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Alongside LVMH Chairman & CEO, Bernard Arnault, discover the outstanding projects of our 2019 apprentices and meet the 300 new apprentices that will join this year’s class at the IME… 10 times more than when it was first launched in 2014! The LVMH Institut des Métiers d’Excellence (IME) is a vocational training program that enables apprentices to learn skills through a combination of classroom education at leading schools and hands-on experience in the workshops of LVMH Maisons and their partners. This program covers a wide range of métiers, including draping and tailoring, customer experience and vineyards and winemaking. LVMH broadens the IME year after year with new training courses thanks to various international collaborations (in Italy, Switzerland, and soon Spain), immersing the IME in a European dimension. This initiative reflects the fundamental importance of transmitting time-honored skills for the Group. #LVMH #LVMHtalents #IME #IMELVMH #craftsmanship #savoir-faire

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這種價值觀的是與非使《福布斯》億萬富豪榜更有參考價值,Bill Gates與Bernard Arnault的排名戰,其實反映了人類對生活的嚮往及期望。前者提供計劃未來,想像未來的工具;後者講求及時行樂,活在當下的態度。

Bill Gates
photo courtesy of Getty Images

Bill Gates

photo courtesy of Getty Images

截至7月17日,《福布斯》實時億萬富豪榜單顯示,LVMH老闆Bernard Arnault身價再次超越微軟創辦人Bill Gates,他以1125億美元的資產,再度成為第二大富豪。

另一邊廂,全球最大Fast Fashion 集團Zara母公司Inditex老闆Amancio Ortega資產自今年以來縮水25%,位列13。一直名列世界富豪榜前矛的他,現時資產驟降至 629 億美元,近5年來還首次跌出富豪榜前十名。此消息令業界一片嘩然,相信這變化因疫情長期關店有關。但是其集團的電商銷量一直增長,只能夠說,快時尚在2020年迎接的衝擊是最直接的。但是背後的真正原因是甚麼?我們不得由知了。