無論是《VOGUE》的時尚神話,抑或紐約大都會博物館的 Met Gala及Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty 展覽,Diana Vreeland(1903 – 1989)均功不可沒。在時尚編輯、Vogue 主編之位(1963 – 1971)退下來後,Diana Vreeland 還成為大都會博物館服裝學院的特別顧問,其對時尚界的影響力之深由此可以看出。
她還在第35任美國總統甘迺迪 Jack Kennedy 競選期間,為第一夫人 Jacqueline Kennedy 提供時尚風格方面的諮詢,並幫助她與時裝設計師 Oleg Cassini 建立聯繫。深愛粉紅、橘色的她,就連《VOGUE》在紐約 Conde Nast 總部的辦公室都佈置成一片粉色,說下,“Pink is the new black.” 出名眼光獨到,她同時是 Coco Chanel、Andy Warhol 摯友,晚年同樣縱橫時尚界,絲毫沒有間斷。以下,一起來欣賞這個時尚殿堂級編輯的經典哲學句子:
The only real elegance is in the mind; if you've got that, the rest really comes from it.
There's only one very good life and that's the life you know you want and you make it yourself.
I adore that pink, it is the navy blue of India!
If you have a long nose, hold it up and make it your trademark.
Diana Vreeland
It’s not about the dress you wear, but it’s about the life you lead in the dress.
You don't have to be born beautiful to be wildly attractive.
Too much good taste can be boring.
A new dress doesn’t get you anywhere. It's the life you’re living in the dress.
You gotta have style to get up in the morning.
I think when you’re young you should be a lot with yourself and your sufferings. Then one day you get out where the sun shines and the rain rains and the snow snows and it all comes together.
Karma CheungCredit
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