Iris Apfel,今年一百歲了! 這位高齡人士的衣着品味極具個人特色,而成為時尚界中永恆的靈感泉源和臨摹對象。適逢紐約時裝周,H&M 為 Iris Apfel 舉辦 100 歲生日派對,藉此宣佈將與 Iris Apfel 攜手推出全新合作系列。


NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 09: Iris Apfel celebrates her 100th Birthday Party with 100 friends at Central Park Tower on September 09, 2021 in New York City. (Photo by Noam Galai/Getty Images for Central Park Tower)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 09: Marilyn Kirschner attends Iris Apfel's 100th Birthday Party at Central Park Tower on September 09, 2021 in New York City. (Photo by Patrick McMullan/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images for Central Park Tower)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 09: Iris Apfel celebrates her 100th Birthday Party with 100 friends at Central Park Tower on September 09, 2021 in New York City. (Photo by Noam Galai/Getty Images for Central Park Tower)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 09: Marilyn Kirschner attends Iris Apfel's 100th Birthday Party at Central Park Tower on September 09, 2021 in New York City. (Photo by Patrick McMullan/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images for Central Park Tower)
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Iris Apfel x H&M 合作系列將以 Iris Apfel 為靈感,推出一系列極大膽、誇張、顏色鮮豔的服飾。系列以特珠的面料、特色的剪裁和圖案打造,包括有色彩鮮豔的套裝、印花圖案西裝、層疊荷葉邊連身裙和印花連身裙。飾物在Iris Apfel造型上不能少,而且越多越好,系列的配飾設計非常多,靈感源自 Iris Apfel 極具層次感的混搭造型和誇張風格,造型以植物、動物和奇珍異寶等為主題。該系列秉承可持續時尚的理念,所有服裝與配飾均由再生及更可持續來源的材料製成。

H&M x Iris Apfel
H&M x Iris Apfel
H&M x Iris Apfel
H&M x Iris Apfel
H&M x Iris Apfel
H&M x Iris Apfel
H&M x Iris Apfel
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在我看來,H&M 是當之無愧的時尚創新先驅 – 這正是我喜歡 H&M 的地方!我喜歡以親民價格配搭出高貴時尚的穿搭,而這正是 H&M 所擅長的!

Iris Apfel

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 09: A view of the atmosphere at Iris Apfel's 100th Birthday Party at Central Park Tower on September 09, 2021 in New York City. (Photo by Noam Galai/Getty Images for Central Park Tower)

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 09: A view of the atmosphere at Iris Apfel's 100th Birthday Party at Central Park Tower on September 09, 2021 in New York City. (Photo by Noam Galai/Getty Images for Central Park Tower)

Iris Apfel 是名副其實的時尚傳奇。她的風格不但華麗奪目、不拘一格,而且絕不因時間洗禮而褪色。她向世人展示了時尚的意義,就是如何表達自己理想的形象,同時享受當中的樂趣。她真的是時裝界的靈感泉源

H&M 創意顧問 Ann-Sofie Johansson

營造風格不在於花大錢。 重點不在於你穿什麼衣服或誰的品牌,重點在於穿搭給你的感受。 表達真實自我與態度的風格。

Iris Apfel

Iris 於 1921 年出生於紐約,在美國知名大學修讀藝術與時尚。 她是一位白手興家的女強人,有着多身份,除了是一名室內設計師,也是一名收藏家、時尚活躍份子,相信她是最年邁的KOL,紐約大都會博物館曾為她的收藏品舉辦展覽,Netflix則有 一部以她為主角的紀錄片。 Iris Aprel 的衣着非常有個人品味,100歲亦依然故我,誇張大圓眼鏡是他的標誌,以超浮誇和maximalism的風格為人熟悉, 雖然己是高齡人士,並沒有影響她對時尚的熱愛,打扮亦從不鬆懈,層層疊疊、用色大膽,「我沒有任何原則,因為我只會打破規則而已,所以這根本是浪費時間;對我來說,比起理性,一切都是靠勇氣。」,她不是單純以打扮影響別人,而是其態度。

Iris Apfel attends the 2011 CFDA Fashion Awards at Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center on June 6, 2011 in New York City.
NEW YORK, NY - OCTOBER 11: Iris Apfel attends Ashley Stark Hosts Iris Apfel for Accidental Icon a Conversation About Style and Design at Stark, Decoration and Design Building on October 11, 2012 in New York City. (Photo by Dustin Wayne Harris/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images)
NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 20: Designer Iris Apfel(L) and Fern Mallis pose for a photo at 92nd Street Y on May 2, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Brad Barket/Getty Images)
Iris Apfel attends the 2011 CFDA Fashion Awards at Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center on June 6, 2011 in New York City.
NEW YORK, NY - OCTOBER 11: Iris Apfel attends Ashley Stark Hosts Iris Apfel for Accidental Icon a Conversation About Style and Design at Stark, Decoration and Design Building on October 11, 2012 in New York City. (Photo by Dustin Wayne Harris/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images)
NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 20: Designer Iris Apfel(L) and Fern Mallis pose for a photo at 92nd Street Y on May 2, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Brad Barket/Getty Images)
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