讓我們弄清楚一件事:Jared Leto搖滾巨星。作為搖滾樂隊 Thirty Seconds to Mars (30秒上火星)的主唱,雖然他可能有很多才華(記得他出演的Joker?),但是在樂隊Monolith巡迴演唱會中,Leto的出色表演壓倒了所有人。在從奧斯丁到匈牙利紮馬爾迪(Zamárdi)的場地上演出超過一年的路上,他夜以繼日的高能量表演和華麗的衣櫃吸引著觀眾。他從來沒有人依賴過搖滾時尚的刻板印象,Leto在舞台上突破了舞台上表演及穿著的界限。當你有粉紅色緞面長褲和飄逸的哩士披肩征服觀眾時,誰還需要皮褲和破爛的T-shirt?
Jared Leto與Gucci設計師Alessandro Michele 的持續合作產生了令人難忘的紅地毯時刻—有兩個Jared Leto頭顱的Met Gala。但他的Monolith衣櫥進一步提升了時尚感。每件作品都令人振奮:金屬長褲,彩虹色上衣和綴滿寶石的太陽眼鏡,當Leto穿上他們在擁擠的人群面前表演著「危險之夜」,這些衣服足以獨立成為時裝展示。
First show. One leg. Klam, Austria // 6.30.19 Photography by Matty Vogel
“Another life, another love...” Rome, Italy // 7.3.19
Grazie Italia ?in the rolling hills of Barolo, Italy // 7.7.19
In the land of the midnight sun.... Restrooms are just to the left. Oulu, Finland // 7.27.19
Walking to the stage to sing with 35,000 crazy, beautiful Russians.... Moscow, Russia // 7.13.19
Custom fingerless lace gloves. Very important for playing acoustic guitar. Cluj, Romania // 7.21.19

Electric blue metallic pants. I did the robot on stage that night. I'm not saying it was because of the pants, but I'm not saying it wasn’t. Burriana, Spain // 8.3.19
Love open-air summer shows.... Leipzig, Germany // 8.17.19
Backstage dressing room warming up. Salem, Germany // 8.16.19
原文出自:Vogue US
JANELLE OKWODU Translated by Cherry MuiCredit
Photography by Matty Vogel