今年秋天,有許多新書非常適合那些想要裝飾書櫃並激發好奇心的人。譬如 Bill Cunningham 街頭風格照片的第一本專集,或“ My Name of Prince ”,這是對這位偉大歌手職業生涯晚期的視覺頌歌。對於室內設計愛好者來說,有一本專門介紹牆紙公司Zuber的書,時裝迷會為Lagerfeld:Chanel Shows瘋狂。在下面,選購買我們最喜歡的咖啡桌書,這些書要不剛發行要不即將發行。
John Galliano for Dior $150 amazon.com
Vogue on Location: People, Places, Portraits $60 amazon.com
A Booklover’s Guide to New York $30 barnesandnoble.com
Francois Halard: A Visual Diary $95 amazon.com
Avedon: Behind the Scenes, 1964-1980 $70 amazon.com
Linda McCartney: The Polaroid Diaries $50 amazon.com
Born to Party, Forced to Work $80 amazon.com
Greco Disco: The Art and Design of Luke Edward Hall $65 barnesandnoble.com
Lagerfeld: The Chanel Shows $75 amazon.com
The New Black Vanguard: Photography between Art and Fashion $50 amazon.com
Atlas of Mid-Century Modern Houses $150 amazon.com
William Morris’s Flowers $20 barnesandnoble.com
Cinema on Paper $95 assouline.com
Bill Cunningham: On the Street: Five Decades of Iconic Photography $65 barnesandnoble.com
Zuber: Two Centuries of Panoramic Wallpaper $75 barnesandnoble.com
Elise Taylor