在 60 歲生日那天,已故戴安娜王妃的新雕像由她的兒子威廉王子和哈里王子在倫敦揭幕。2017 年,在她去世 20 週年之際,兄弟倆委託了雕塑家 Ian Rank-Broadley, 在他們兒時居住的家——Kensington Palace 放置一個雕塑,以此來紀念他們的母親。

Sussex公爵和公爵夫人接受 Oprah 採訪後,英國王室經歷了一段動蕩的時期,兄弟們在宮殿的 Sunken花園(他們母親最喜歡的地方)重聚,首次展示了雕塑作品。公主的兄弟姐妹 Spencer 伯爵、Sarah McCorquodale 夫人和Jane Fellowes夫人也加入了他們。


The statue of Diana, Princess of Wales, by artist Ian Rank-Broadley, in the Sunken Garden at Kensington Palace.
Photo by Dominic Lipinski - WPA Pool/Getty Images

The statue of Diana, Princess of Wales, by artist Ian Rank-Broadley, in the Sunken Garden at Kensington Palace.

Photo by Dominic Lipinski - WPA Pool/Getty Images


備受讚譽的雕塑家 Ian Rank-Broadley 受委託創作這尊比真人還大的青銅雕像。 Castle Fine Arts Foundry 使用傳統的「失蠟鑄造」(lost-wax)工藝製作,將藍綠色與黑色分層。肖像和姿態散發了公主的光彩和溫暖,而所選擇的服裝風格——束帶裙和襯衫——反映了戴安娜晚年經常穿的服裝,以及其作為慈善大使的角色。




雕像前面有一塊單獨的石板,上面刻著詩歌《The Measure of A Man》的摘錄,這首詩被列入 2007 年戴安娜逝世十週年追悼會的節目。

These are the units to measure the worth Of this woman as a woman regardless of birth. Not what was her station? But had she a heart? How did she play her God-given part?


Prince William, Duke of Cambridge (left) and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex arrive for the unveiling of a statue they commissioned of their mother Diana, Princess of Wales, in the Sunken Garden at Kensington Palace, on what would have been her 60th birthday on July 1, 2021 in London, England.
Photo by Yui Mok - WPA Pool/Getty Images

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge (left) and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex arrive for the unveiling of a statue they commissioned of their mother Diana, Princess of Wales, in the Sunken Garden at Kensington Palace, on what would have been her 60th birthday on July 1, 2021 in London, England.

Photo by Yui Mok - WPA Pool/Getty Images


Sunken花園是戴安娜最喜歡參觀的地方之一。園林設計師 Pip Morrison 負責對其進行更新,並於 2019 年 10 月開始了新設計的工作。(五位園丁已投入 1,000 多個小時進行翻新。)

Morrison 希望在中央池塘周圍增加一片廣闊的草坪,以提供一個反思的空間。邊界容納了 4,000 多朵獨立的花朵,其中包括戴安娜最喜歡的一些花朵,例如勿忘我。


揭幕儀式上,王子們發表了一份聲明:「今天,在我們母親 60 歲生日之際,我們記住了她的愛、力量和性格——這些品質使她成為世界上向善的力量,改變了無數人的生活。 更好的。」


「感謝 Ian Rank-Broadley、Pip Morrison 和他們的團隊所做的出色工作,感謝幫助實現這一目標的朋友和捐助者,以及世界上所有讓我們母親被大家記住的人。」

原文轉載自 Vogue UK

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge with garden designer Pip Morrison, arrive for the unveiling of a statue they commissioned of their mother Diana, Princess of Wales, in the Sunken Garden at Kensington Palace
Photo by Dominic Lipinski - WPA Pool/Getty Images

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge with garden designer Pip Morrison, arrive for the unveiling of a statue they commissioned of their mother Diana, Princess of Wales, in the Sunken Garden at Kensington Palace

Photo by Dominic Lipinski - WPA Pool/Getty Images