
1948年,當西方各國從二戰後緩慢復原之時,珠寶商 De Beers 展開了、從此顛覆我們對鑽石想像的廣告企劃——“Diamond is forever”,以鑽石象徵恆久永存的愛,鑽戒也成為了男士向愛侶表達此至不渝愛情的首選,鑽戒作為求婚「工具」的潮流從此蓆捲歐美,無名指上的閃耀同時代表了一個女人的幸福與快樂,其餘一切,都成了往事。

(Original Caption) Theatre-Goer. New York: Mrs. John F. Kennedy is all smiles as she leaves the Broadhurst Theatre after seeing the hit Broadway Musical Cabaret. It was reported December 20th that Mrs. Kennedy had at least seven objections to the publications of the controversial book, The Death of a President. One of these involves the chronicling of a grieving gesture of placing her ring in the slain President's finger in the hospital, and putting petroleum jelly on the ring to help slip it on. Mrs. Kennedy is here wearing the ring, which was eventually returned to her. The large ring is an engagement ring.
BOSTON - MAY 21: Diamond and emerald engagement ring. (Photo by Pat Greenhouse/The Boston Globe via Getty Images)
Joe DiMaggio and Marilyn Monroe kiss following their marriage ceremony in a judge's chambers in San Francisco, California.
(Original Caption) Theatre-Goer. New York: Mrs. John F. Kennedy is all smiles as she leaves the Broadhurst Theatre after seeing the hit Broadway Musical Cabaret. It was reported December 20th that Mrs. Kennedy had at least seven objections to the publications of the controversial book, The Death of a President. One of these involves the chronicling of a grieving gesture of placing her ring in the slain President's finger in the hospital, and putting petroleum jelly on the ring to help slip it on. Mrs. Kennedy is here wearing the ring, which was eventually returned to her. The large ring is an engagement ring.
BOSTON - MAY 21: Diamond and emerald engagement ring. (Photo by Pat Greenhouse/The Boston Globe via Getty Images)
Joe DiMaggio and Marilyn Monroe kiss following their marriage ceremony in a judge's chambers in San Francisco, California.
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近代不少名流的愛情故事,訂婚鑽戒都扮演着重要角色。1953年 Jackie Kennedy 與 John F. Kennedy 訂婚的消息傳出,目光馬上停留在她的訂婚戒指身上。出自法國殿堂珠寶世家 Van Cleef & Arpels 的設計,擁有一顆重達2.84卡的 emerald-cut 祖母綠,以及2.88​​卡的 emerald-cut 鑽石。傳奇影星 Marilyn Monroe 1955年與第二任丈夫 Joe DiMaggio 的訂婚鑽戒風頭也一時無倆。以鉑金鑲嵌,並擁有36顆長方形切割鑽石,完整地包圍着指環。有別於當時一顆主石的設計,鑽石360度環繞寓意生生不息的愛意,更贏得 “Eternity band” 的浪漫稱號。

American movie star Grace Kelly retired from acting in 1956 to marry Rainier III, and become Princess of Monaco. (Photo by Sunset Boulevard/Corbis via Getty Images)

American movie star Grace Kelly retired from acting in 1956 to marry Rainier III, and become Princess of Monaco. (Photo by Sunset Boulevard/Corbis via Getty Images)

而1956年摩納哥皇儲 Prince Rainier III 以一枚重達10.47卡的 Cartier 祖母綠切割鑽石戒指向 Grace Kelly 求婚,而這位漂亮優雅的摩納哥皇妃亦於婚宴上佩戴了 Cartier 的鑽飾。

(Original Caption) 1/23/1957-New York,NY-Actress Elizabeth Taylor & producer Mike Todd prepare to emplane at Idlewild Airport for Mexico City.The couple told reporters there is "no doubt" about their plans to wed, & Miss Taylor seems to signify by raising her left hand daintily--as daintily, that is, as one can raise a 29-carat "Rock"--to show the huge square-cut diamond "friendship ring" given to her by Todd.

(Original Caption) 1/23/1957-New York,NY-Actress Elizabeth Taylor & producer Mike Todd prepare to emplane at Idlewild Airport for Mexico City.The couple told reporters there is "no doubt" about their plans to wed, & Miss Taylor seems to signify by raising her left hand daintily--as daintily, that is, as one can raise a 29-carat "Rock"--to show the huge square-cut diamond "friendship ring" given to her by Todd.

一生經歷多次婚姻的 Elizabeth Taylor,每段婚姻都伴隨一顆閃耀的珠寶。1957年,第三任丈夫兼電影製作人 Mike Todd 以一枚29.4卡的 emerald-cut 鑽石訂婚戒指向她求婚。設計來自 Cartier,也因而令 emerald-cut 切割戒指再度流行。而她的第五段婚姻(對象為影星 Richard Burton),則以一枚33.19卡的 asscher cut 鑽戒公告天下,同時引發了一股巨鑽訂婚戒指潮流。

AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND - APRIL 18: Princess Diana Playing With Her Baby Son, Prince William, As He Sits On Her Lap During His First Official Photocall In The Gardens Of Government House. (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 16: Prince William and Kate Middleton pose for photographs in the State Apartments of St James Palace on November 16, 2010 in London, England. After much speculation, Clarence House today announced the engagement of Prince William to Kate Middleton. The couple will get married in either the Spring or Summer of next year and continue to live in North Wales while Prince William works as an air sea rescue pilot for the RAF. The couple became engaged during a recent holiday in Kenya having been together for eight years. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 16: A close up of Kate Middleton's engagement ring as she poses for photographs in the State Apartments with her fiance Prince William of St James Palace on November 16, 2010 in London, England. After much speculation, Clarence House today announced the engagement of Prince William to Kate Middleton. The couple will get married in either the Spring or Summer of next year and continue to live in North Wales while Prince William works as an air sea rescue pilot for the RAF. The couple became engaged during a recent holiday in Kenya having been together for eight years. (Photo by Arthur Edwards - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND - APRIL 18: Princess Diana Playing With Her Baby Son, Prince William, As He Sits On Her Lap During His First Official Photocall In The Gardens Of Government House. (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 16: Prince William and Kate Middleton pose for photographs in the State Apartments of St James Palace on November 16, 2010 in London, England. After much speculation, Clarence House today announced the engagement of Prince William to Kate Middleton. The couple will get married in either the Spring or Summer of next year and continue to live in North Wales while Prince William works as an air sea rescue pilot for the RAF. The couple became engaged during a recent holiday in Kenya having been together for eight years. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 16: A close up of Kate Middleton's engagement ring as she poses for photographs in the State Apartments with her fiance Prince William of St James Palace on November 16, 2010 in London, England. After much speculation, Clarence House today announced the engagement of Prince William to Kate Middleton. The couple will get married in either the Spring or Summer of next year and continue to live in North Wales while Prince William works as an air sea rescue pilot for the RAF. The couple became engaged during a recent holiday in Kenya having been together for eight years. (Photo by Arthur Edwards - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
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但要數近年最難忘的,必定是戴安娜王妃(Princess Diana)在1982年,從英國皇室御用珠寶商 Garrard 挑選的藍寶石訂婚戒指。重12卡橢圓形錫蘭藍寶石,被14顆鑽石包圍,帶領了當時彩色寶石訂婚戒指的復興。這杖戒指象徵一段童話式婚姻的憧情及破滅,以及戴妃去世後難以磨滅的傷痛。直到30年後,威廉王子帶着這杖已故母親的訂婚戒指向 Kate Middleton 求婚,戒指才重新煥發應有的光彩。

BURBANK, CA - JUNE 14: Kim Kardashian appears on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno at NBC Studios on June 14, 2011 in Burbank, California. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Tonight Show/Getty Images for The Tonight Show)
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - JANUARY 27: Hailey Bieber attends the premiere of YouTube Originals' "Justin Bieber: Seasons" at Regency Bruin Theatre on January 27, 2020 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Jean Baptiste Lacroix/FilmMagic)
BURBANK, CA - JUNE 14: Kim Kardashian appears on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno at NBC Studios on June 14, 2011 in Burbank, California. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Tonight Show/Getty Images for The Tonight Show)
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - JANUARY 27: Hailey Bieber attends the premiere of YouTube Originals' "Justin Bieber: Seasons" at Regency Bruin Theatre on January 27, 2020 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Jean Baptiste Lacroix/FilmMagic)
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另一對話題人物 Kim Kardashian 與 Kanye West,雖然這段婚姻如無意外將以離異收場,但重達15卡的 emerald-cut 訂婚鑽戒仍不減其光芒。即使來到 Gen Z 世代,鑽戒仍不減其魅力。Justin Bieber 贈予 Hailey Bieber 的訂婚鑽戒估計價值超過五十萬美元,橢圓形鑽石設計也突顯了新世代對訂婚戒指的簡約美學。然而鑽石再耀眼,它所盛載的愛情,才是讓一枚鑽飾永垂不朽的關鍵。