4年前在國際婦女節 The Book Fairies 便邀請了演員 Emma Watson,在紐約城市中留下有關女權主義的書籍,給予繁忙城市一點驚喜、一點寧靜。這也是 The Book Fairies 一直以來的宗旨,將閱讀分享開來,為讀完的書籍尋找新的主人。而今次便聯手重磅級劍橋公爵夫人 Kate Middleton 的合作,將150本《Hold Still: A Portrait of Our Nation in 2020》攝影集藏在倫敦城市的各個角落,每本書除了綁上金色絲帶和 Book Fairies 貼紙外,更夾著一份公爵夫人的信,猶如寶藏般珍稀。

今次是由英國國家肖像館(National Portrait Gallery)贊助人也就是劍橋公爵夫人 Kate Middleton 本人發起的活動,向全國收集曾在2020年5月至6月份期間,也就是英國陷入全國封鎖期間所拍攝到的抗疫肖像,不僅記錄下這非常時期的獨特集體回憶,更表彰見義勇為、抗疫英雄、伸出援手等英勇面孔和行為。由專業評委根據照片所傳達的情感和經驗,在31,000張參賽作品中選出100幅具代表性的肖像,收錄在攝影集中及虛擬展覽。

LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 07: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge views an artwork during a visit to the Royal London Hospital Whitechapel on May 7, 2021 in London, England. During the visit, The Duchess heard about how the hospital uses art to benefit its staff and patients, before meeting a small group of hospital staff and hearing about their experiences over the past year. (Photo by Arthur Edwards - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 07: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge views an artwork during a visit to the Royal London Hospital Whitechapel on May 7, 2021 in London, England. During the visit, The Duchess heard about how the hospital uses art to benefit its staff and patients, before meeting a small group of hospital staff and hearing about their experiences over the past year. (Photo by Arthur Edwards - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

《Hold Still: A Portrait of Our Nation in 2020》所刊登的100張肖像,從虛擬的生日聚會、手工製作的彩虹、社區內的鼓勵,到勇敢的國家醫療團隊、堅韌不拔的抗疫工作者和應對疾病、孤立和失去的英雄們,展示了歷史上非凡時期的獨特紀錄,也傳達了人類共同的幽默和悲傷、創造力和善良、悲劇和希望,是最真實的寫照。書籍《Hold Still》的價格為24.95英鎊,收益將會全數捐贈給英國國家肖像館和 MIND 心理健康慈善機構。

LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 07: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge talks to 'Hold Still' entrants during a visit to the archive in the National Portrait Gallery in central London to mark the publication of the 'Hold Still' book on May 7, 2021 in London, England. (Photo by Dominic Lipinski - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 07: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge talks to 'Hold Still' entrants during a visit to the archive in the National Portrait Gallery in central London to mark the publication of the 'Hold Still' book on May 7, 2021 in London, England. (Photo by Dominic Lipinski - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

Kate Middleton 身穿 Eponine 2018年秋冬款式紅色長褸搭配裸色百褶裙和 Ralph Lauren 高踭鞋,更以同色調的DeMellier London 小手袋現身英國國家肖像館,甚至到處藏下《Hold Still》攝影集的身影。不知道是鮮豔的紅色時尚造讓人眼前一亮,還是公爵夫人善良仁慈的背影,光芒四射。

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