mayer Studios film Credit: Nicola Dove © 2020 DANJAQ, LLC AND MGM. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

B25_36559_bw_RC2 James Bond (Daniel Craig) in NO TIME TO DIE, an EON Productions and Metro Goldwyn Mayer Studios film Credit: Nicola Dove © 2020 DANJAQ, LLC AND MGM. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

B25_17765_RC2 James Bond (Daniel Craig) in NO TIME TO DIE an EON Productions and Metro Goldwyn Mayer Studios film Credit: Nicola Dove © 2020 DANJAQ, LLC AND MGM. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

B25_17765_RC2 James Bond (Daniel Craig) in NO TIME TO DIE an EON Productions and Metro Goldwyn Mayer Studios film Credit: Nicola Dove © 2020 DANJAQ, LLC AND MGM. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

B25_16881_RC Nomi (Lashana Lynch) in NO TIME TO DIE an EON Productions and Metro Goldwyn Mayer Studios film Credit: Nicola Dove © 2020 DANJAQ, LLC AND MGM. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

B25_16881_RC Nomi (Lashana Lynch) in NO TIME TO DIE an EON Productions and Metro Goldwyn Mayer Studios film Credit: Nicola Dove © 2020 DANJAQ, LLC AND MGM. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

另外 Tom Ford 更首次為 Lashana Lynch 所飾演的女主角 Nomi 設計出意大利手工製外套上衣及眼鏡等配飾。雖然電影延遲上映,但無礙 Tom Ford 如期推出全新占士邦的款式。

其實 Tom Ford 一直以來堅持對占士邦電影的支持,從《007:鬼影帝國》(Spectre)、《007:智破天凶城》(Skyfall)到《007:量子殺機》(Quantum of Solace),是因為其電影角色給予經典難忘的螢幕形象,完美地演繹出 Tom Ford 男裝優雅時尚與奢華品味於一身的特點,彰顯出男性魅力。

Lucia Sciarra (Monica Bellucci) and James Bond (Daniel Craig) share an intimate moment in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures/Columbia Pictures/EON Productions’ action adventure SPECTRE.

Lucia Sciarra (Monica Bellucci) and James Bond (Daniel Craig) share an intimate moment in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures/Columbia Pictures/EON Productions’ action adventure SPECTRE.

Daniel Craig stars as James Bond in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures/Columbia Pictures/EON Productions’ action adventure SPECTRE.

Daniel Craig stars as James Bond in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures/Columbia Pictures/EON Productions’ action adventure SPECTRE.

Daniel Craig stars as James Bond in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures/Columbia Pictures/EON Productions’ action adventure SPECTRE.

Daniel Craig stars as James Bond in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures/Columbia Pictures/EON Productions’ action adventure SPECTRE.

Madeleine Swann (Lea Seydoux) has dinner with James Bond (Daniel Craig) in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures/Columbia Pictures/EON Productions’ action adventure SPECTRE.

Madeleine Swann (Lea Seydoux) has dinner with James Bond (Daniel Craig) in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures/Columbia Pictures/EON Productions’ action adventure SPECTRE.

(l to r) Rory Kinnear, Ben Whishaw and Daniel Craig in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures/Columbia Pictures/EON Productions’ action adventure SPECTRE.

(l to r) Rory Kinnear, Ben Whishaw and Daniel Craig in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures/Columbia Pictures/EON Productions’ action adventure SPECTRE.

Bond (Daniel Craig) runs along the rooftops in pursuit of Sciarra in Mexico City in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures/Columbia Pictures/EON Productions’ action adventure SPECTRE.

Bond (Daniel Craig) runs along the rooftops in pursuit of Sciarra in Mexico City in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures/Columbia Pictures/EON Productions’ action adventure SPECTRE.