寶石重473.82克拉 被稱為最奢華的系列

說 Magnifica 系列為最可體現 BVLGARI 的靈魂也絕不為過,每件作品設計大膽前衛,充滿獨特性,如具有九種佩戴方法,以幾何圖案交織而成的 Ruby Metamorphosis 項鍊和猶如盛開的花朵似的 Sapphire Petal 項鍊,律動感十足,每個設計也展現出品牌破格和不妥協的格調,而且系列所採用的每顆寶石都經過精心切割,透過工匠靈巧的手腕,將多種奢華奪目的寶石鑲嵌在設計上,其中 Mediterranean Queen 項鍊更用上 2,400 小時才完成鑲嵌工序,盡顯品牌的匠心精神。

另外,Magnifica 作為高級珠寶系列的新成員,品牌在挑選珠寶上也花了不少心思,以Mediterranean Queen 項鍊為例,由五顆橢圓形枕形切割帕拉伊巴碧璽作主角,重 473.82 卡,其猶如海洋般的藍綠色澤,與祖母綠和鑽石互相配合,令人聯想到大自然的好風光,而且每開採約一萬顆鑽石才能發現一顆帕拉伊巴碧璽,絕對可稱為稀世珍寶,難怪系列甫推出已被稱為歷史上最奢華的系列。Bello Banfatto 在意大利文中解作美麗而精巧,簡潔概括了全新系列的精髓。飽滿的彩色寶石與傳奇美鑽遇上巨匠級工藝,林嘉欣以最從容的姿態演繹,以自若態度定義奢華藝術。

Mediterranean Queen 項鏈的主角當然是五顆總重約 500 卡的橢圓形枕形切割帕拉依巴碧璽,以祖母綠和鑽石襯托,工匠更需要用上2,400 小時才能完成,稱它為大師級作品絕對是當之無愧。

Mediterranean Queen 項鏈的主角當然是五顆總重約 500 卡的橢圓形枕形切割帕拉依巴碧璽,以祖母綠和鑽石襯托,工匠更需要用上2,400 小時才能完成,稱它為大師級作品絕對是當之無愧。

BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry ring in yellow gold with 1 oval brownish orange topaz (20,72 ct) and pavé-set diamonds (3.7ct) BVLGARI Serpent High Jewelry secret watch in rose gold with Akoya pears (225.5ct), cabochon rubellite, cabochon mandarine garnets, pear rubellites, pear mandarine garnets (Total 19.94ct), and diamonds (37.84ct), all BVLGARI. Top, Dion Lee from Lane Crawford.

BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry ring in yellow gold with 1 oval brownish orange topaz (20,72 ct) and pavé-set diamonds (3.7ct) BVLGARI Serpent High Jewelry secret watch in rose gold with Akoya pears (225.5ct), cabochon rubellite, cabochon mandarine garnets, pear rubellites, pear mandarine garnets (Total 19.94ct), and diamonds (37.84ct), all BVLGARI. Top, Dion Lee from Lane Crawford.

BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry necklace in platinum with 1 oval ruby (7,40ct) , buff-top rubies (9.65ct) and diamonds (19.28ct) . BVLGARI High Jewelry earrings in platinum with rubies(4.35ct) and diamonds (5.49ct), all BVLGARI. Dress, Nanushka from Lane Crawford.

BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry necklace in platinum with 1 oval ruby (7,40ct) , buff-top rubies (9.65ct) and diamonds (19.28ct) . BVLGARI High Jewelry earrings in platinum with rubies(4.35ct) and diamonds (5.49ct), all BVLGARI. Dress, Nanushka from Lane Crawford.

品牌標誌性的蛇形,以全新姿態呈現在BVLGARI Hypnotic Emerald 頸鏈上。

品牌標誌性的蛇形,以全新姿態呈現在BVLGARI Hypnotic Emerald 頸鏈上。

BVLGARI Imperial Spinel採用世界上第四大已知尖晶石,再次展現品牌的獨特性。

BVLGARI Imperial Spinel採用世界上第四大已知尖晶石,再次展現品牌的獨特性。

繆斯女神致敬 為新時代女性寫下新定義

林嘉欣近年除了專注在演藝事業外,也開始鑽研於陶藝和攝影,在生活中尋找新節奏,成為了不少女性的學習對象。事實上,Magnifica 高級珠寶系列中也有部分作品是將不少傑出女性化身成繆斯女神而創作出來,包括以中國作家張愛玲傳奇的一生作感靈的 Imperial Diamond 和 參照傳奇建築師 Zaha Hadid擅長的曲線和不規則幾何形狀,設計而成的BVLGARI Fluid Tanzanite,憑藉她們大膽地突破舊有框架,重新塑造女性的模樣,這正是品牌所追求的價值。

中國作家張愛玲的著作,被稱現代西方稱為最有影響力遠東作家之一,而 Imperial Diamond 創作靈感的正是源自她的傳奇的一生。

中國作家張愛玲的著作,被稱現代西方稱為最有影響力遠東作家之一,而 Imperial Diamond 創作靈感的正是源自她的傳奇的一生。

除了張愛玲外,品牌也向 Zaha Hadid 獨特的建築風格致敬,運用她擅長的曲線和不規則幾何形狀,設計出BVLGARI Fluid Tanzanite。同時,可見到品牌對不同領域的藝術也有所追求。

除了張愛玲外,品牌也向 Zaha Hadid 獨特的建築風格致敬,運用她擅長的曲線和不規則幾何形狀,設計出BVLGARI Fluid Tanzanite。同時,可見到品牌對不同領域的藝術也有所追求。

BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry necklace in platinum with 1 cushion sapphire (12,08 ct), buff-top sapphires (14,15 ct), and diamonds (45ct). BVLGARI High Jewelry earrings in white gold with blue sapphire (4.2ct) and diamonds (2.84ct). BVLGARI Serpent Romani High Jewelry secret watch in white gold with sapphires (43ct) and diamonds (63ct). BVLGARI High Jewelry ring in white gold with sapphire (4.3ct) and diamonds, all BVLGARI. Blazar, Givenchy. Bra top and pants,all Fendi.

BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry necklace in platinum with 1 cushion sapphire (12,08 ct), buff-top sapphires (14,15 ct), and diamonds (45ct). BVLGARI High Jewelry earrings in white gold with blue sapphire (4.2ct) and diamonds (2.84ct). BVLGARI Serpent Romani High Jewelry secret watch in white gold with sapphires (43ct) and diamonds (63ct). BVLGARI High Jewelry ring in white gold with sapphire (4.3ct) and diamonds, all BVLGARI. Blazar, Givenchy. Bra top and pants,all Fendi.

BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry necklace in platinum with 1 pear emerald (6,86 ct) and diamonds (37.35ct). BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry earrings in platinum with 2 pear emeralds (16.8ct) and diamonds(4.03ct) BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry ring in platinum with 1 round emerald (14,09 ct), buff-top emeralds (1,47 ct) and diamonds (2.15ct). BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewerly bracelet in white gold with emeralds (5.18ct) and diamonds (24.3ct), all BVLGARI. Bodysuit, Dior. Bra top, Miu Miu.

BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry necklace in platinum with 1 pear emerald (6,86 ct) and diamonds (37.35ct). BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry earrings in platinum with 2 pear emeralds (16.8ct) and diamonds(4.03ct) BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry ring in platinum with 1 round emerald (14,09 ct), buff-top emeralds (1,47 ct) and diamonds (2.15ct). BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewerly bracelet in white gold with emeralds (5.18ct) and diamonds (24.3ct), all BVLGARI. Bodysuit, Dior. Bra top, Miu Miu.

BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry necklace in pink gold with 1 heart-shaped tanzanite (50,76 ct), sapphires (9.78ct) and diamonds (21,43ct), BVLGARI. Dress, Louis Shenglao Chen.Dress, Louis Shenglao Chen.

BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry necklace in pink gold with 1 heart-shaped tanzanite (50,76 ct), sapphires (9.78ct) and diamonds (21,43ct), BVLGARI. Dress, Louis Shenglao Chen.Dress, Louis Shenglao Chen.


作為羅馬珠寶世家的 BVLGARI,經常會從古羅馬文化中涉取靈感,如以古羅馬競技場作設計藍本的 B.zero 1,而在 Magnifica 系列也不例外。在林嘉欣身上所佩戴的 Prodigious Colour 項鍊,由紫水晶、黃水晶、紅寶石、藍色托帕石和粉晶等彩色寶石拼湊而成,大膽破格,每顆珠寶在工匠巧手下打造成蛋面寶石切割,令人聯想到羅馬建築的圓頂設計。而值得一提的,是 BVLGARI 為最早使用彩色寶石於高級珠寶創作的品牌,為業界創先河,透過 Prodigious Colour 項鍊再次印證品牌對色彩運用的純熟程度,營造出富活力之餘,又不失高貴格調的感覺。

除了向古羅馬致敬外,BVLGARI亦為 Prodigious Colour 項鍊增添更深層次的義意:色彩極為豐富的 Prodigious Colour 項鍊設計啟發自 Artemisia Gentileschi —— 首位成功的女畫家,擅於大膽的色彩運用讓她在藝術史中留下足跡,更重要的是她打破舊有文化規範,為後代女性藝術家樹立榜樣,由對顏色的熱愛到勇於創新也與品牌不謀而合,毫無懸念地成為品牌的繆斯,而 Prodigious Colour 項鍊無疑是品牌的得意之作。

林嘉欣所佩戴的Prodigious Colour 項鍊正是啟發自擅於大膽的色彩運用 Artemisia Gentileschi —— 首位成功在在藝術史中留下足跡的女畫家,更重要的是她打破舊有文化規範,為後代女性藝術家樹立榜樣;另外,珠寶在工匠靈巧手腕下打造成蛋面寶石切割,向羅馬建築的圓頂設計致敬。(BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry necklace in pink gold with rubellite, topaz, citrine, amethyst, rose quartz, fancy tourmalines, st (total 287.9 ct) and diamonds. BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry earrings in pink gold with green tourmaline, amethyst, 3, aquamarine and diamonds (total 32.65 ct), all BVLGARI. skirt, all Prada.)

林嘉欣所佩戴的Prodigious Colour 項鍊正是啟發自擅於大膽的色彩運用 Artemisia Gentileschi —— 首位成功在在藝術史中留下足跡的女畫家,更重要的是她打破舊有文化規範,為後代女性藝術家樹立榜樣;另外,珠寶在工匠靈巧手腕下打造成蛋面寶石切割,向羅馬建築的圓頂設計致敬。(BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry necklace in pink gold with rubellite, topaz, citrine, amethyst, rose quartz, fancy tourmalines, st (total 287.9 ct) and diamonds. BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry earrings in pink gold with green tourmaline, amethyst, 3, aquamarine and diamonds (total 32.65 ct), all BVLGARI. skirt, all Prada.)

BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry necklace in yellow gold with spinels (15.62ct) and diamonds (32.25ct). BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry bracelet in yellow gold with chrysoberyl (12.54ct), spinels (15.5ct) and diamonds (8.52c1). BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry ring in yellow gold with 1 oval brownish orange topaz (20,72 ct) and pavé-set diamonds (3.7ct) , all BVLGARI. Top, Dion Lee from Lane Crawford. Pants, Alice + Olivia from Lane Crawford.

BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry necklace in yellow gold with spinels (15.62ct) and diamonds (32.25ct). BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry bracelet in yellow gold with chrysoberyl (12.54ct), spinels (15.5ct) and diamonds (8.52c1). BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewelry ring in yellow gold with 1 oval brownish orange topaz (20,72 ct) and pavé-set diamonds (3.7ct) , all BVLGARI. Top, Dion Lee from Lane Crawford. Pants, Alice + Olivia from Lane Crawford.

BVLGARI Color Legacy 頸鏈用上 16 顆橢圓形紅碧璽、32 顆圓頂紫水晶、15 顆梨形鑽石,以及圓形明亮式切割和密鑲鑽石,再次印證品牌對設計的破格精神及色彩運用的技巧。

BVLGARI Color Legacy 頸鏈用上 16 顆橢圓形紅碧璽、32 顆圓頂紫水晶、15 顆梨形鑽石,以及圓形明亮式切割和密鑲鑽石,再次印證品牌對設計的破格精神及色彩運用的技巧。

Fashion and Creative Director: Sean K.
Photographer: Karl Lam
Producer: Katherine Ho
Makeup Artist: Will Wong
Hair Stylist: Bart Choi
Fashion Assistants: Foxla Chiu & Pianca Ngan

In Partnership with BVLGARI