John F. Kennedy Jr. 和 Carolyn Bessette 是 90 年代最具標誌性和最迷人的情侶之一,他們之間有着令人難忘且悲慘的愛情故事。而 FX 最新電視連續劇,由 Ryan Murphy 製作的《美國愛情故事》(American Love Story)的第一季講述這對情侶的愛情故事。

在《美國恐怖故事》(American Horror Story)和《美國犯罪故事》(American Crime Story)取得巨大成功之後, Ryan Murphy 因此決定與其製作夥伴Brad Falchuk 合作——推出 《美國愛情故事》(American Love Story),回顧美國史上最重要的愛情故事。不僅如此,還有
即將推出的《美國體育故事》(American Sports Story),獻給偉大的運動員。

359625 01: (MAGS PLEASE CALL) John F. Kennedy, Jr. editor of George magazine, gives his wife Carolyn a kiss on the cheek during the annual White House Correspondents dinner May 1, 1999 in Washington, D.C. July 16, 2000 marks the one year anniversary of the plane crash which killed Kennedy, his wife and sister-in-law. (Photo by Tyler Mallory/Liaison)

359625 01: (MAGS PLEASE CALL) John F. Kennedy, Jr. editor of George magazine, gives his wife Carolyn a kiss on the cheek during the annual White House Correspondents dinner May 1, 1999 in Washington, D.C. July 16, 2000 marks the one year anniversary of the plane crash which killed Kennedy, his wife and sister-in-law. (Photo by Tyler Mallory/Liaison)

通過《美國愛情故事》, Ryan Murphy 打算聚焦美國過去半個世紀, 那些能夠吸引全世界關注的愛情故事,這要歸功於大眾媒體及狗仔隊的病態關注,尤其是當在尋找八卦新聞方面。

像前美國總統約翰甘迺迪(John F. Kennedy)和第一夫人Jackie Kennedy 的小兒子 John F. Kennedy Jr. 與 Carolyn Bessette 之間的關係,無疑受八卦新聞影響至深的受害者之一。從求愛、訂婚再到結婚,他們關係的每一個階段堪比皇室,全被狗仔隊追踪報導,並登上到世界各大報紙雜誌的頭版及封面。

(Original Caption) John-John and Carolyn Kennedy leaving their New York apartment in Tribeka district. (Photo by Lawrence Schwartzwald/Sygma via Getty Images)

(Original Caption) John-John and Carolyn Kennedy leaving their New York apartment in Tribeka district. (Photo by Lawrence Schwartzwald/Sygma via Getty Images)

John Kennedy, Jr. and his wife, Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy stroll together near their TriBeCa loft today. They had lunch at Bubby's after they bought a paper at Hudson News. In this photo, they head back to their apartment. (Photo by Lawrence Schwartzwald/Sygma via Getty Images)

John Kennedy, Jr. and his wife, Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy stroll together near their TriBeCa loft today. They had lunch at Bubby's after they bought a paper at Hudson News. In this photo, they head back to their apartment. (Photo by Lawrence Schwartzwald/Sygma via Getty Images)

John F. Kennedy Jr.  在 1987 年已經被《人物》雜誌選為「世界上最性感的男人」,他選擇了成為一名政治律師,更是曼哈頓最受關注的人物之一。 John F. Kennedy Jr. 曾與天后 Madonna 、女星 Sarah Jessica Parker 及 Daryl Hannah 等知名的明星約會過。在 1992 年, John F. Kennedy Jr. 在紐約的 Calvin Klein 總部遇到了 Carolyn Bessette,她在那裡擔任品牌公關(最初她是在波士頓的 Calvin Klein 擔任銷售員),而這次相遇是對他們未來的決定性會面。在兩年後的 1994 年,他們開始了約會,並在 1995 年——正當 John F. Kennedy Jr. 全身心投入出版業並創辦了《喬治》月刊時——他們訂婚了。但兩人都知道,要忍受媒體的注目並不容易,而隨著婚姻,這種「監視」只會急劇增加。

John Kennedy Jr, son of former US President John F Kennedy, arrives with his wife Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy for a party celebrating the opening of a new London store by fashion designer Ralph Lauren. (Photo by Peter Jordan - PA Images/PA Images via Getty Images)

John Kennedy Jr, son of former US President John F Kennedy, arrives with his wife Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy for a party celebrating the opening of a new London store by fashion designer Ralph Lauren. (Photo by Peter Jordan - PA Images/PA Images via Getty Images)

相愛並決定接受艱難的未來,他們於 1996 年 9 月 21 日在佐治亞州的黃瓜島秘密結婚,Carolyn Bessette 更穿上由設計師 Narciso Rodriguez 設計的連衣裙,當時幾乎不為人知。但極為重視隱私的 Carolyn Bessette,卻無法招架的這些突如其來的關注,婚後一直需要忍受活在聚光燈下,而這也促使她吸毒成癮。

John F. Kennedy Jr. and Carolyn Bessette (Photo by Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)

John F. Kennedy Jr. and Carolyn Bessette (Photo by Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)

Carolyn Bessette Kennedy at the "Bright Night Whitney" Annual Fundraising Gala in New York City, NY, Whitney Museum 03/09/99 (Photo by Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)

Carolyn Bessette Kennedy at the "Bright Night Whitney" Annual Fundraising Gala in New York City, NY, Whitney Museum 03/09/99 (Photo by Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)

沒過多久,兩人的婚姻生活也浮現了很多問題,充滿着懷疑、爭吵、冷淡甚至暴力,像 Carolyn 的外遇、吸毒的謠言四起,甚至又屢傳二人早已分居、即將離婚的傳聞。在 1999 年 7 月 16 日晚上,正當兩人和她的姐姐 Lauren 準備前往馬薩諸塞州海葡萄園島,參加 John F. Kennedy Jr. 堂妹 Rory Kennedy 的婚禮的路上,由 John F. Kennedy Jr. 親自駕駛的Piper Saratoga 號不幸在大西洋墜毀(據說可能是因為大霧而失去了對飛機的控制),象徵着一個永恆愛情的神話正式破滅。悲劇發生後,甘迺迪家族對巴塞特家族進行了賠償,以避免任何與事故相關的法律訴訟,也是印證兩人之間貌合神離的最終證明。

Kennedy 和 Carolyn 的愛情故事,正隱喻着那些先起飛後跌入谷底、無法循序漸進的關係:或許,只有真愛才能解開最濃密的迷霧。

292061 08: (MAGAZINES PLEASE CALL) John F. Kennedy Jr. and his wife Carolyn walk with their dog January 1, 1997 in New York City. July 16, 2000 marks the one-year anniversary of the plane crash off the coast of Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts that killed John F. Kennedy Jr., 38, his wife Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, 33, and her sister Lauren Bessette, 34. (Photo by Evan Agostini/Liaison)

292061 08: (MAGAZINES PLEASE CALL) John F. Kennedy Jr. and his wife Carolyn walk with their dog January 1, 1997 in New York City. July 16, 2000 marks the one-year anniversary of the plane crash off the coast of Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts that killed John F. Kennedy Jr., 38, his wife Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, 33, and her sister Lauren Bessette, 34. (Photo by Evan Agostini/Liaison)


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