
隨後 Meghan Markle 更向贊助人之一兼倫敦著名的動物之家,現身時動物福利慈善機構 Mayhew寫公開信,感謝其支持她書中的 「愛、代表和包容 」主題,信中感謝該慈善機構在大流行期間幫助家庭和他們的寵物在大流行下的生活。

「在過去的一年裏,我們每個人都感受到了全球大流行病的深刻影響。無論是失去親人、許多人面臨的健康挑戰,還是每個人所經歷的不成比例的生活變化,這都是一個壓倒性的悲痛、成長和感激的過程。我從許多人中聽到了在被封鎖的隔離期間,在家裏有寵物陪伴的影響;你們更提到了寵物在身邊的陪伴下找到的慰藉和安慰,是理想的心靈治療。而 Mayhew 機構日復一日地努力向全英國和其他國家的人們提供如此適當的服務。」

LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 08: A illustration of a father and son are seen inside a copy of Meghan Markle's book "The Bench" on a display in Europe's largest bookstore Waterstones Piccadilly, on June 08, 2021 in London, England. The book comes just days after Meghan and Harry, the Duchess and Duke of Sussex, announced the birth of their daughter Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor. (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 08: Copies of Meghan Markle's book "The Bench" on a display in Europe's largest bookstore Waterstones Piccadilly, on June 08, 2021 in London, England. The book comes just days after Meghan and Harry, the Duchess and Duke of Sussex, announced the birth of their daughter Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor. (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 08: A illustration of a father and son are seen inside a copy of Meghan Markle's book "The Bench" on a display in Europe's largest bookstore Waterstones Piccadilly, on June 08, 2021 in London, England. The book comes just days after Meghan and Harry, the Duchess and Duke of Sussex, announced the birth of their daughter Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor. (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 08: Copies of Meghan Markle's book "The Bench" on a display in Europe's largest bookstore Waterstones Piccadilly, on June 08, 2021 in London, England. The book comes just days after Meghan and Harry, the Duchess and Duke of Sussex, announced the birth of their daughter Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor. (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)
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Meghan Markle 最後對過去的一年進行了反思,說每個人都盡了最大的努力來適應不利的條件,並繼續適應不斷變化的世界。她接著說,她希望 Mayhew 和其他組織繼續幫助他們的社區,繼而他們為每個家庭的動物提供支援和無條件愛。

「當我反思2020年時,我總是回到社區和聯繫的重要性上。我們可能被迫分開,但我們找到了新的方式來接近和支持對方,度過這個共同的危機。對我們中的許多人來說,有我們的寵物在身邊,這一切都變得更加容易。Mayhew 以及成千上萬個像他們一樣的小型社區組織–將會繼續傾聽,調整他們的服務,並提供人們和寵物所需的資源,以保持團結並堅持度過難關。在我們共同建設未來的時候,我真誠地希望我們在這樣做的時候,能夠不斷地支持想 Mayhew 這樣的組織,他們在危機和平靜的日子裏繼續他們的重要工作。他們對動物福利事業的承諾是堅定不移的,他們對我們社區福祉的影響是不言而喻的。」

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