時尚界的「老佛爺」Karl Lagerfeld在2019年2月19日在巴黎逝世,鋪天蓋地的追悼與弔唁恍如昨日。然而回看圈內人對他的追憶,無不是將重點放在了其待人處世的智慧和幽默,對於設計和行業的發展都有別樹一幟的看法和影響深遠的前瞻性。

出生在德國漢堡的Karl Lagerfeld 1965年開始與意大利品牌Fendi合作,是革新Chanel的幕後推手,後來將其願景推至個人同名品牌、攝影、書籍等領域。他為了穿Hedi Slimane的設計狂減90磅成為無人超越的例子,「工作至死」是他的座右銘,因其口無遮攔的言論更被人告上法庭⋯⋯種種事蹟只能用「傳奇」來形容他的一生。



重溫老佛爺 Karl Lagerfeld 的20個經典金句

Karl Lagerfeld經典金句#1

工作讓我遠離無聊(Work is making a living out of being bored.)

Karl Lagerfeld經典金句#2

如果你從事的行業令你誠惶誠恐,那你最好去做別的事。(If you’re in this business and you are scared, then you better do something else.)

Karl Lagerfeld經典金句#3

這個世上我最愛的莫過於一個新的開始。(What I love best in life is new starts.)

Karl Lagerfeld經典金句#4

我無法接受次等的選項,要就是要,不然就是不要,如果不是我想要的那樣子,我寧願不要看到它。(I am not a second option person. It is that or nothing. If it is not the way I see it I prefer not to see it.)



Karl Lagerfeld經典金句#5

你如果不大膽做白日夢,你的人生就是個噩夢。(If you don’t daydream your life is a nightmare.)

Karl Lagerfeld經典金句#6

(Don’t sacrifice yourself too much, because if you sacrifice too much there’s nothing else you can give and nobody will care for you.)

Karl Lagerfeld經典金句#7

我每天睡七小時。如果我在兩點上床,我會九點醒來。如果我十二點上床,我就在七點醒來,我不會早起。房屋可以倒倒塌,但我就睡七小時 (I sleep seven hours. If I go to bed at two, I wake up at nine. If I go to bed at midnight, I wake up at seven. I don’t wake up before – the house can fall apart, but I sleep for seven hours.)

Karl Lagerfeld經典金句#8

保留最好的,忘記其他。(Keep the best, forget the rest.)



Karl Lagerfeld經典金句#9

人生可不是選美比賽,人的智慧會存續,但青春和美貌則會過季。(Life isn’t a beauty contest. Intelligence lasts, youth and beauty are seasonal.)

Karl Lagerfeld經典金句#10

青春,是一種中年人的虛構人物,好讓其他人覺得自己更老。(Youth is an invention of middle-aged people to make others feel older.)

Karl Lagerfeld經典金句#11

我痛恨大家所說的懷舊美好時光,這讓現在像是二手貨一樣。(There is nothing worse than bringing up the ‘good old days.’ To me, that’s the ultimate acknowledgment of failure.)

Karl Lagerfeld經典金句#12

你必須活在當下,如果你覺得,從前比較好,或者未來會更好,那都是在過二手的人生。(You have to like the present; if not your life becomes secondhand, if you think it was better before. Or that it will be better in the future.)

Karl Lagerfeld經典金句#13

我從不懊悔或遺憾,每當提起過去,我就患了失憶症。(I feel no remorse and no regrets. I have amnesia when it comes to the past.)

Karl Lagerfeld經典金句#14

青春代表著你生活的方式,而不是你出生的年代。Youthfulness is about how you live not when you were born.

PARIS, FRANCE - SEPTEMBER 30: Fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld (C) aknowledges the applause of the audience after the Chanel show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2015 on September 30, 2014 in Paris, France. (Photo by Dominique Charriau/WireImage)

PARIS, FRANCE - SEPTEMBER 30: Fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld (C) aknowledges the applause of the audience after the Chanel show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2015 on September 30, 2014 in Paris, France. (Photo by Dominique Charriau/WireImage)

Karl Lagerfeld經典金句#15

奢華是穿著一件昂貴的禮服卻如T恤般輕鬆舒適(Luxury is the ease of a t-shirt in a very expensive dress.)

Karl Lagerfeld經典金句#16

時尚是一種在衣服裡創造出來詮釋現實的語言。(Fashion is a language that creates itself in clothes to interpret reality.)

Karl Lagerfeld經典金句#17

一個得體的外表總能有效引起別人對於探究你內在靈魂的興趣。(A respectable appearance is sufficient to make people more interested in your soul.)

Karl Lagerfeld經典金句#18

黑與白看起來就是「modern」,管它這個字是什麼意思。(Black-and-white always looks modern, whatever that word means. )

Karl Lagerfeld經典金句#19

『再沒有時尚』是荒謬的說法。無時尚的時尚仍然是時尚。而時尚是不會等人的火車,要不快上車,要不它便消失。(To say that there is no fashion anymore is ridiculous. The fashion of no-fashion is still fashion. And fashion is a train that waits for nobody. Get on it, or it’s gone.)

Karl Lagerfeld經典金句#20

風格是什麼,風格是從打破常規,擊碎已被接受的現實開始。(What is a ‘style’? It starts with breaking away from convention, smashing accepted reality. )