CHANEL 今日宣布為香港時尚界發表了一令人興奮的新消息,便是品牌將於11月5日在香港舉辦2024/25早春度假系列時裝展,從法國馬賽移師到香港舞台重演,發表由 Virginie Viard 帶來的創意設計,並將再次鞏固品牌與香港這座城市聯繫。

事實上,CHANEL 早亦與香港結下不解之緣。早在2006年3月,當時前任創意總監 Karl Lagerfeld 便率先選址香港(當時在世界各地舉行時裝展並不如現今常見),於邵氏影城舉辦 2006年春夏高訂系列時裝展,為觀眾們呈現了一場獨特而難忘的時尚盛宴,更是當時CHANEL首個移師到亞洲地區舉行Haute Couture發佈會的地方,讓人們不用遠赴巴黎亦可一睹品牌的精湛工藝。

Fashion Designer Karl Lagerfeld (L) is accompanied by a model as he leaves the catwalk after presenting more than 50 garments at a show in Hong Kong, 24 March 2006. Chanel were presenting their 2006 Spring-Summer Haute Couture collection. AFP PHOTO/MIKE CLARKE (Photo by Mike CLARKE / AFP) (Photo credit should read MIKE CLARKE/AFP via Getty Images)

Fashion Designer Karl Lagerfeld (L) is accompanied by a model as he leaves the catwalk after presenting more than 50 garments at a show in Hong Kong, 24 March 2006. Chanel were presenting their 2006 Spring-Summer Haute Couture collection. AFP PHOTO/MIKE CLARKE (Photo by Mike CLARKE / AFP) (Photo credit should read MIKE CLARKE/AFP via Getty Images)

值得留意是,CHANEL 一直視香港為重要市場,自 Karl Lagerfeld 年代至今一直先後在港舉辦多場大型活動,像2008年於中環天星碼頭舉辦的《CHANEL Mobile Art》展覽,以至2018年於中環PMQ舉行《Mademoiselle Privé Hong Kong》展覽,以至近年與 M+ 攜手的各種藝術活動,如今時隔 18年終於再度於香港舉辦時裝展,實在令人期待。


Hong Kong, CHINA: Fashion Designer Karl Lagerfeld (2R) is accompanied by models as he leaves the catwalk after presenting more than 50 garments at a show in Hong Kong, 24 March 2006. Chanel were presenting their 2006 Spring-Summer Haute Couture collection. AFP PHOTO/MIKE CLARKE (Photo credit should read MIKE CLARKE/AFP via Getty Images)

Hong Kong, CHINA: Fashion Designer Karl Lagerfeld (2R) is accompanied by models as he leaves the catwalk after presenting more than 50 garments at a show in Hong Kong, 24 March 2006. Chanel were presenting their 2006 Spring-Summer Haute Couture collection. AFP PHOTO/MIKE CLARKE (Photo credit should read MIKE CLARKE/AFP via Getty Images)

Models take to the catwalk at a fashion show in Hong Kong, 24 March 2006. Chanel were presenting their 2006 Spring-Summer Haute Couture collection. AFP PHOTO/MIKE CLARKE (Photo by MIKE CLARKE / AFP) (Photo by MIKE CLARKE/AFP via Getty Images)

Models take to the catwalk at a fashion show in Hong Kong, 24 March 2006. Chanel were presenting their 2006 Spring-Summer Haute Couture collection. AFP PHOTO/MIKE CLARKE (Photo by MIKE CLARKE / AFP) (Photo by MIKE CLARKE/AFP via Getty Images)

但為什麼是「香港」呢? Chanel 時裝業務總監Bruno Pavlovsky 對 《Vogue Hong Kong》說道:「CHANEL在香港已經經營了相當長的時間,不是新來者,擁有龐大的本地客戶群,亦有一定的地位。對我們來說,香港是一個重要的成衣市場,尤其品牌業務與時尚成衣的關係密切,更讓我們深信有必要在這個城市持續引領這個領域。」——從過去、現在還是未來,CHANEL 和香港之間的聯繫生生不息,讓我們一同期待11月5日上演的時裝展,並密切留意《Vogue Hong Kong》報導。