Chanel 從本月開始,更改了英國、韓國地區的手袋銷售政策,每位顧客每年只能購買只最受歡迎的手袋「Classic Flap Bag」和「Coco Handle」其中的一款,同時也只能限制顧客每年購買一內三件以下的相同其他小型皮件產品。

PARIS, FRANCE - MAY 11: General view of the Chanel store which is open at Place Vendome on May 11, 2020 in Paris, France. France has begun a gradual easing of its lockdown measures and restrictions amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has spread to many countries across the world, claiming over 280,000 lives and infecting over 4 million people. (Photo by Edward Berthelot/Getty Images)

PARIS, FRANCE - MAY 11: General view of the Chanel store which is open at Place Vendome on May 11, 2020 in Paris, France. France has begun a gradual easing of its lockdown measures and restrictions amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has spread to many countries across the world, claiming over 280,000 lives and infecting over 4 million people. (Photo by Edward Berthelot/Getty Images)

自大流行開始以來,Chanel 已多次提高手袋的價格,這不僅單純是因原材料和運輸成本的增加,更是一種控制其分佈的策略。


AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS - MAY 9: People line up to enter a Chanel store in P.C. Hoofstraat (Pieter Cornelisz Hooftstraat) luxury fashion shopping street on May 9, 2020 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. (Photo by Yuriko Nakao/Getty Images)

AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS - MAY 9: People line up to enter a Chanel store in P.C. Hoofstraat (Pieter Cornelisz Hooftstraat) luxury fashion shopping street on May 9, 2020 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. (Photo by Yuriko Nakao/Getty Images)

事實上,像 Chanel 在內等奢侈品牌的產品在二手市場非常活躍,更充斥着各種轉售、代購,甚至有買手會一次性購入多個熱門產品(像 Classic Flap Bag 和 Coco Handle 便是熱門的「保值」手袋)進行囤貨,讓熱門奢侈品在市場供不應求的時候,再以高價賣出——這都是針對那些熱愛奢侈品牌的消費者願意付出高於商品價值的代價,為求買到產品的心理。

為改善相關現象,Chanel 便希望透過限購政策,讓真正熱愛它們品牌商品的消費者買到喜愛的商品,並維持奢侈品市場的有秩序發展。雖以上安排暫未適用本港,但未知相關限購措拖會否在不久的將來實施?

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