不管你是演員還是夢想成為演員, 工作就是工作,而我認為身心健康更加重要。

Park Shin Hye

Jewellery, all BVLGARI. Top, skirt, belt and shoes, all Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello.

Jewellery, all BVLGARI. Top, skirt, belt and shoes, all Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello.

朴信惠是與我們一起成長的演員。2003 年時僅僅 13 歲的她演出《天國的階梯》(2003)讓人印象深刻,在大小熒幕上綻放光芒,成為韓國最多才多藝的女演員之一。從在《原來是美男》(2009)中飾演天真單純的少女,到《愛上 Pinocchio》(2014)中堅毅的記者,再到最近的《低谷醫生》(2024)中情緒崩潰的麻醉師,朴信惠塑造的角色陪伴着各個世代的觀眾走過他們的人生。

Serpenti high jewellery earring in yellow and white gold with rubies and diamonds, Serpenti high jewellery necklace and bracelet in white gold with diamonds, Serpenti ring in white gold with emeralds and pavé diamonds, all BVLGARI. Top, skirt, belt and shoes, all Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello.

Serpenti high jewellery earring in yellow and white gold with rubies and diamonds, Serpenti high jewellery necklace and bracelet in white gold with diamonds, Serpenti ring in white gold with emeralds and pavé diamonds, all BVLGARI. Top, skirt, belt and shoes, all Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello.

其實,一名出色的演員到底要具備甚麼樣的條件?有人可能會歸因於天賦或難以捉摸的魅力,但朴信惠的回答截然不同,令人耳目一新。她直言:「如果有人有足夠的精神和體力,負責任地完成整個項目,那不就已經是一位出色演員嗎?」在行業不惜奮鬥了 20 餘載,一路走來並不易,而朴信惠全靠的就是一顆堅持不懈、踏實的心。

Divas' Dream high jewellery necklace in rose gold with tanzanite, tanzanite beads, diamonds and sapphires, Divas' Dream high jewellery earring in rose gold with tanzanites, diamonds and sapphires, Divas' Dream watch in rose gold with diamonds, dial set with blue wood elements and blue alligator bracelet Divas' Dream rings in rose gold with mother of pearl and diamonds, all BVLGARI. Dress, Sportmax.

Divas' Dream high jewellery necklace in rose gold with tanzanite, tanzanite beads, diamonds and sapphires, Divas' Dream high jewellery earring in rose gold with tanzanites, diamonds and sapphires, Divas' Dream watch in rose gold with diamonds, dial set with blue wood elements and blue alligator bracelet Divas' Dream rings in rose gold with mother of pearl and diamonds, all BVLGARI. Dress, Sportmax.

VOGUE HK: 你之前曾到訪香港與粉絲見面和參加活動,在香港的經歷如何?
PARK SHIN HYE: 提到香港,不得不提到它燦爛迷人的夜景、有趣的太平山纜車之旅,以及我最愛的各種美食。事實上,有一家點心店我每次來香港都必定會去。(笑)由於疫情的緣故,我已經很久沒有來過這座城市了。香港不僅是我工作的地方,也是我渴望再次前往旅遊的目的地!

Serpenti high jewellery necklace in white gold with emeralds and diamonds and Serpenti ring in white gold with emeralds and diamonds, all BVLGARI. Blazer and dress, all Mark Gong.

Serpenti high jewellery necklace in white gold with emeralds and diamonds and Serpenti ring in white gold with emeralds and diamonds, all BVLGARI. Blazer and dress, all Mark Gong.

VOGUE HK: 你最近的作品《低谷醫生》在網上引起了轟動。您能否與合作演員朴炯植分享一些有趣的幕後花絮?
PARK SHIN HYE: 與其說是具體的幕後故事,不如說我有很多拍攝過程中愉快的回憶。這是我和朋友們很久沒有合作的作品了。多虧有朴炯植作為我的搭檔,我才能真正享受拍攝的過程。演員在拍攝時通常會感到很大壓力,但和朴炯植在一起時,我反而能夠放鬆地投入其中!我們做了很多即興發揮。(笑) 我想這要歸功於朴炯植,是他讓我們能夠自然地進行一些事先沒有商量好的即興表演。

Serpenti high jewellery earring in yellow and white gold with diamonds and rubies, Serpenti high jewellery necklace and bracelet in white gold with diamonds and Serpenti ring in white gold with emeralds and diamonds, all BVLGARI. Top, Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello.

Serpenti high jewellery earring in yellow and white gold with diamonds and rubies, Serpenti high jewellery necklace and bracelet in white gold with diamonds and Serpenti ring in white gold with emeralds and diamonds, all BVLGARI. Top, Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello.

VOGUE HK: 你是一位能駕馭不同類型角色的多才多藝的女演員。你通常會如何準備自己去詮釋一個與你完全不同性格或經歷的角色?
PARK SHIN HYE: 我認為在全身心投入一個項目中,堅持是最重要的。由於拍攝項目並非短期,你需要有足夠的體力來順利完成整個項目。對於從未經歷過的角色或人物,我傾向於大量想象。我會參考其他媒體作品、與各種人交流來獲取靈感,孜孜不倦地學習不同方面的知識。

Serpenti earrings in white gold with emeralds and diamonds, Serpenti high jewellery necklace and bracelet in white gold with emeralds and diamonds, all BVLGARI. Top, Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello.

Serpenti earrings in white gold with emeralds and diamonds, Serpenti high jewellery necklace and bracelet in white gold with emeralds and diamonds, all BVLGARI. Top, Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello.

VOGUE HK: 你從小就夢想成為演員嗎?在你的演藝生涯中,有沒有一個轉折點讓你下定決心繼續演戲?
PARK SHIN HYE: 我年輕的時候從未夢想過成為演員,是意外開始接觸這個行業的。在做演員的過程中,我放棄了生活中的很多東西,所以我從未懷疑過這條道路是否正確,但我也沒有遇到過讓我想要重新考慮演員這條路的困難時刻。並不是說演戲是我的命運,但有時候我會發現演戲很有趣!當我想念站在鏡頭前表演的時刻或者覺得這份工作很有意義時,我就會告訴自己我喜歡這份工作並且享受其中。

Serpenti high jewellery earring, necklace and bracelet in yellow and white gold with diamonds and rubies and Serpenti Viper rings in rose gold with diamonds, all BVLGARI. Dress, Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello.

Serpenti high jewellery earring, necklace and bracelet in yellow and white gold with diamonds and rubies and Serpenti Viper rings in rose gold with diamonds, all BVLGARI. Dress, Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello.

VOGUE HK: 你介紹一下你即將出演的電視劇《來自地獄的法官》以及你飾演的角色嗎?
PARK SHIN HYE: 我的角色 Kang Bit-na 是一種我從未演過的角色。她的表達方式與我之前飾演的角色不同,她喜歡炫耀的東西,性格也不同,所以這角色非常有吸引力。我飾演的是一個來自地獄的惡魔,任務是無情地懲罰那些造成他人死亡卻毫無愧疚的人,並將他們送入地獄。我很期待能夠好好詮釋這個角色,但由於離播出還有很長時間⋯⋯我希望你能通過這部電視劇了解 她。(笑)

Serpenti high jewellery earring, necklace and bracelet in yellow and white gold with diamonds and rubies and Serpenti Viper rings in rose gold with diamonds, all BVLGARI. Dress, Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello.

Serpenti high jewellery earring, necklace and bracelet in yellow and white gold with diamonds and rubies and Serpenti Viper rings in rose gold with diamonds, all BVLGARI. Dress, Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello.

VOGUE HK: 你從所飾演的角色身上學到了最寶貴的一課是甚麼?
PARK SHIN HYE: 身邊有好的人是很寶貴的。如果你身邊有真誠善良的人,我認為這是最值得感恩和快樂的事情了。在演戲過程中會有各種人物出現,有幫助主角的,也有騷擾他們的,會發生不想要的情況,有時也會與好人產生誤解,但最終,真誠和真理總是會顯現出來,所以我認為不要失去身邊的好人是很重要的。抱持這種想法,會讓我更感恩身邊有好的人。

Serpenti high jewellery necklace in rose gold with mother of pearl and diamonds, Serpenti Spiga double-spiral watch in rose gold case with diamonds, malachite dial and rose gold bracelet with diamonds , Serpenti Viper rose gold hoop earrings with diamonds and Serpenti Viper rings in rose gold with diamonds, all BVLGARI. Dress, Givenchy.

Serpenti high jewellery necklace in rose gold with mother of pearl and diamonds, Serpenti Spiga double-spiral watch in rose gold case with diamonds, malachite dial and rose gold bracelet with diamonds , Serpenti Viper rose gold hoop earrings with diamonds and Serpenti Viper rings in rose gold with diamonds, all BVLGARI. Dress, Givenchy.

VOGUE HK: 你如果你沒有成為演員,在另一個平行宇宙裏,你認為你會從事甚麼樣的職業,為甚麼?
PARK SHIN HYE: 以我想我會過一種普通的生活,也許會是上班族的一份子。由於從小學習鋼琴,我可能會從事與鋼琴相關的工作! 其實,我曾經個人夢想是成為警察。

Serpenti high jewellery necklace in white gold with emeralds and diamonds and Serpenti ring in white gold with emeralds and diamonds, all BVLGARI. Blazer and dress, all Mark Gong.

Serpenti high jewellery necklace in white gold with emeralds and diamonds and Serpenti ring in white gold with emeralds and diamonds, all BVLGARI. Blazer and dress, all Mark Gong.

VOGUE HK: 你希望你的作品如何影響下一代的演員 ?
PARK SHIN HYE: 做「演員」歸根究柢還是一份工作。如果我不快樂,任何事情都沒有意義,所以我試圖通過這份工作做自己想做的事情,確保當演員這個職業不會成為我生活中的唯一。也許正因為如此,我經常認為不要過於被這個職業本身所束縛。不管你是演員還是夢想成為演員,工作就是工作,而我認為身心健康更加重要。在從事這份工作的過程中,最關鍵的就是確保我的身心健康。我相信這不僅對從事這個行業的人來說很重要,對所有生活在這個時代的人來說都很重要。我希望每個人都能保持健康。

Photography: Kim Yeong Jun
Executive Producer: Lee Kyung Kim at BL Creative House
Style Editor: Foxla Chiu
On set stylist: Cha Ju Yeon
Makeup Artist: Lee Han Na Hair
Hair Stylist: Cha Se In
Manicurist: Lee Ji Hee
Production Assistants: Lee Jin Kyung & Park Mi Jeong